2030 is closer than 2003

>2030 is closer than 2003

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2030 is going to be great!

if this doesn't upset you I'm afraid you are underaged and should be b& immediately

why would it upset anyone?

because india will takeover the world

Unlikely. But i wonder what the argentinean meant

>2030 is going to be great!
what are you basing this on?

Well so far each year has only been getting better and better, at least for me. So the technology and medical improvements by 2030 should be fantastic.

nostalgia you autist

>he doesn't know

Nostalgia is just a meme, people only remember the good parts and totally forget the bad parts of the past

A literal child here, maybe even in elementary school.

>2003 was 20 years ago


How old were you in 2003? Still going on Sup Forums, big guy? Isn't it time to grow up?

>he doesn't want to abandon women in favor of oculus rift porn and cool video games

Or are you one of those political faggot who think the world's going to he'll because the other side has bad ideas?


2003 i was 6 years old

rising income inequality means that not everyone will have access to these improvements. our personal lives don't always mirror technological advancements.

Yes they do. Things will just get cheaper and more efficient.

The Sky's not falling, Chicken Little. Try /r9k/ or Sup Forums.

The world is and has always been getting better.

automation will cause a major issue with job loss and shit by 2030
i'm not so euphoric about it

New jobs will emerge. People can be retrained to do different jobs.

More likely though is that jobs will just get easier to perform, and thus humans will be able to work at a higher and more efficient level. (See: accounting)

Plus it's too much of a stretch right now. Weren't people talking about "flying cars" and robots doing all our jobs in the year 2000?

Wonder where that is...

Just chill out and focus on the fundamentals instead of getting fooled by background noise, doomsdayers, schizophrenics.

Shit will work out for the best.

this is the true man

>tfw superpower walla in 2030

a very childish view of the world you have. cheaper smart phones don't necessarily translate into a better life, you know. i'm not saying that the sky is falling, but your insistence that the vague forces of progress will cradle us from now until the end of humanity is just foolish.

this isnt disney movie retard, things will not ''work out for best'' in fact, you have 0(ZERO) control about how your life will look in 20 years

well, uber has already been experimenting with self driving cars
once that shit takes foot all the people who made a living by driving related jobs will lose those jobs and possibly that place in society

>Argentinian counting skills

How does it not translate to a better life?

Cheaper and more efficient transportation.

Better medicine.

More information freely available.

Everything is improving how is that bad?

I'm doing what I can.

I'm taking care of my body and health. I'm saving and investing my money, I'm cultivating relationships with people who's company I enjoy.

Yeah I guess the world could end in 20 years. But I could die in a car crash tomorrow too, so what? Am I just suppose to sit in a basement and do nothing?

Stop being a fearmongering idiot. Or join the people on Sup Forums.

New jobs will be made. Automation isn't a new thing.

If we have technology to automate driving we have technology to retrain people.




We're getting older and many of us will be reaching the 30's or in the middle of that age... then die

Maybe it's time to make better use of your day then.

What's the point of looking backwards in time? That's not where you're going.

Idk, m8. I was explaining the point of the argentinian.

>"Time is running out, I'm getting old!"
>Better post frogs on a Mongolian noodle forum complaining about it


wont you be a superpower by then?

>How does it not translate to a better life?
how does it improve your life?

>Cheaper and more efficient transportation.
public transportation remains pretty shoddy in my neck of the woods and i don't foresee that changing. cheaper cars that go a bit faster and have a few more safety features are definitely nice, but they certainly won't make life worth living.

>Better medicine.
everyone likes such improvements, but medicine is ultimately a means, not an end. what good is a longer lifespan if you don't like the life you have?

>More information freely available.
not a guarantee with net neutrality increasingly being questioned. plus, look at the amount of file sharing services that have been taken down recently. it's a distinct possibility that the golden years of the internet we've had the opportunity to live through are fading.

>Everything is improving how is that bad?
once again you conflate new developments in certain industries with improvements in collective well-being. surely you can sense some folly in that mode of thinking?

>>Cheaper and more efficient transportation.
>public transportation remains pretty shoddy in my neck of the woods and i don't foresee that changing. cheaper cars that go a bit faster and have a few more safety features are definitely nice, but they certainly won't make life worth living.

It's a nice thing though, aircraft and cars are improving quickly. Can't wait for proper self driving cars to be a commonplace.
>>Better medicine.
>everyone likes such improvements, but medicine is ultimately a means, not an end. what good is a longer lifespan if you don't like the life you have?

I like the life I have. Also medicine is more than just lifespan, quality of life is more important. Which advances in medicine create.

If you have a joint problem you can get it repaired, and the technology is incredible these days.

20 years ago laser eye surgery or pinhole orthopedic surgery didn't exist. Imagine another 20-30 years from now.

