What does Sup Forums think of digibro?

what does Sup Forums think of digibro?


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Hi digi

Anime is a Japanese colloquialism.

Also, Jesse >>>>>>>>>

I love Digi too much to comment

but its preeeetttttyyyy bad...

this music means absolutely nothing to me
we've all heard 3000 beats just like that and 3000x white dudes with little to no flow saying basically nothing

i stopped taking him seriously after he uploaded a 30 minute rant about why is music is better than Kanye West

He makes great videos about anime, but his music taste and the music he makes is dogshit.

lmao what

I must have missed this

>picking one single line out of a 30 minute and stripping it of it's context
I hate this board.

it was the "Drunken Rant About Why the Life is Pablo is Shit"

and the point he basically gets to is "its shit because my music is bette"

this guy is so full of shit in every way possible and he liked endless fantasy so that's just more reason to hate him

good anime taste
song isn't even terrible desu but why are those vocals so quiet

I like the digital french horn solo, but the mumbling pasty fat lisping prick in the background is annoying

>former horsefucker whose fav anime is K-ON

I mean you lose a lot of validity by posting Filthy Frank but yeah.

He's actually a really fucking cool guy and a nice change of pace from other reviewers on youtube who sit in a boring ass apartment and circlejerk about the best-looking anime. Music taste isn't bad either IMO.

ThatAnimeSnob > Digibrony

I remember when theneedledrop had digibro on his talkshow-thing earlier this year talking about his taste on music and it was honestly very painful to listen to. you could hear certain uneasinness in fantano's voice throughout the chat, especially when digibro claimed he prefers all the albums that fantano gives mediocre scores to while sounding very smug

btw he released this 25-minute analysis on mindless self indulgence a few days ago



I dunno, he seems like an alright guy, I mean, he likes Death Grips and ISIS which is still more than I expect of the average weeb. More over he is capable of putting out decent analysis on anime related topics, so I don't think he's totally inept. In fact he's a decent critic - though weirdly this isn't reflected in his tastes.

>In fact he's a decent critic - though weirdly this isn't reflected in his tastes
instead of admitting he likes some guilty pleasure-anime he goes into lengths of overanalyzing seemingly irrelevant bits of series like k-on, praising them for the most ridiculous aspects. same goes for his music-reviews. I don't really understand his hard-on for some of the most mediocre parts of mediums which are obviously flawed, it's like he's doing it just to be a contrarian

dude looks like nick bate, but he somehow likes shit more than nick bate does

he actually said that the production is as lazy as his music on that album he never implied it was better.
Digi is still pretentious at times but I still love him

>he believes in le guilty pleasure meme xd
spotted the insecure faggot.