Tfw you have been studying STEM in uni and learned English to move to the 1st world

>tfw you have been studying STEM in uni and learned English to move to the 1st world
>1st world faces a rise of right wing who would make immigration, which is already difficult, almost impossible
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
What do? Being engineer in Russia is infinite suffering.

Other urls found in this thread:,-58.5544128,3a,75y,18.99h,72.86t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sk1-GU9odXbV7uhNGzB8BLw!2e0!6s//!7i13312!8i6656?hl=es-419

come to brazil :)

move to low tier EU cunt, get citizenship, congrats you now have full access

Was thinking about Argentina 2bh. But many people say that Brazil is basically a warm Russia with totally the same problems we have.
They face the same right wing wave. I don't blame them, it's their right, but I am in shit. Well, in southern Europe populism is actually mostly leftist, but there are huge unemployment troubles.

South America is pretty much the same country wherever you go. Brazil is somewhat richer, but the same cultural aspects are kinda everywhere, the difference is that we got an african + amerindian influence to the european mix while argentina hasnt, and their cultural aspects are mostly european

Come to California. There's lots of you Ruskies here.
>tfw government papers now come in Russian as well
>almost every business has Russian translators
I'm afraid we will be liberated.

Motherland needs you, user.

>There's lots of you Ruskies here
Of course I'd like to move to California. The problem here it's possible only through winning DV lottery previously (H1B is issued mostly only to ITfags, and Trump is going to severely reduce it) and coming illegally I wouldn't work as an engineer so my life quality would be only slightly better than in Russia, I was studying that shit because engineers in the West are pretty wealthy.

2bqf engineers here are pretty much top high strata. Especially if are able to enter a state company like Petrobras or Embraer
t. Engineer

Motherland pays me 600$ and would pay it for all my life without any career growth. Renting a 1 bedroom flat here is 400-500$ for example, not talking clothes here are often more expensive than in Europe, etc, etc. I would live all my life in shit. And even that can disappear in a moment in a pretty unstable country where industry and economy are crumbling.

If you have issues getting into the US, try Canada.

I has always been working in aerospace industry. First jet engines, now making mechanical part of various shit for rockets. How much do they earn in Brazil? Is industry developing?

Just wait a while until we're annexed by Russia.

>tell woman(or even man) you will be a badass engineer
>acquire green card
>become badass engineer
>pay your alimony fee

it is literally the 4th biggest company of the world in aerospace industry and recently have entered the passenger aircraft biz, which are earning them tons of monies. It is pretty much a highly respectable industry, if not the most respected in Brazil. But be prepared for traveling contry-wide for your job.

Are you me, user?
But I've already failed my GPA and lost interest in my field

Did somebody said opressed russian minority?

All the Russians, the whole 140 millions would move to California then, we have a kind of enormous faggotry towards California, Miami and NY. Would be funny to see bydlos squatting in LA beaches.
Thought about it, but after Trudeau they could diminish immigration, I may miss the moment becauseI need to earn experience now and climate is shit. But it's a good idea.

argentina is as bad as russia if not worse

Why cant you just get work as an engineer in usa?

The "easy" way in is to learn the Фpaнцyзcкий язык and move to Québec.

Try UK, our institutitons are respected worldwide, even our lowtier unis.

>if not worse
Are you sure?

>What do?
Become spy

How is Chile? I've heard it's pretty good these days.

>got a stem-field degree
>have been learning English for years by yourself
>realized you have to be really smartass to move somewhere, not just an ordinary ok programmer
At least I can get a decent job in Russia and earn several times more than the average salary. It's ok, r-right? I won't kill myself in several years?

yes a lot worse the picture you posted has a g comfy feeling and it also looks cool and spooky

this is the average neighbourhood in this shithole,-58.5544128,3a,75y,18.99h,72.86t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sk1-GU9odXbV7uhNGzB8BLw!2e0!6s//!7i13312!8i6656?hl=es-419

>earning them tons of monies
What is ton of money by Brazilian measures? 1000$ per month? 2000? 3000?
? What's that?
Also I often see Russian engineers here complaining and making treads about moving abroad, no wonder. Being engineer is huge fuck up.

Aren't there a ton of Slavs in Saskatchewan? And isn't your national hero a Slav?

You can always move to the 1.5 world country like Czechia.
Salaries and infrastructure are good but everyone looks like they want to kill themselves.

like 10k dollars a month. Hooray for inequality and the lack of qualified people

This would be fixed if you guys stopped being Atheists and became Hussites again. There are no dirty Habsburgs to slaughter you into submission this time.

