Will they ever recover?

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why do you still watch this bald manchild

fuck off, seriously

this faggots opinion doesn't matter

>he doesn't think rtj3 is a 10/10


>I especially didn't like the songs in which Killer Mike just repeats "hol up I'ma kill da whites yo," and "hol up a sec... fuck white people" for several minutes.
what the fuck when did anthony fantano become so racist

>for sure
>for sure
what did quint mean by this

hes showing off a washed out album like it means he has taste
do you guys actually watch this

i think he probably didnt say that, but lol did he say that?

Holy shit Quint was waaaaay out of his league. Like stick to dancing on camera dude.

this album honestly does suck.

Wtf! I hate neo-socialism now?

Fuck this meme.
He gave it an 8.
He didn't pan it.
Bite me.

he did
those songs were the best songs of the album, if you don't like them you don't understand how punching up vs punching down works

Shut the fuck up and delete this faggot ass post. He fucking loved the album.


>Buttblasted RDJ fan
Wew lad

>retard who didn't watch the review or even look at the score FFS.
Also, I don't listen to Run the Jewels anyways. I'm just a causal viewer of Fantano and you're lying, mate. If anything

>Buttblasted Fantano fan

>didn't watch the review
>Buttblasted Fantano fan

>political hip hop

says the literal man.

>if you don't like them you don't understand how punching up vs punching down works
>Falling for SJW mental gymnastics

Are you bait baiting or just extremely new?

Never seen this guy's videos (nor want to), but as far as i observe he just trows shit at every album, am i wrong?


Nice bait, you freak.

yeah, he pretty much pans every album
the only album he gave a positive score was "the complete speeches" by adolf hitler

Quint seems like a nice guy but I really really disliked him


>inviting Big Quint to a review
that guy is only watched for his reactions, nobody gives a fuck what he actually has to say

just invite another Dehh member or d respect again

>"hol up I'ma kill da whites yo,"
>"hol up a sec... fuck white people"

Holy kek.

8/10 is a pretty bad score

t. ign

>those songs were the best songs of the album,
is that way

i have a feeling pitchfork will slightly pan it as well

Can the reddit retards please go back to where they came from last week?


The atleast stop falling for obvious bait newfriend



>anthony fantano reviews an album
>go on Sup Forums
>see why contrarians think he's wrong about everything
the cycle never stops

fantano is fucking up

this shit right here is AOTY

>mfw everytime killer mike says he's the shit

It's the exact same shit as their last two albums except
>Muh politics
makes it annoying as fuck

I fucking hate this gif

I liked it.

how new are you friend


nothing wrong with liking Aphex Twin desu

Her skin looks like it is made of plasticine

i never understood the hype around RTJ
both have have better solo albums

>giving this garbage anything more than 2/10

>better solo albums

El-P yes, Killer Mike no.

>gave this the same score as blonde

Fucking hack.

RAP Music is better than any El-P albums

mega link when

You can literally get it off of the official website for free.


Politics have always been in RTJ albums. Are you illiterate?


this is literally 95% of this album, the rest are instrumentals

im so tired of literal commie crybabies bitching about muh rich white plantation owner boogeyman when collabing with a FUCKING KIKE

You have to go back.

who are you? i never saw you before, you look patrician

Is it really that bad? I knew they've been really salty about Trump winning, but I found their last two albums alright despite some of the bullshit on it.

I am not going to listen to a bunch of crybabies whine about white people and how their shitty corrupt party platform isn't at fault for 45 minutes to an hour

Do redpills just sit in their rooms getting angry? Ive never got the lifestyle

I don't think they even mention Trump by name once in the album.

Just got back from a family dinner.

It's worse.
It's literally fuck all white matter white folk, fuck whitey, I smoke crack and fuck bitches while a kike mixes my shit.

It's not corrupt democracts bitching about corrupt republicans, it's niggers bitching about whitey keeping them down AGAIN.