Probably done entirely automated and with so much research the risk of failure and recovery will be absolutely minimized.
>>More information freely available.
>not a guarantee with net neutrality increasingly being questioned. plus, look at the amount of file sharing services that have been taken down recently. it's a distinct possibility that the golden years of the internet we've had the opportunity to live through are fading.

That's such bullshit. Free and Open source software is growing tremendously.
>>Everything is improving how is that bad?
>once again you conflate new developments in certain industries with improvements in collective well-being. surely you can sense some folly in that mode of thinking?

Well then how you measure collective wellbeing?

According to you it's some arbitrary measure that you can't quantify, or even name the elements of.

So tell me then. What IS "collective wellbeing"? How does our lives getting easier and better in every single aspect not reflected upon by it?

what did he mean by this

lol no wtf even

>they will be reaching 30's
>in 13 years

No internet year will ever be as good as 2008

We can never go back

>Well then how you measure collective wellbeing?
living with a sense of purpose, probably, which all the cheap cars and good medical care in the world won't do in an alienated society. if you can't realize this, you're hopeless.

Who cares? The roaring twenties are coming on. It's time for experimental lit, bathtub booze, and white people with cigars blasting each other on the streets.

and a society which gets more and more automated makes it even more difficult

That's just an abstract idea.

Be more specific. What purpose was there 15 years ago that there isn't now?
How about 50 years ago compared to now?(or the future)

oh fuck shit right damn
13 years to 2030
14 years to 2013

What purpose specifically are you referring to?

Can you retarded nihilists stop being so vague and explain exactly what's wrong?

What purpose was there 20 years ago that is missing now.
How would you have lived 20 years ago? What changed?

>That's just an abstract idea.
and it still says a lot more about human well-being than a handful of material goods and services

>Be more specific.
i don't pretend to have the answers, friend. nor can i confidently claim that there's more or less purpose now than 50 years ago, or that there will be more or less in 50 years compared with now. all i can say for certain is that your belief in progress's caring hand is naive.

White people are going down the drain. Sweden will be a nigger/arab country by 2030.

>14 years to 2013

Birthrates don't remain static. It will reach an equilibrium at some point, and if it doesn't maybe it's better that way.

So then how can you know human wellbeing is going down? Do you see how retarded you are?

>Muh arbitrary statistic is going down! But I can't quantify it, name it any way or even explain it! I just know people's health, ease of living and wealth increasing does not correlate with happiness!

OK dude.

I want to die

I was 5 years old

because if you're older than 18 then you'll remember 2003 as not that long ago, and 2030 being the date used in futuristic movies and shit.

it's not so difficult to understand but I guess you're like 12 so whatever

Wealth isn't increasing for white middle class people, which are most people on this site. It's increasing for the richest and asian middle class and the poorest.

Almost no one was older than 10 years old in 2003 here. What can you possibly remember from 2003?

>get closer to dying every year

keep smoking, one malt loquor a day and being obese friends

It is though

There's record numbers of millionaires in the US. Shit is not going bad tbqh senpai

>So then how can you know human wellbeing is going down?
never even said it was or wasn't so please don't put words in my mouth. to reiterate, all i've ever been challenging is your naive notion that the future is looking out for us.

do you think it was better to live under world war 1 than the relative peace that immediately preceded it? world war 1 took place after that, and thus must have been an improvement, right?

it seems like you have a hard time reckoning with intangibles, which is unfortunate for you since much of the human experience is intangible.

I was 12, so I remember everything.

It is quite objective that yes in fact medical technological and research-based advances do in fact improve peoples quality of life.

Unless you're going to argue that I don't see what we're discussing here.

>26 and still posts frogs on a noodle forum
Kek where did your life go wrong

>Sup Forums is now infested with people who were a single digit age in 2008

This really explains a lot.

>he cares so much about an anonymous image board that this matters to him

Le oldfag am I rite xd

>normiefaggots will force you to live to 90+ thanks to medical advancements because dude life is beautiful lmao

you began by arguing that the world is unequivocally improving because of technological advancements. that's what we're discussing.

Thanks for being the first to confirm your single digit age in 2008

Are you a 35 year old virgin? Why do you care

Go outside retard

I haven't posted a single frog anywhere.
my life is alright, what should I do at 2 a.m. when there's nothing to do other than post here?
I can't watch a movie or anything like that because I don't want to stay awake until 4 a.m.

>Shitposts on Sup Forums all day while being 18
>Tells anyone else to go outside

Why are you children so easily triggered by your age being called out? Your generation has a huge issue with that.

You can refuse medical treatment or any of the advancements, it's not like they're mandatory. No ones forcing you to do anything.

Alternatively just kys and make more room for the rest of us.

It is, unless you wish to dispute that the aforementioned advances do not improve the world.

Do you wish to do that?

>your generation
What generation do you belong to exactly?

