

where's steve reich

I've never gone deeper than level 1.

Is there any truth to this or am I being meme'd

why is stockhausen at the bottom

No idea, it should be Hermann Nitsch

What is Indie Rock's best concerto?

if it's on Sup Forums is a meme

The Red in the Sky is Ours
Onward to Golgotha
Hvis lyset tar oss

where is arvo part?

Normie or maaaaybe Outsider

How come the only classical music discussed on Sup Forums is post-modern wankery?

because everyone on Sup Forums willing to discuss classical is a avant-teen

>no tchaikovsky

>thinking modern shit is better than good old classics
How to spot a tryhard

Nancarrow is really not making much sense to me right now...

>bach is "normal pleb"

Is this harsh noise for the player piano

I'll have to check these other guys out.


sauce on Haas?

Mahler? Dvorak?

why the fuck is xenakis so down below

you know this shit was shared on 9gag right?