


Nope, totally haven't seen it.
Pretty neat.









I should probably play FO4 at some point.


I wanna be inside a shark grills belly






You should




You won't be amazed if you played the earlier ones


That hair is.. amazing. Is she one of yours?

Ya, I played a few hours. Gameplay is alright but it seems to be missing the same... character?


Back to work. Not even gonna post dubwolf again until I head home. Don't feel like rolling up to 22 just yet. Probably gonna put a counter on the image when I get home.


It's really slow the first few hours. You get sucked in once you start to really head south and into downtown


Nah, that's a Black Kalack original I think (Or maybe she belongs to her sister?)

Either way, no, not one of mine. For once.

Its missing the environment, it feels all uppity and not nuclear-apocalypse like. Also, no karma


I actually got all the way to the south of the map before whatever city. I'll probably have to roll a new character though.

She's cute though.

Ya, that's a good way to put it. I remember when they showed the pre-war gameplay for the first time my heart sank so far.




That might not be a bad idea, especially if it's been so long. I think up until you go to the city and start doing quests that get you to explore it feels pretty disorganized.

I could go far into all the problems of gameplay to sum it up is crappy perks, special, and voices



Im here still yay !!!



That's just the way AAA games work these days... cover up for a lack of narrative with a bunch of worthless gimmicks.
Then again, the typical gamer audience doesn't really push them out of that direction.


Sadly, you're completely right. A good example would be Halo, 343 killed it




I'm out for tonight.

343? Killed is an understatement. More like they dug up its grave and slowly chopped it into tiny pieces. Bleh.


xD rip Halo, just in it for the ending at this point. I will see it through.


I think I'm gonna take off too, later guys




What's up, y'all? Showing up now that people are leaving and the thread is slowing down, like always. What are y'all up to?


checking those quads, good sir

engineering shit.

What in particular? I've been playing a lot of the new hitman the last few days, though I do have to say I'm a bit skeptical about the episodic thing, seems like a bit of a rip-off, but I could be wrong.

White Knight Chronicles 1.

eh browsing and chatting with people on discord.



What is artist? Reverse search not giving anything


nvm found it, wolflong


It's a shame, my PC and phone both have problems with discord, so I can't use it for anything. It only makes sense though, my phone's an old piece of shit, and my PC is cheap, probably virus-ridden (I do all of my football streaming on it, and I can't say rojadirecta and the like aren't shady), and generally slow as hell. Is what it is, though, I'm not paying 500+ dollars for a new one.



Anyone got any more bunnies?







Never can truly know where a popsicle can lead.











Anyone have more Renamon? Or Isabelle from animal crossing?

I got one of each


I request moar Jackalopes.

I'm afraid that's all the jackalope I have

Night, y'all, got shit to do tomorrow, can't complain about my problems all night, nor would I want to.