Germany is now a Syrian Caliphate, praise Angela Aisha Merkel

>Having your internet censored by Facebook backed """"Fact""" Checkers
>Not being cucked into Oblivion

Is Germany the New Sweden

"Other government officials have expressed concern that fake news and "hate speech" on the internet could influence a parliamentary election in September in which chancellor Angela Merkel will seek a fourth term in office.

Germany has seen an increase in online hate speech following an influx of more than a million migrants.

Facebook Germany said they were pleased with the progress in their efforts to tackle the issue of fake news, but admit more needs to be done."

Other urls found in this thread:

>be german
>get raped by refugee
>report it to police
>life in prison for hate speech

It's even worse than it, the daughter of a high ranking german civil servant was raped to death by a refugee, the irony is that her father was a pro refugee official and that he collected money to help the so called refugee at his daughter funerals

Germany is a failed state

Merkel has turned Germany halfway into East Germany. Ministry of truth next.

it was created by americans so that was bound to happen

More like an Orwelian version of north Korea

We are too fat to be North Korea.

So you mean an Orwellian version of communist states of America ?

Best Germany please.

>american company creates censorship on their private platform
>fucking germans

I don't see how anyone who believes in democracy could possibly think that bestowing Facebook (a company with some extreme positions respecting digital privacy, net neutrality, and content access limitations (see India Internet proposal)) is a good idea. The market determines what truth is, not a corporation with unchecked power.

It was brought in Germany on German governement demand and this censorship will be done by germans """"fact""" checkers

No one will care because it won't affect their daily lives.

>implying it won't be implemented in all Europe because of kikebook

more like: it was conceived in the US after massive criticism in the US of fake news influencing the US elections.

>I pull facts out of my ass

This thread smells like Sup Forums, so take your shit back there.

Maybe you should take your suicide pill leftard scum and go to hell on reddit ?

"In December, German lawmakers announced plans to introduce a bill that would fine Facebook 500,000 euros (or about $535,000) for not removing fake news posts within 24 hours. On Sunday, the Financial Times reported that the company will be testing its fake news filtering system in—you guessed it—Germany!

Facebook announced in December that it was building a way for users to report fake news on the site—now it seems the country will be one of the first places to try it out. In an email to Gizmodo, the company said it began testing a similar filter in the United States a month ago. "

Coincidences ? I think not

Don't blame me I voted for Hitler

Good lad, but it wasn't enough obviously

>be american
>get shot by nigger

Well, at least does left-leaning fake news like Buzzfeed or Salon count as "Fake News".

Just a few days ago Buzzfeed release that weird Trump disclosure which had zero verified sources and various larger news outlets ripped on Buzzfeed for their belief that they should "publish even before fact verification and let the public decide"

Lmao you rightcucks are pathetic.

>thinking trump doesn't like getting pissed on

a fucking leaf

This is obvious censorship.

trump is a piss fetishist, stop defending him

They are using refugges for excuses.

I don't even know who is shitposting and who is left-leaning anymore.

>Cucks trying to copy us while patheticly failling

If you have nothing to prouve me wrong them you should kill yourself leftist trash, you belong to an owen

>implying such a law would ever pass parliament, let alone the constitutional court
You really are this dense...
You know what else happened in the last months of last year? Right, the US election and the subsequent analysis.

You can't even read what your quoting: first in the US, a month ago already

you barbaric fucks cant even maintain a form of government for more than 30 or so years

you fucks cant seem to elect a single politician who isnt Uber autistic

>you fucks cant seem to elect a single politician who isnt Uber autistic

There isn't a single german that isn't uber autistic

exactly, they are the perfect people fr a puppet state, they need to just let immigrants from more stable countries be their politicians

I doubt you understand the meaning of the words you type on your keyboard

>he collected money to help the so called refugee at his daughter funerals

>implying the judges and MP's are not sucking Merkel cock

You know it's possible, and you also know that without the pressure on social networks by Merkel's pals and the UE comission this shit from the USA wonld'nt be brought in here.

it's not even a b8

Reality is more and more unreal in Germany as the time pass

>You know it's possible
I know it's impossible


This is a mental illness desu

Facebook was born for shitposting and for making +10 rubles.

For which reasons ? You can't already say anything against shitskins whitout going to jail so how would this shit not pass in Germoney ? Don't tell me it's because of the constitution considering the constitution mean what the judges and the rulling elite want it to mean


>fourth term
So you're monarchical bros now?


it's called leftism m8

>For which reasons
For being in direct violation of article 5 of our constitution

It's either her or the commies, am I right?

No we can vote people out of office if we're not content with how they run things.
You should try that, too.

Actually she made a coalition with the socialist party...

The germans could still vote AfD but they are cucks.

Yeah we also had a guarenteed free speech in your constitution just like the USA, now you can see how much shit happened.

>implying the people will vote for the AfD

Fucking kek

do you?


Follow your fuhrer you piece of shit

they do, moreso than you

Does Germany not have term limits?

Why not show the approval ratings of lil Kim of Best Korea? If you really believe the polling results of a proto-fascist police state, if you really believe Putin won 99.96 % of votes in Chechnya during last elections etc then i can only pity you.

other countries usually have to enforce them

How often do you want to contradict yourself?

or maybe you dont know all the answers in the world?

also putin is not= to his government

Well iirc our limit used to be just a matter of custom for years until FDR abused the system and served 4 terms, at which point we made it a law.

>Yeah we also had a guarenteed free speech in your constitution just like the USA, now you can see how much shit happened.
I think you need to reformulate that sentence.

>>implying the people will vote for the AfD
About 15% do. And?

Difficult to judge approval ratings in a country which so heavily restricts freedom of information, freedom of assembly, freedom of the press etc.

Approval ratings are meaningless when anyone who dissents too loudly in public gets thrown in prison.

I hate Germans so much


Again: show the numbers for Kim!
You are a complete fool.

>checking fake news
>huurrrr durrrr censorship is baad syrian caliphate
Go back to Sup Forums you fuckin autist.

I'd look for a more entertaining hobby... but whatever floats your boat

We Cyberpunk now.
I just wish we had the cool parts too.

>be polish
>get invaded

And what would you say if someone called you knowing your home address etc. and asked if you like Putin.

sounds a lot like that case in south africa where the dad shook hands with his daughter's murderers while talking bullshit about peace and unity

>using Facebook