Anyone able to remove Snapchat textbars?

Anyone able to remove Snapchat textbars?

sure ask her phone number

Here you go


>Download Photoshop CS6
>Do a content aware tutorial


got you fam

as best as i can be bothered to do

Round 2?



quick question
Can you now save snapchat stuff oer you still need some third party app?


I use AZ screen recorder (Android) and then just screenshot the videos

fack u mathafakka

abandon thread

Download touchretouch faggot


you cheeky cunt m8


Awesome work guys!

Last one, get this and I'll post her nudes.

nah it's ok, i'll just google for nudes. its much quicker than photoshopping for them



> actually learn how to photoshop instead of assholing around

Filename kek

Tried it last night with a youtube tutorial. It sucked. Though I was using GIMP.

File name

Anyone with MS paint can remove snapchat textbars.

Unless they are potato.

just crop the friggin image

Requesting this for more nudes.

That wasn't a request but a reward nude.