Tell me why this is not possible /b

Tell me why this is not possible /b

protip: u cant

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Do you know what gravity is, OP?

Do you even know what bait is?

yfw our surface ocean would cause massive devastation to any "inner earth" world

We have sensitive measurements that tell us the relative location of celestial objects. Unless the other side of the earth is a few trillion lightyears away, I think it's safe to say debunked.

centrer of gravity 400 miles down, still wining

>Tell me why
i will take seismology for $100 thanks.

u all cant ignore the facts

Leonard Euler, a mathematical genius of the eighteenth century, concluded that the Earth was hollow, containing a central sun and was inhabited.

um yeah, except, you know... sound waves and their detectors dont lie. they lay out the map of the earths interior density very accurately.

no holes found.

How about listening to geologists, who arent retarded. All the nuclear testing done in the past, enabled them to determine what the deep parts of the earth were made of. At least the consistancy, solid, liquid, or gas. This would be impossible with a hollow earth. Plus there is no way the earth and inner sun relationship would work. Its the same reason dyson spheres are impractical. Their orbits would inevitably send them crashing into each other.

all have an answer and the mathematics that cocluded that was hollow arent stupid neither.
the posibility of the holes on the north and south poles are real and cant be denied now a days.
All the mesures with instruments can be worng because of millions of circumstances and we could be seeng this from a worng perspective, one thing doesnt imply others

The Nazis have secret documents with instructions how to get there.


you do realise that you just said nothing at all?

perhaps its best for you to just leave this stuff to people who actually know a little bit about it?

is that document yours? what does it say?

like you mr srinivasa ramadujan?

The fact they had readings at all prove the earth cannot be hollow. The vibrations would not be able to pass through the empty space, or bounce around the shell to the other side. Except that is what happened, so it cannot be hollow.

No it is not mine, it has instructions written on it to reach asgard.


no. like seismologists and geologists

Hurr durr I was only pretending to be a fucking hurr look at me please.

because theres a 2 image on top of a 3d representation

in short you 2 fucking bananas holding up a floating ocean with a big magic continent on it.

count on Sup Forums to unironically argue about if the earth has a secret civilization with a sun

a sun, inside the earth

the accepted model of the universe is equally ridiculous

The earth is too massive for the hollow earth theory to hold any water. If you have a problem with that, take it up with 9.8 m/s^2

Because they can map the ocean with sonar and they found that this is incorrect? Fucking loser.

how so?

Thank you for these documents, im from germany and can tell that these documents are authentic.
You really helped me, i willt contact someone with a submarine and try to investigate.

Physics fag here. Classical Mechanics 101: there's no net gravity inside a shell.
Thanks, move on.

>Physics fag here

the earth's flat.

your proposed model is that of a round earth.

Even ignoring a multiple centres of gravity one of which apparently relies on a thin belt of rock, what powers the internal sun?

Can't be beacause earth is flat dumbass




Your mom's lipidic reserve


What powers the molten iron of Earths core in the classic theory of gravity?

>what powers the internal sun?

I didn't watch the whole thing because I didn't want to get too retarded, but the first point is completely true. There is new evidence of tons of water underground. However, that water is incredibly compressed, and exists in fissures in rocks.

The next part was arguments from a guy who died a long time ago, and lived before most modern science. So yeah. "Our next piece of evidence is that someone believed this before we even had electricity."


whats powering that central sun? Its waaay too small for fusion.

Fuck off

cold fusion.

the inner face of the earth is obviously a crucible for a giant alien reactor

Do you even know what double bait is?

>heres one guy who agrees

radioactive decay and residue heat from the formation of earth keeps earths core heated


And Newton was a brilliant physicist who practiced alchemy. There's a reason he's remembered for being a mathematician and not a geologist.

Maybe the earth is flat?
And what is in op's pic is of the underneath of our flat planet?????

The *theory of gravity

Do you even know what triple bait is?


You know the earth is not that big, right? A hypotetical inner sun whould not support enough mass to burn for 5 billion years. It is propably dark inside the holow earth...

No. Wat is da ?

so much bait

i though so but hen it would be nearly impossible that any life could grow therre, and following the theory inside our earth theres life


Even if there is a holow earth (which i do not know), Animals coul'd have migrated in from outside...

Following common Knowledge, i dont think that any planet could sustain its stability while beeing hollow. Any Meteor could shatter it, for example.

But it could have a lot of mass, it would just be more compressed.

And it would be causing the gravity. People inside the Earth would not be thrown at the inner sun because they would have the artificial gravity caused by the g-forces of Earth rotating, like the artificial gravity in space stations.

What if it was artificial?

Fucking 3d surface plebs,
2d agharta master race here.

of course it's not possible dumbass
everbody knows the earth is flat



Geology fag here. Just pointing out some faults (no pun intended):
>plastic basalt. what the fuck is a plastic basalt? why is it plastic? do you mean basalt melt?
>cratons have deep granitic roots that go as far as hundreds of miles deep. Himalayas have even deeper roots. This picture cannot explain them.
>lack of metamorphic rocks. This picture does not explain metamorphic rocks and is lacking a major geologic feature.
>tectonics, this picture doesn't explain how plates slide under each other. Where eurasia? laurentia? how do mega continents form?

So not possible.

A sun that small would still be over 27 million degrees... in an area that small... nothing would survive. That's how.

you do realize we also believe the earth is round way before we had electricity?

Yeah. -Calvin

Because there's no way for any radiation to get out, so the temperature would be too high for life.

how massive does the central sun need to be

we're missing thousands of miles of molten metal in this theory, can a supermassive sun even add up? because the total mass and gravitational pull of the earth is prettymuch proven

why there must be a sun ?
the biggest problem so far seems to be the sun.
we don't need it.

this would be an awesome setting for a fantasy novel or d&d campaign.

OP just got BTFO by science

yes we do, otherwise the core would lose a massive amount of material and change the gravity of earth