I think to move to the EU is harder than move to the US or Canada. Also your have to learn another language.

You have a higher HDI, m8. Also you have industry unlike Russia. At least you have a nice climate.
It's very difficult. You had great canada-style program in 00s but it was stopped by may. Job visas are issued only to people with a very high incomes.
Well, programmers and policemans are the best jobs in Russia now with good salaries, so it's okay.

You out of all people should know that faith by itself wont do shit.
Also Hussities just look cool until you realize they were just angry peasants trying to establish medieval gommunism.

>? What's that?
your average score for exams
In russia nobody cares about it, but it's impossible to get to decent places in USA with low GPA

And Chile, Argentina and Uruguay are a little colder than the rest of South America

In what case this is required?

Maybe it'll help a bit, although it obviously isn't working out for Lithuanians who think suicide is the only solution for most of their problems

>your have to learn another language
Yea, almost forgot about this.
Welp I guess you either have to try for the USA, GB or find your place in Ruskie society.

Pretty much this, but Czechia has a good loophole with education (and had previously with business) so it's pretty easy to move there. But the rest of EU is pretty difficult. It's easier to get a work visa there then in USA, but USA have lottery and it's possible to work there illegally if you're desperate dude. Canada is the easiest now.
Also dude from my uni tried loop with education but he just came there and started drinking, drinked off all the money mother gave him and went back. Didn't tried to learn Czech or even English, retard.
Shit, sounds good.

But it actually is. You're just brainwashed by all that pro-life shit.

Yeah Czechia looks pretty good, slav language and beautiful cities and shit.
Now I only need to earn 2000+ euro for a language lessons so I'll be able to pass the exam and become a student.

Why don't you try Australia or New Zealand then?

inb4: fuck off, we're full

Move to Canada, a way better country than the US

In cases if you want to get a master or PhD degree in USA

Lol I think there is no way you can go to Britain from Russia unless you're a nigger or abramovich.

I had 33% of 3, 33% of 4 and 33% of 5 in as a bachelor, as a master I had 60% of 3 and 40% of 4 because I worked since the 4th year of bachelorette.
Also, I studied in Baumanka and grades were real 2bh, in shit like MADI I would have only 5 I guess.
Dude, we had -30C last week.

Do you like hot weather?

You can easily immigrate to Australia/Canada/NewZealand through the skilled worker visa. You need a degree + a few years work experience. After that find a job and you can get it.

If you graduate uni in Estonia you can get a work visa if you find a job after graduation (you got like 6 or 12 months). I'm sure other EU countries have similar options available.

>Work illegally if you're a desperate dude
Lol, this is my back up plan. If I won't move from here in about 5-7 years, I'll just leave all this shit here and move somewhere.

Join french foreign legion amd you'll get citizenship in a couple years

We need to be at least once on the winning side of a major conflict.
Plebs dont care about industry, clean streets on security... only thing that makes them feel good is the false sence of security and superiority.

>Australia or New Zealand
No industry. They buy almost all the machines from abroad.
You have money for education in USA? Really? Why don't you buy flat in Latvia than, get permanent residentship and go to UK or other wealthy place? You know, they issue permanent residentship for 120k euros.

You can be on the right side of the third world war when we crush Turkey and the Emirate of Germany.

>I had 33% of 3, 33% of 4 and 33% of 5 in as a bachelor, as a master I had 60% of 3 and 40% of 4 because I worked since the 4th year of bachelorette.
That's a fail by american standards. You have to have more than 70-80% of 5 to have a chance. I even think it would be better to study in a shittier Russian uni just to make it easier to get 100% of 5.
BTW I study in MSU and it's kind of impossible to get that high GPA

>You have money for education in USA?
Have you ever heard a word "scholarship"?

>started drinking, drinked off all the money mother gave him and went back
Yea that how it is with foreing students: They either study hard and in two years speak better Czech than me or just give up and smoke cheap weed untill they have to go home.

Im moving back to Russia soon tbqh.
Tired of this shit, too calm.
But then again i dont have the same problems you do

It's possible if you're crazy smart nolifer.

Not that bad plan 2bh, yet Trump would tackle on illegal now. One dude I know lives illegaly in New Orleans now. Works as a salesman and earns some extra money on shipping Made in USA goods to Russia.
He graduated from MAI, "exploitation of aircrafts" as soon as I remember but couldn't find any job related to this field.
As any sane person. I like when it's +25-30 C.

