Has Sup Forums honored their queen Lavren Mayberry today?

Has Sup Forums honored their queen Lavren Mayberry today?

She's ageing badly.

No she isn't. You lie.

Im going to waste twice as much semen on pictures of Lavren in 2017 then I did in 2016

oh user

No. I tried to book a cam girl though



merry christmas missis lavren

her lips look so soft

and her eyes are hypnotizing

>her soft cute hands will never hold our cock like that mic stand
just kill me senpai


Her touch so warm

>tfw she'll never look lovingly into your eyes and give an amazing passionate kiss and whisper in your ear that she loves you when the clock strikes 12:00 tonight.




>lavren will never bite you with those tiny qt teeth

brandon where you at


I loved it when she called out sexist trolls on Sup Forums


Right here buddy.

I LOvEe YOUUU LAVVVvvvvverrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn


she's so hungry for the d :3
I'd gladly fulfill all her whims after the show

> brandon please don't stop, im going to cum

how can someone so perfect like lavren exist??

If she were 15 going on 16 maybe. It's astonishing that she'll be 30 this year


>i- it's almost time brandon? Are you ready? :3

Yes my love.


Delete this

Lmao it's beautiful... unlike you. And the rest of the textual content of this thread...

happy new year lavrenfags

have a lavren butte

is this her brother?

happy new year

lavren bless us, every one

>she looks at him then wraps her arm around his waist, caressing his face
>Brandon smiles and kisses her gently, holding his hands at her slender waist
>as he lets off she lets out a little giggle and pulls him back in
>im so lucky Brandon, I never though it'd be you, the troll whos been fucking with me for years.
>the clock strikes twelve and they both make out under the nyc fireworks, smiling and happy for each other and their future.

best wishes for good lavrens and lavren threads in 2017