Ask a pedofag anything

Ask a pedofag anything

how much do enjoy being white?

It's amazing

upload some photos



underage girls

I'm a fag

How do you cope with the knowledge that some day there will be a knock at your door? Do you plan on necking yourself once you get to county? Your normal life would be over at that point, I wouldn't see any reason to continue.

Why don't you hang yourself

I cry myself to sleep a lot.

Too much of apussy

What's your reason to live I don't have one

Sweet boy pussy

That will do

Tarl you fucking begged me for feet pics for days on end I found this guys number on here and he said he was gay and wanted to see my feet I recognize his face because he sent me a pic of him pouting asking to see my fucking feet, fuck you tarl you pedophile

This is OP's fucking number he's weird as fuck I started fucking with him one day after finding his number on here

So can I see your feet?

do you have battletoads?

I don't




Why you giving away my number

U go on the kingdom? Where magic happens ;)

No comment

Prove to us you're really a pedo.

Show us some proof of you being really a pedo (pictures or videos would suffice)

Also describe to us what you did to underage girls or boys that made you a pedo.


I don't normally take pic

This thread again?

Well then describe what you did...

Jesus christ.

Hi there, just passing trough your thread...



I tend to get them drunk, more pliable that way. Start kissing them, run my tongue all over them, make them suck me off or occasionally fuck them in their sweet tight sexy ass

>announcing that you reported.

Bravo, moralfag

Isn't he sexy

Fuck off that's not you it's just some beta with his cousin or nephew or some shit

OP is faggot liar, either fantasist or trying to raise personal army against pic related for his own faggot reasons

How much free candy can I take?

gingers don't have a soul tbh fam

Post some links

why are you still alive?


Depends how cute you are

Meaning there's nothing wrong with fucking them


Great question

how young is too young? Surely even you must have certain standards. Kids are pretty fucking gross IMHO. Boogers, jam covered faces.

At least you' about it.


8 and under normally.