There are Universities where all of the education is done in English.
Czech is hard, but if you really want to, just sign up for Uni with English lectures, find a part-time job and try to learn there... Thats what averyone does.

I think that a nolifer will rather play games while it's normies who usually get the highest grades

Learn Spanish and go to Chile

I'm a programmer, I can find a remote job. I think I can go to some small calm city where no one gives a fuck. I also graduated MAI lol, but a good faculty.

Why not the other EU country?
2bh recently I have read an article about guy who graduated from MSU with master degree and found a job in Irish uni to teach Irishmen students a math.

st world faces a rise of right wing who would make immigration, which is already difficult, almost impossible

You are Russian, Trump may make immigration from Russia easier.

>normies who usually get the highest grades
No. Normies get 3-4, 2ch-style nolifers who play games get 3, and geek nolifers get all 5.

There're actually many stories, I myself know a girl who finished MIPhI and when got a PhD in the Netherlands

ah, you mean that nolifers

I though about and I might in the future but the EU is going to shit desu with all the immigration unless you go to live in a quiet town which is exactly the opposite of what I want right now. Also I miss Russian qts.

Actually this, but 2ch nolifers often tend to be kicked out from a uni.

For what reason? Improving relationships with Putin doesn't mean he would make it easier for us to come to USA. Moreover, if they get along Trump may make it more difficult to prevent brain drain from Russia. Also "Trump is pro-Russian" is bullshit, he said he would trade lifting of sanctions for giving up our nukes, Putin would never do it (it's the only one reason actually why there is no common EU-Chinese border yet), and he assigned the most aggressive hawks to all the military/secret service agencies and ministries.
Doesn't Chile have no economy except copper ore extraction?

Btw, I think that 2chers are bad example because it's really popular with vk bydlos. Iichaners on the other hand..

>Doesn't Chile have no economy except copper ore extraction?
I think a Chilean would be able to respond this

You wouldn't find any places without immigration in modern world, dude. Also you're immigrant yourself so option of living in EU being the only one immigrant there is barely possible.

no, chile is unironically a meme and a US puppet state that imports everything from them

Look at their export treemap, lad

What about Ireland?

I know. But you dont understand how shitty London and Paris have become. I just need to go back to Russia for a while. And I have European citizenship so I can come back whenever I want.

But Russia isn't better anyway. Even Moscow is shit.

And yet I miss it. Maybe Ill just find a waifu and go back

How do science students do in Russia? If you graduated with a degree in physics, do you have a lot of options?

It's ok if you're highly qualified and not a Muslim.

What really isn't being said is that the backlash is mostly against Muslims and their religion of incest and tribal violence.

Not really. I graduated a faculty "applied math and physics" (but a programming dept), and many of my fellow students work in unrelated fields. Some work for government companies and get paid like an averag e office slave.

You can't make special laws for Muslims only. Also you did Brexit because of poles and Romanians.

Idk what you're talking about. I have a relatives in London, visit them sometimes, it's a great city by all means. Last time I was there last summer. Huge megapolis full of life, clean, wealthy, people from all over the world. It's a NY of Europe.

>many of my fellow students work in unrelated fields
I think that's pretty common anywhere, for physics students at least. The most common field seems to be IT.

>Some work for government companies and get paid like an averag e office slave.
So much for that famous Soviet science.

Maybe thats what it looks like on the surface.
London is literally just Arabs.

300-600$ normal salary!!!!

Especially Moscow.
t. Hater
An office slave is often paid more than an average scientist.
t. Worked at 2 research institutes

London is the best city in Europe. It's a bit rich that a fucking Russian is complaining about immigrants in London

>hates Moscow
>doesn't have the rest of Russia even more
What an inconsistent person you are.

>t. Ahmed

>The best city in Europe
>Muslim mayor
>Muslims' zones
>Weather is shitty as fuck
Only in your wet dreams.

Physics is pretty shit nowadays
No jobs in Russia, plus not primary IT or math - you lose competition to guys who got IT degree and had work experience during their study.

>t. Ivan

And yet it still manages to be leagues better than everywhere in Russia

>We are better than the corrupted frozen shithole
What an achievement. Will see what happen in a decade or two.

Talk to CIA and become a spy then have your cover blown bjt only when you're already out of the country.

Yes I am an Ivan, Ahmed and London is absolutely shit.

>Why cant you just get work as an engineer in usa?
Fuck off were full. I don't need poor foreigners driving down my wages.