If you're white you're a literal cuckold if you find this album enjoyable with its lyrics.
You cannot argue against this.

Well I wouldn't expect them to namedrop him, but I wouldn't be surprised if they heavily alluded to it.

All I've seen on this album is that it's politically overcharged nonsense from an overrated hip-hop group.

Kek, aren't one of the members white as fuck? I guess it's hard for me to give a shit about RTJ 3 because I never thought RTJ 2 was anything more than an okay album with pretty solid instrumentals. Feels like gangster music for privileged white kids (AKA their fanbase.)

>Ive never got the lifestyle

Either be a 15 year old sheltered suburban white kid with no real problems to complain about so they make them up


A 25+ year old virgin NEET failure who can't take responsibility for their own constant fuckups so they have to blame (((them)))

And you'll understand the mindset.

>aren't one of the members white as fuck?

Kikes only pose as white when it benefits them.
Here he is obviously not an oppresive whitey but a brave jew aiding his black brother in the fight against the apartheid.

The whole thing is just fucking disgusting.

>You cannot argue against this.

Nah but I can buy a copy so they'll keep making more and triggering you insecure neckbeards

What if you're a programmer who works in an environment where you don't give a fuck about being politically correct?

Off yourself, you feminine faggot.

>insecure neckbeards

So you are a literal cuckold.

>I mean, the majority of blacks don't even contribute anything to society. they are leeches getting fed by the man they think is the evil causing their problems, yet it's their own culture contributing to their misery

>muh PC culture!

And you wonder why no girls want to talk to you. Stay mad. And you probably should shower.

5 dollars says the only other tab you have open on your browser is




Niggers will always, always be inferior.
Niggerlovers will be the first to die.


its hard to keep up when you have double digit IQ

The love of your life, your one true soul mate, is out there right now planning on getting railed by three black dudes for NYE.

and all the production on it is done by El-P.

>basing your life around the vaginal demon
Just stop posting.

>said by somebody who's entire worldview is shaped by being salty over not getting pussy

Happy new year.

>run the jews
>supported by communist jew
Really gardens your flowers.

Every time you use an indoor toilet, get running water from your sink, cook your food on a stove, turn on the air conditioner on a hot day and get food out of your refrigerator you are enjoying the benefits of men who used their sexual energy in a productive way.
>Happy new year.
You two.

Who gives a fuck if there's some anti white sentiment. The album sounds GOOD. Proud to call it the first 10/10 of 2017.

Also before you call me a cuck, please understand that you're a stupid nigger for using that word unironically.

there is no anti-white shit on the album

that's literally a meme that shitposters made up

still not as bad as being friends and hanging out with a socialist, Kenyan, muslim poopslinger

Good. I havent had time to sit and actually listen to the lyrics in depth yet.

> you don't understand how punching up vs punching down works
>bullying is ok as long as it's towards to right people

When will you people stop parroting thought terminating cliches and actually think for yourself

When will reddit tier people stop being this easily baited?


>i love this traitor nigger piece of shit because he has the same col,or as me :^รบ

>Fuckin niggers keep ruining the music industry
>Seriously deserves a lynching
what did he mean by this?

He gave it a 8. What the fuck are you guys talking about?

calling Obama a socialist is an insult to socialists

Bearing in mind Anthony's already-professed annoyance at the trend in 'anti-trump' music, that's a good score. I haven't listened yet but I'm assuming the political aspects will be subtle or at least not offensive and preachy enough to warrant the response this board always has when an album explicitly disavows white supremacy as a philosophy.

they don't mention Trump at all on the album lol

they only get political in a somewhat vague sense, they're not really calling people out (except for a certain part where Mike disses CNN)

>the trend in 'anti-trump' music

he wasn't expressing annoyance at a 'trend' you maggot. he was expressing annoyance towards a very specific anti-trump campaign of mainstream artists writing incredibly shitty songs