New jar thread

new jar thread
pic unrelat

Other urls found in this thread:

is ball jar sempi here?

fuck so close there

Have you tried drilling holes in the jar to release air? Not sure if that would work but, worth a shot?

Did sb archive? It already 404d and i was a latefag

op already got them out
>then he got them in again

Im making a cap of pretty much the entire thread. Gimme a min


Srsly OP, how'd you get out the first time? Brute force?

I am just a latefag who saw the need for a new bread,
oop has to be somewhere

this is now a get thread

I did a fullpage screenshot but our shitty filesize limit is 4mb so it would need to be split into 5 so someone else can do it fuck it

>what is imgur

effort easily relinked by redshittors

Second insertion had a coin. Most recent before 404 ,there was one after though

i lubed them up and forced them into the jar. it worked, but wasn't any suction, so i used a small aquarium tube and sucked the air out.

Legendary fucking bread
Thanks for the keks

I will forever put nuts in jar pics in pics you weren't supposed to share threads

alright fine fag its uploading now


I might just join you

We will know eachother through Jar Nut kek

and I, the I can't hold all this attention, op of the second thread, shall join you.

Hurry up fag
Wonder what first OP is doing right now.

did you download the images off the other thread?

I still have it open, but not yet

Not all of them, was lost in the keks

Make a db or mega folder?

too lazy for that; original op might

fuck it might have jumbled them up a bit, I'm not sure rearrange worked right

3rd pic is blurred

fucking imgur
working on it

the posts are also unreadable m8, but it's better than nothing

The shit is fine on the real images, I told you imgur is shit

Dropbox you nigger
Also appreciate the effort

Yea, i made some of my own through paint but that's even worse



Wow, someone is nuts.



I never shared anything before this shit better work

you autist

He asked for link, I provided kek

here is a link, I will provide

>tfw you didn't make screencaps,

so does it work or not?
someone tell me

A+ job, user

works like a charm


keep avoiding it long enough and your testicles will just shrivel up and die and the jar will pop right off.

you have a few hours after cutting the circulation but it looks like theres lots of circulation left so who knows you could last 4-5 hours before doing serious dmg to yourself

alright I put up the full res ballpics and some other decent shit on the dbox



>dat filename

OP is it you?