There was any specific song, album or even a game or a movie that got you into music?

There was any specific song, album or even a game or a movie that got you into music?

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dude weed lmao and dark side of the moon. fucking changed my life

its probably not even in my top 100 albums anymore tho

not even memeing

I don't like it as much as I use to do now, but I still find it great.

I heard "Hello Goodbye" on an internet radio show when I was in middle school and it got me to check out The Beatles, then I got into Pink Floyd and Mike Oldfield from there. Now I have over a thousand albums in my iTunes and I listen to at least one new one every day.

Feels great, man.

Beethoven's Waldstein Sonata

first time I enjoyed contemporary music.

first album that i was really "obsessed" with, freshmen year of highschool i played this on loop everyday. made me realize music could be more than what was on the radio

I must've been 12 or 13 when I listened to this album for the first time. It completely changed my view on music. Before that, I was a dadrocker and a "music these days sucks" kid.

Second movement off of Beethoven's ninth, followed by "Theme" by PiL absolutely take the credit for turning me into the music loving faggot that I am today.


Before high school, I would only listen to maybe the 5 most popular songs from bands. Exile helped me appreciate albums as a whole.

I was about 14 when my mom introduced The Smiths to me. They are her favorite band and she would play them all the time in the car when I was younger but I didn't really pay attention to it. When I started to get into them I would vaguely remember songs from my earlier childhood and it definitely gave me feelings of nostalgia. I've loved them ever since. If I wouldn't have listened to them I would've probably been a scene kid listening to TOP or something lol

My older brother's The Wall CD.

Ok computer

Hey Ya by Outkast

The Beatles, as cliche as that is. My mom's work laptop had quite a few songs from the Beatles, Duran Duran, Dean Martin, and probably others, though I think it was probably a laptop she was borrowing from someone else. Started listening to the Beatles more after that and getting into other old stuff. Then branched out after that.

19 by Paul Hardcastle back in the 80's when it was in the charts

>used to listen to this album on my older sister's CD player and lip-sync the lyrics to B.Y.O.B. in the mirror

Why didn't my parents fucking stop me

Played this when I was 12, they played "Girl You have no faith in medicine" by The White Stripes and it was the first time I really liked a song. I looked into the band and listened to Elephant and here we are

Same. Except my sister in law bought The Beatles rock band game and I was curious. I got really obsessed but it died down haha

The beatles were a huge influence on me and reminded me of my passion for music, sgt. Peppers pretty much changed my life

I had been browsing Sup Forums for a while and ended up listening to otc's black foliage. Shit changed my whole perspective on music and got me into more psych and experimental music i suppose

The Beatles and The Doors got me really into music. Strawberry Fields and A Day were so strange to me when I first heard it and so different than the songs I used to listen before that I almost immediately loved them. Rocksmith got me into playing guitar and bass, but I'm still shit at them.

you posted it

i remember the first time i listened to sgt. pepper was on a bench swing at my grandparents house because there was nothing to do and it made me want to listen to everything

I'm gonna get made fun of for this, but it was seriously Kanye West for me.

>Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

It got me into psychedelic rock. So that got me into Jefferson Airplane. Then that opened doors to...The Doors, then so on.


Oh boy uh, the first song I ever downloaded and put on my phone to listen to is Umbrella by Rihanna. Before that I just listened to whatever was on the radio.

Soon after I started downloading shit like Black Eyed Peas, Usher, and all that. Basically whatever was popular at the time.

It wasn't until about 2012 that I got serious with music and expanded like crazy. Now I listen to more genres of music than any of my friends, and I haven't gone back to what I listened to pre-2012 since then.

I'm 18.

Why would this be memeing? This is a great album.

shit man I opened that image and now there's a ghost trapped in my taskbar telling me to download bonzi buddy baka

Disreali gears
Patrician as fuck at 12

fuck af jonas


Was actively seeking out new music trough Spotify and YouTube for a long time. This meant I heard lots of obscure stuff, where everything sounded fresh to me. When I found the Sup Forumscharts and RYM that changed. I realized there was quality album counterparts to almost all the music I listened to. For example, I'd heard quite a bit of shoegaze but not Loveless, post-rock but not Goodspeed etc. In all honesty though the music that blew my mind was NMH and ITAOTS really helped me get into to albums and this realm of crotically acclaimed records.
>"current music sucks"
>listens to album from 67
>no longer lewronggenerationer
okay buddy, makes sense

It got me into music that wasn't all easy listening

yeah, me too
really it was me listening to king crimson because of jjba that got me into more experimental music (at least what was experimental for me at the time)

fuck dig selv Erik

Grand Theft Auto Vice City really got me into New wave music full force. It took me some maturing and sifting out the shit to really dial in that taste.
Parents played the shit out of Chris Isaak from a very early age. My dad played alot of Wham and pour some out for GM.
Classic rock and smooth jazz radio


In college I read a Dylan biography, dunno how it got my attention since I wasn't a big reader. But long story short been a Dylsnphobe for 12 years now


Well i've always listened to a lot of music
Especially during my days playing WoW a lot between 13-17
A lot of crap obvsly, like tons of grooveshark playlists mixed with eminem(still like slim shady lp btw), LP, offspring, rise against you know the drill
Also some metal when i was 14-16
Some Reggae and a lot of hip hop(biggie especially)
I actually was pretty proud of my taste back then
Even started playing guitar which was pretty fun for a while but i stopped playing after a good year or so
I also liked stuff i still like now
Listened to daft punk a lot with 14-15 and listened to a full album for the first time with 15 i guess
It was kaynes graduation
With 17-18 idk why i took on my first ledzeppelin album
So i listened to physical graffiti and i really loved it, songs like trampled under foot and the rover were like my holy grail for some weeks
Further i listened to some other classic dadrock stuff and i started visiting Sup Forums at the same time.
Started with the 250chart and listened my way through
Now its 4 years later and im actually pretty happy i made this step
Even though Sup Forums can be shit sometimes i wouldnt wanna miss it actually
Thought that had to be said sometime
Sorry that was a long one, but wanted to do that for a long time actually even if it was just a self reflection for myself

Me too pretty much. Started listening to bringin it all back home and blonde on blonde. It made me insanely interested in lyrics. I also watched no direction home by scorcese.

How it happened

>didnt cared about music, even mainstream music, the only thing I liked was guns and roses at 2000 and got bored after a year and liked mamonas assasinas (mainstream at brazil) at the year they got mainstream and then got bored of it.
>at the year 2005, at wikipedia, while doing what is usually called wiki walking (see picture), I found the article about metal genres.
>i got curious about the fact that doom metal article told it was ultra slow, with long songs, the fact it told some people suicided because of it, I got curious of the fact that some black metal burned churches, the fact that industrial metal had the name industrial at the name and the fact that folk metal had "battle songs" mixed with the songs. and I said to myself "I will try to find one artist I like of each type of metal.
>spend few days doing it, and decided to quit this quest and continue to search about music at wikipedia, after some amount of time started to search at other places too, and then ONLY searched about music at other places, because wikipedia is shit


It wasn't really a particular song or album or anything. I've always enjoyed music, for as long as I can remember. Ever since I was a little kid. I was listening to Ride the Lightning right out of the womb. And I've always had a particular thing for good guitar. It's just ingrained right into my nature.