Other urls found in this thread:

Too long didnt watch

Isn't she based on a real child modeler?


Is this game even legal to play

What is this degeneracy?

Like... It has a good ending moral right?... Right?

Define "good"

Wtf europe.

Agreed, what is this from?

Just tell me that It doesn't end with actual pedophilia!

Pizza Party

Like 3D? No, fuck, are you nuts? Pizza is for rich people.

KC tier

I think I should leave this thread before I'm put on some kind of list.

what the fuck is this


Why is it that a tasteful VN like Katawa Shoujo seems completely fine even thought it has underaged sex, while this garbage makes me want to snap the creators' necks?



>crapawa shitjo


>last panel
Muh dick, thank user

By just being on this site you're already on the list m8.

>Katawa Shoujo

wew lad

One on the best vn

One was done with good intentions.
Also both parties in that game are underage, and teenagers, not straight up children.

This is.... yeah...\

>there are people who didn't know about this game
And this is how you spot newfags

No I juse don't go on KC

yeah it's infamous ESPECIALLY on Sup Forums boards across every chan

Reminder to Canadians that this VN is illegal in Canada and you should steer clear.

Whatever feeds your ego bro

But I've beaten it multiple times

You're on a CSEC list.

Have you had your laptop swapped at airports a lot recently?

Oh dear god it actually does feature sex scenes doesn't it?

I don't know if Nuking Germany will help at this point...

I don't go to kansas city
You really didn't knew about this, didn't you?
This shit is old.
r/ing that photo of the parent playing with her child the VN

I haven't flown in years

>teenagers fuucking teenagers
>Adults fucking literal children

Take a guess.

Because you have autism son.

It doesn't have to feature sex scenes per se to be considered cp. It just has to be sexually suggestive and involving a minor.

Written material and loli are both illegal in Canada, whereas they're legal (for the time being) in the US, which has much stronger freedom of speech laws.

>All these newfags ITT

It's province to province actually

uk? more like you gay

>been on this site over a decade
>don't know some random german loli production (although I recognize that dutch girl that has a pedo fanbase here that they modelled one of the characters after in:

This isn't how "new(grounds)fags" work you fucking idiots. Stop posting.

No it isn't, the criminal law system is federal and R v Sharpe came from the SCC.

Who told you it was provincial?

Saw an image once. Had sources on it that I never checked. The usual

>Dutch kiddie diddler pagan

>r/ing that photo of the parent playing with her child the VN

What a weird law

So if I draw a stick figure doing sexual acts and label it as underage will that be illegal?

>"I-I'm not a new-fag guys!"


That's the one.

I want to know the sauce for this too.
It's on every thread and I've been trying to avoid it but it seems like I failed.

No, McLachlin carved out a narrow exception for non-real cp that you make yourself.

Ex. you write erotic literature featuring children, or draw visual content. It can be quite graphic even (along the lines of loli or even bouguereau-tier realism), but you can't share it with others.

KC will always be cancer but that game makes me laugh

Bernd and the Mystery of Unteralterbach
There is a gallery on sad panda:

here is the game tho

Bonus points

please don't post legitimate pedo shit m8

Thanks Mexi-bro
Wall just got ten feet lower.

I'd like to imagine some guy perfect his art just to jerk off

This shit legal in the US?

Yeah it's freedom land afterall

I know it's illegal in bongland, and any other anglosphere country besides US

You tripping me Canada-bro?

They're drawings dude

>legitimate pedoshit
It's a girl in her brothers room in Japan
I see nothing pedophilic about it

So videos are illegal but drawings are not?

Are/were there any opponents of this? The fact that you can take a pen and paper, draw something, give it someone, and get you both arrested seems pretty crazy.

Cartoons wouldn't be illegal either.

What the fuck is this?
Loli isn't illegal?

Only Illegal in Australia

Hol up...
You be telling me?
That I can watch Loli..
And I won't be arrested?

Because there are no actual people involved in drawings.
You can't arrest a person for creating fiction. Unless you are Canadian, then you get held at airports for being a furry


You guys are contridicting each other
Is Loli legal or not...

wow. she must be lucky to have such an especially protective and caring brother.

I have a feeling that Chris Hansen might be knocking on your door soon. cartoons and drawings aren't real so they are fine.

depends on your state

Either way, in very very rare cases it gets persecuted.

Don't worry mate.
I haven't done anything pedo that will warrant that.
I'm just confused since people said that Loli was illegal.

I live in a Red State so that clears things up for me.

>love scat
>love furry
>love fucking children

Why don't we eradicate the German """""""""people""""""""""...?

That image is old as the hills and poorly sourced.

even the childrens?????

You fuckers are making me even
more curious to find out the law by contradicting yourselves.