Why is 2007 often said to be the year where everything went to shit?

Why is 2007 often said to be the year where everything went to shit?

Rise of social media and transition to full on web 2.0

It's the definitive "before and after" year of the 21st century


It was the year dubstep was created

First I've heard of it

Actually I've literally never heard a year referred to as the one where everything went to shit. Who the fuck are you listening to?

Sup Forums, Sup Forums

Also most normies say things went to shit on 9/11 (they're right)


>2011: RIP music goodbye...

Wait I thoiugh dubstep was created in the late 90s

Sup Forums too. They always talk about Cartoon Network and Adult Swim absolutely losing the plot that year.

said who?
name 1 late 90s dubstep song

Well they did lose the plot for a while. They tried live action shows from 2007-2009 which went against their very name

>Also most normies say things went to shit on 9/11 (they're right)
Thats not true. They just say everything changed.

flim- aphex twin

"Neighborhood" by Zed Bias

Because 2007 was the peak of music, movies & television, and video games.

There was no where to go but down from that point.

>2007 was 100 years ago

it was when most of Sup Forums came of age. I remember when everyone was saying 1999 is the year when everything went to shit

No, because person pitch came out in 2007.

What? 2007 was a GOAT year

That's why everything went to shit from there. It's all downhill after the GOAT year.

>Aphex Twin

Greater expansion of the digital age, millenials began entering college, the emo shitstorm reached it's climax, start of the new election, social media exploded, and people started to run out of ideas and everything stagnated.

You were born.

Jagex removed the old wilderness in Runescape.

Stop talkin out of your ass, its been around longer than that
His music has no drops so its not dubstep

Fucking this

Seconding this

This was the prime omen for all of the IRL shit that would start to go downhill.

>tfw literally no clue what this means

nah dude it was fine, there was still some good music. we had ghetto music but good and relaxing like akon dont matter


>tfw runescape wasn't popular in your country
fucking metin 2


idk but check THIS

Great year

Shit year

Shit Year

Great year

Shit year

Shit year

Great year

I think i'm seeing a pattern

it's routine

In Rainbows and Boxer.

Das it mayne.

>shit year

What the fuck?