Thoughts on this show?

thoughts on this show?

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think it's a nice change from half the shit that gets played on TV these days. the twist at the end of the last episode was titties.

Season one was decent

Season two sucks so far

wtf you on about last ep was like s1 season finale

I went to college with Rami Malek.

He's a weird dude who liked younger girls.

reddit tear shit

Season 2 is out lol

How is life in 2015? Is the weather nice?

Don't know which you are from but I'm from mother fucking India and I still can see the fuckin show

reddit do indeed tear shit, but your comment is shit tier

8 hour long fight club

Sounds like a Sup Forums grade actor.


Some friends said I look like that guy, that bad?

THANKYOU! I thought i was the only one who sees this, it's so Fight Club it's almost a parody. Still like the show but, god damn, it's ripping is shameless

It's alright, not the greatest thing ever but I'm enjoying it

can you confirm this?

It's a shitty Fight Club. I was so bored by the end of the first season that I couldn't be bothered with the second, and I'm not the only one.

Check the viewer count for the show. It's dropping dramatically since season 2. This shit won't have a 3rd season.

yeah the show was tite but its parallels with fight club are too obvious. s2 is good cause it goes past what fc was. i feel like if i read the new fc material it would be the same tho. his gf they killed was looking thicker than a mf too could catch the dick in a second. she was why i started watching tbh

Is there a way confirm us going to UET in 2004?

Fight club rip off

It even ends with the same fucking song...

I'm almost on season on finale. Just finished the 9 ep of season 1. Have never seen fight club so I don't get the references and mirroring.


On point! When we went full Tyler Durden, I couldn't be arsed anymore...

every idea in the show is copied from real life events DPR!

Define 'young(er) girls'

What is the twist?

It's entertaining. I see the likeness to FC. Still something new and different to watch. I looked into how real the computer related stuff is in the show. Apparently they aim to make it as real as possible. I wondered because it seemed different than every other hacker scene in a movie or TV show. Where they are usually banging away at a keyboard and magical shit happens.

Great show, really enjoyed it.

Wow. Fucking stop what you're doing and go watch fight club now.

Nah, fuck that shit.

Season 1 was great, season 2 is absolute shite.

i thought the 1st season got really shit towards the end and i've just had my ex telling me to watch the 2nd one cause its shitloads better. you saying don't bother?

Same all hollywood shit: weird special guy who plays the vigilante rule becauer muh morals muh world.
The character is such a watered down version is Lisbeth Salander I wonder how the fuck the studio hasnt been sued by the author's widow.

Could be entertaining to mindless fucks who think they can hack the world with a laptop and a can of coke

checked and thought of this too...
it's fight club with hackers and nerds
cant deny that the screenplay is awsome

Season 2 Elliott is really in jail the whole time. Ray is a prison guard. Joey Bada$$ is dark army...

I think he meant the reveal at the end of the last episode was on par with the s1 finale.

and youre a nigger.

more like r9k

I hate season 2 so far. Idk if it's close to being over but it seems like nothing has happened.


Lol let him enjoy the show.

Just because the similarities ruined it for you doesn't mean you have to turn everyone else into jaded little faggots like you.

Idk I like season 2 so far. Only 4 episodes in, but it's still there.

Don't listen to other people when they tell you what to watch or don't. Take every review with a grain of salt. Just because they don't enjoy it doesn't mean you won't.

lead actor is acoustic

its obvious and everyone saw it you moran

don't watch fight club just because it's similar to mr robot, watch it because it's a great fucking film.

>great film
>inb4 shitstorm

I thought it was funny when they were watching "Hackers" in the hotel room

I enjoy it because it's a decent show. A few ppl are whining about it being a fight club ripoff but I loved fight club so no complaints there. I'm an Arab American and it's cool to see another Arab playing a lead role that doesn't involve shooting and yelling Allah Akbar.




he doesnt count as an arab though. Born and raised american

how can he be an arab? he hasn't even fucked one goat.

>weird dude
>liked younger girls

pick one

so why is he in prison and how long has he been there?

Also how was he working on that deep website for Ray if he was in prison?


Fight club nerd

stop reading halfway through which comment?
do you mean prison guard?

Hes most likely in prison for hacking his therapists boyfriend, since hes getting out pretty soon. Hes been in there since he started his daily routine, so s02e01. Ray was a prison guard most likely.