Isn't it time to get off anime imageboards gramps? How old are you exactly?

And no one's "triggered", you just look like a retard who feels superiority for spending more time and being older on an anime website. Is that really a badge of honour to you?

>What generation do you belong to exactly?

Not the one wearing diapers after 9/11

>I like the life I live

And ma y do not. Faggots like you would lock somebody up with severe treatment resistant depression who has sought care, been on a shitkoad of drugs and treatment for 20+ and has not gotten better because "DUDE THERE COULD BE A TREATMENT THAT WORKS THAT COMES OUT IN THREE YEARS OR WHATEVER"

Fuck you. If I gamble for twenty years and lose every time it's perfectly logical and reasonable to quit and stop playing.

>you just look like a retard who feels superiority

Nice projecting, good to see your know your inferiority and will basically admit to it without cause.

>hurr ur mentally ill and thus automatically mentally incompetent meme

When did I say you shouldn't?

>faggots like you
>fuck you

I literally don't care what you do. You can kill yourself and it wouldn't change my life at all. What are you even talking about?

You tell me leafman, why am I so upset about it? My life was good in 2003 and it has been nothing but downhill since then. With this pace, I´ll hit rock bottom and not even make past 2025.

It's not projection if that's exactly what you did. Do you even know what projection means?

You complain about the age of posters on a website and yet continue to spend time here. How long have you been posting on anime forums to notice a demographical shift anyways?

If you don't like it so much maybe it's because this website wasn't designed to be spent thousands of hours on.

>I was 17 back then

'the world' is an incredibly broad term that encompasses much more than medicine and technology, so absolutely. were you to have posited that technological and medical advancements are generally good things, few would dispute it, i'm sure. nobody itt has challenged this. once again, all anybody has ever challenged is your faith in the future's benevolent hand.

>hey dude, your country's about to get nuked because ww3 but don't worry! thanks to medical improvements you have a lifetime of cancer treatments to look forward to!

not saying such a conflict is impending or even inevitable, but you have to realize that the future isn't necessarily bright and rosy because of some new developments in cancer research or more detailed graphics in your video games.

>We are now closer to an Indian superpower than an Iraq ruled by Saddam

wew lads

You can end it all. Just hang yourself or blow your face off.

I support you user. You can do it

Free up more resources for normal people. We'll make better use of them than you will.


You make suicide tremendously hard and lock up the ones that are suicidal.

Outside of the netherlands and Belgium you cannot obtain euthanasia for severe debilitating TR mental illnesses that you have spent many years to multiple decades seeking treatment for.

Canada just legalized euthanasia and hopefully it'll apply to people the above like this dude ca.news.yahoo.com/life-nightmare-says-windsor-man-232537917.html

>nuked because of ww3

Ww3 is not feasible when world superpowers have thousands of active nuclear warheads.

So yeah I guess if there's a global doomsday medicine and technology will be obsolete, but then everything will be. What's the point of talking about something so retarded?

What if what if what if

What if aliens come down and turn us into sissy sexslaves with their BAC(big alien cocks)?


Me? I don't think I have any control over that.

Try petitioning or something, it has nothing to do with me. And why does a rope or shotgun in the bathtub work less anyway?

Just buy a shotgun and see yourself later alligator. No need for euthanasia.

>the world has been at peace for as long as i've been around so therefore it will always be that way

your naivete is showing

nobody's even talking about conflict rendering medicine and technology obsolete, but i find it quite telling that you literally cannot conceive of bad things in the world as long as muh precious medicine and technology are around.

Bad things happen but they're unexpected, so why care about them?

This quote comes to mind and seems relevant

>Bad things happen but they're unexpected, so why care about them?
you don't have to. in fact, i personally find a lot of comfort in stoic modes of thinking. however, there's still a broader point being missed. i don't know how many more times i can repeat myself here, but let's try at least once more:

>all anybody has ever challenged is your faith in the future's benevolent hand.

Yeah I guess you're right but the world largely just improves. Sure there might be a war or some disaster but the world recovers quickly and marches on. It make take years or decades but things always improve.

i don't think we can go much farther than this and i'm too drunk to want to continue so have a pleasant night user

Banned from owning guns.

>Came in 2013
>Still think I'm a total utter newfag that can't be find out
>realize I've spent half a decade here already

Buy an unregistered firearm from your local nigger

>I'm still a virgin at 25

K-kill me

I wish but im stuck in fucking MA in my parents house as a neet

already tried to hang myself.

just wish euthanasia would be legal for aevere TR mental illnesses already. no more trauma to families

Maybe r9k can help, try there

>Realizing the future in "Back to the Future" was 2015

One of them is 19 and the other is 20

Don't worry guys, We can deal with this problem in a highly professional way.

You sound like an uneducated mexican, ready to die by 20.

>3st place

>i'll be 60 in 2030

welp. fuck that la.