Which one and why, Sup Forums?

Which one and why, Sup Forums?

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New Vegas

Nv is better but 3 has its charm. Both are good games in their own right. Now stop being a faggot and play the games yourself


3 had better crafting, but nv was more intense with hardcore survival mode.

Which one has the better story, better gameplay, better overall mechanics?

3 was more cinematic but I preferred the feel of New Vegas. Gameplay is pretty much the same but NV has more optional paths for story and dialogue.

Nv is far better in terms of rpg. You can do whatever the hell you want to finish quests.

3 has a better atmosphere and NV has better character development.

NV by far.

play nv

most content, best dlc by far, most endings. etc

new vegas


NV for the ammo types and gun customization. but god damn those game breaking glitches

Any one have a cheap gift copy of San Andreas?
I can trade for Dino D-day and Spooky cats

3 has a better map and atmosphere, but NV pretty much everything else. I think Fallout 4 is this best.

Kys faggot

how the fuck is 4 the best

Don't feed the troll.

NV has a more cleaner atmosphere, less green and more gold textured. It feels more open and has amazing mods that make the game last for a life time

I'm heterosexual, so New Vegas.


I haven't played NV but am playing Fallout 3 for the first time currently. How different is NV?

New Vegas. Do you realy need reasons?
..ok. For one, you can fuck a ghoul.

same controls and gameplay, but theres more content and survival aspects


New Vegas does the original games (FO1 and 2) more justice by sticking to the lore of them.

What about the questing though Specifically how do the side quests stack up?


i feel the need to post this image

More than twice as many, and far more complex with more depth and choice. Gameplay in general is improved in New Vegas, it has more features, mechanics, and is a better RPG.

waaaay more side quests and just regular quests than 3 and overall more interesting. even compared to 4

Liked 3s atmosphere and setting more, but played way more NV.

Still wish NV would ahve lived up to the potential it had

NV also has the best DLC. recommend getting the ultimate edition only $20 at this point

Very convincing arguments. Once I complete a few more side quests in FO3 I will buy NV.

Pretty much this

>even compared to 4
ESPECIALLY compared to 4. Holy fuck Fallouyt 4 had the worst quests I've ever seen in a single player RPG. Like 95% of them were literally just "Go here and clear out the ghouls/mutants/raiders"
And all your choices to respond were:
>UGH okay

NV, you can make a robot orgasm

i really wish obsidian can make the next fallout

Come one now...It can't be that simple..

It honestly is.



oh the old world blues..

you can actually have the game for free right now

Fallout 4 legit killed Fallout for me all together. Shit quests, shittier side quests, emotionless companion quests ( NVs gave me feels), extremely disappointing DLC so far, NO FUCKING FACTIONS! youre pretty much stuck with the minute men and one of 2 others, but gun play improved and customization alot though,

3 for me, if only because I'm from the DC/VA/MD area.

Even with the extra content in NV on paper, just taking off and exploring around felt like a more rewarding experience in 3.

NV rightly so tried to return some of the older aspects of the series, such as many factions, reputation that actually matters, interconnected story and whatnot. But IMO, while the actual pieces were in place, the substance remained bland and unconvincing. While 3 has none of these things, it's also unencumbered by said story and important missions, allowing a more breezy stroll around the wasteland.

3's soundtrack overall is better, but a there's a couple NV songs worth that of a few of 3's lesser ones. All of which is ruined by the Johnny Guitar program glitch, plus a couple strange and obnoxious choices like It's a Sin to Tell a Lie.


wow thats quite pathetic, glad i didnt buy it

Lonesome Road was my favorite

sadly this is true

but i guess this is how games are nowadays
same shit with gta 5, fucking killingspree in every fucking mission... its just boring


id still buy it just to keep up with the lore but wait for a sale like 20 or 30 $

i doubt it, since shithesda would be butthurt if obsidians fallout would be better again.
Or they would force them to release an unfinished product, like they did with new vegas, which could have been an even more elaborate game if not for that fucks at bethesda.

now i'm confused, if this is new vegas and it's better than f3 and f4.. then how lame were those two's quests?

Only played the 3rd one this year for the first time and it was such a good game. Went to,my friends house to play fallout 4 and the game felt like a piece of shit, I was just so lame

OP here: should I then rather just play the Stalker series? Or just one of those?

