Can we get a slightly off looking Asian slut thread going?

Can we get a slightly off looking Asian slut thread going?
Bonus points for glasses

Another one of her



a classic





man she looks like she was rejected hardcore in high school and just wanted some dick for the longest time and now shes gettin it so shes happy to show off her flat body


You just described my sex life in a nutshell.

> TFW I send dick pics to multiple girls on a semiweekly basis now

this is p much the story behind the saying "white guys take the asian girls asian guys don't want

dubs for noooooooooodz

keep at it user one of them will bite eventually if you keep laying the lure out there
that makes a lot of sense now seeing this thread

This is about Asians that are *slightly* off. Nothing slight about this one.

Holy fuck she's a babe

She's was hit by a shovel?

shes about to be hit by my dick


>slightly off looking asian

So, just asian.




sorry, slantly.



These girls love to be under authority, like something as simple as telling them what to wear for the day turns them on so much.

got any stories?


Is this a ugly Asian thread?

I'd give her a pity fuck

these aren't half bad, give us moar

Just like any other asian thread.

Yeah that's what I like about the odd ones, theyll do anything