I cant get it up when im drunk

i cant get it up when im drunk...
more who have the same problem or is it just me?
pic related

It's just whisky dick. I don't know the science behind it but it's common. Stop trying to fuck when your drunk. Problem solved

i get hard quicker when i'm drunk.

my problem is that it won't stay max hard for a long time, and i think it has something to do with my physical endurance, since i smoke two packs a day.

(Too much) Alcohol greatly diminishes bloodflow.
Dick can't get enough blood.

nah it's ok

it's no fun drunk anyways, when I picked up a chick the morning after was go time.

it doesnt happen all the time, i think it is more about the girl i have with me...
cause if they are hot i get it up, but if they are like a 5 nothing happensO.o is it some kind of guardian angel?

Iirc alcohol thins blood. Blood is in your cock. Harder to get hard when it needs more blood

I have bad news for you user. You are gay.

Alcohol is a blood thinner. Blood is what makes your dick hard.

im not gay but my uncle is! and he is pretty cool with his chainz and boytoyx)

Pussy is what get my dick hard you fucking vampire son of a bitch

to sum it all up then... dont drink if u wanna fuck? right?

i like hands and boobs!

It's just you..

Same here. Whiskey dick sucks.

Sounds like you are gay son. You might want to get that checked

but you can always show her some other stuff! i havent got any complaints with hands or mouth!

Garbage-tier human detected

I can never cum when drunk rarely go limp

Happens to me too, take some viagra to balance it out.

i always get an erection when drunk

its all about the mood for me there. i can even cum whitout getting a boner...

In some Southern-American and African countries, there are some alcoholic beverages which make you hard as fuck. Guys take those specifically when they want to go to hookers.

I'd rather drink a bit before sex. It keeps me from cumming too fast. No problem with getting hard though. Maybe it's a penile dysfunction in your case. Or your significant other is fully.

and what is this drink called?
vodka on the viagra?

See, it's weird if I drink just a bit, I have great erections and I actually last a good while.

If I had to much, I get limp dick too!

I need to figure out whst trigger's the first.
Like what beer or booze is getting me rock hard.


much of the same goes for me...
my biggest is after like 8 beers and i last long and everything is fine, but more than 8 and no function what so ever

Never had that problem in my life and I'm over 40 and can drink double vodkas all night long. Sorry dude, you're obviously gay or have early onset impotence (probably both). Either way, you're fucked and your over option is to be some gay faggot's bottom.