NVs and 3s are good but 4s are just shit


fuck the lore, i need it to be an RPG not action game with few choices being the same one, that looks worse than me3 and it didnt even aim at hard rpg so i could forgive it.. but fallout?

play nv and 3 will only feel good in your memory from now on, since its utter shit compared to nv

nice try mr FBI

I personally prefer FO3.

FONV has more "RPG options" and different paths you can take. But I personally find most of the story to be uninteresting, lackluster and in many cases feels like they got sloppy and lazy and just added stuff for convenience even if it didn't make sense.
Even a lot of the NPCs feels stupid and very dull in NV, and that goes for some of the major NPCs as well.
But NV has the superior crafting system, with weapon mods etc, also the survival aspect with hunger and thirst gives it a bit of a challenge.

When it comes to FO3, I think the story is better. Much more linear but overall better. The map is larger, and more importantly, feels larger. Just the inside of Washington feels a lot larger than the whole NV map to me. I also prefer the DLCs of FO3. Mothership Zeta is a little bit lack luster, but in FONV, I felt all DLCs was lackluster.

So I personally think FO3 is better than NV.

depends since not all stalker games are good

try stalker: lost alpha
its for free and tells you the story of the first part
nice game, but fucking hard

nice items, but i enjoyed owb crazed ai's

its more of a shooter with rpg aspects, at the end youre pretty much a god and the game gets boring

FO3 the music and the towns


So maybe I should wait until this is on sale..

oy vey where can i get that

wait until its 30$

Stalker is almost a completely different animal altogether. Far, far less RPG elements, even less story (unless you play the whole series), and overall more about survival. Not survival necessarily in a game style sense, but survival as in literally almost everything, including the environment, tries to actively kill you.

If you're a gamer easily butthurt or prone to ragequit, stay the fuck away from STALKER. And god help you if you try some of the mods.

gtfo todd

Both are equally broken and require mods to render them playable even 6 years after nv is released. Trash developer, but all right games once you get past that bullshit. nv has a better rpg mechanic.

Oh yeah....I can't imagine NV having a soundtrack that's even close to the one in FO3

Great argument.

Gary, Gary, Gary

NVs is more big band and western, really great soundtrack non the less

Fallout 4's story was poorly written as fuck. It was cliche and had so many plotholes.

I agree. Why is that relevant to what I wrote? I am not talking about Fallout 4.

Fallout 2

Fallout 3's soundtrack was generic "ebin" orchestra. New Vegas had a lot of music from 1 and 2, those games had fucking 10/10 soundtracks. Atmospheric as all hell.

Sorry that was a typo, I meant Fallout 3

Noice mr.DJ is like the new skidrow these days. Him and mehaniki the russians are keeoing the torrenting up.

>Sorry that was a typo, I meant Fallout 3
Meant for:
God I keep fucking up. FML

I'm talking about the songs on the radio...

4 is still a decent game.. it's better than 3.. but New Vegas >>>>>

This, in every RPG aspect NV wins out, but goddamn do I hate New Vegas' world, I find it unimaginably bland and not worth exploring. So if you prefer exploring, I say go 3, but NV if you want a good story

3 because who cares about story in a video GAME

Honestly, Fallout 4 really dropped the ball on the RPG elements, the characters, dialogue, and quests are all fucking shit, which really sucks since everything else Fallout 4 does is pretty good, IMO it has the best gunplay and the most interesting world out of all the games

3, because memories. It was the first really open world game I ever played. Still one of the best stories in a game I ever played, I loved the whole growing up in the vault shit, the option to nuke a whole town of people I liked, cults, strange towns inhabited only by kids, Republic of Dave, Underworld, the DLC ... Just everything about it. NV to me felt like DLC for 3

this thread makes me want to reinstall NV.

You alreadi missed a steam sale.

This, Fallout 2 is the best in the series, can't beat that pure numbers game RPG

NV without a doubt. Buggy, yeah, unfinished, yeah and even with that it's so much more than 3 and fits the tone of the earlier games better, would have been even nicer if Bethesda hasn't pulled the rug out from under Obsidian.

Do the DLCs make it complete?

Anyone with half a brain would tell you that NV is obviously superior.

You may disregard the abortion victims that use F3 for anything other than free plastic.

Fallout NV because you have more, choice, guns,etc. also it takes from older fallouts

Because fuck you thats why.
Both awesome games

>Anyone with half a brain would tell you...

Can you not?