Hey Sup Forums, I've recently discovered a certain type of feminist sjw cancer on the internet...

Hey Sup Forums, I've recently discovered a certain type of feminist sjw cancer on the internet, and that cancer is Milo Stewart. And if you don't know who she is she's basically a sjw and a feminist that calls everyone sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, etc and she calls everyone who doesn't agree with her stupid and is gender fluid or whatever. I personally think we should do something about it, maybe attack her or mess with her until she quits or an hero's herself. And before you start saying that I'm some young newfag who is just saying this because some big YouTuber, no, no I'm not, I literally found this awful piece of cancer on my own. And no I'm not asking for some sort of personal army, I'm just suggesting that we do something about it instead of letting the cancer spread. Also pic related, it's her

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Sorry your thread didn't take off newpal

I'll give you some sound advice:
The only people who care about these "people" are beta faggots like yourself and other feminists.

Do you think any real man knows who Milo Stewart is?
No. Because they don't care

Dubs speak the truth
Who the fuck watches people yap about themselves on youtube?

i'd fuck this person no matter what gender this person is supposed to be

Says the dude who takes the time to write about how superior he is on Sup Forums

And besides the whole feminist thing is affecting a shit ton in society right now, from colleges to laws. If you don't care because you want to be a "real man" then you're just letting your future be decided for you

Not your personal army mane

Listen to this guy

Armoured Skeptic on YouTube did a good rebuttal of her idiocy

Do not feed the trolls
>SJW's are the new trolls
>They are waiting for us so they can make money and be famous

NO WORDS, we must shut these anti humans up through voting

>I don't like this brand of SJ
>subscribe to my brand of SJ


New Queen of Sup Forums

I have this theory of my own that the culture we are in just lets you do whatever you want to if you're being a retard,like these transes or whatever, because in that way they can rule the masses more easily.You don't get to learn the truth and be a real person because there are many retards fighting each-other on what the truth is with equal support,all their ideas are treated the same,so i dont give a shit they're just a joke.

old Sup Forums would have leapt at the prospect of causing some mayhem. why the fuck is nobody into lulz anymore...

Weeeee transtrender snowflakes

>Do you think any real man knows who Milo Stewart is?
>No. Because they don't care

Damn right. We don't give a shit. We don't need to change what can't beat us in the first place. If things got too bad men can just apply violence to human obstacles. We are bigger, stronger, usually smarter, and real men are ruthless. We don't care, at all, about the technical humanity of our enemies.

>The only people who care about these "people" are beta faggots like yourself and other feminists.

t. numale

not your personal army faggot. If you weren't a newfag then why'd you take the time to write a whole paragraph about attacking her?


Fuck off, this is anti lulz.
>remember when anita threatened herself and got hella rich from it

I'm with you OP but there are much worse things going on and much better people to pick on then Milo Stewart. Milo Stewart is so god-damned delusional she shoots herself in the foot every time she speaks. She seriously is mentally ill.

If you really want to take on a problem check out Colin Flaherty's channel, or Tommy Sotomayor.

Speaking of SJW fems, does anyone have a pic of Laci Greenvs milk bags?

i don't know who this person is, so i think i'll be alright.

one thing i do know is that these sjw bitches would be hardcore sluts if a man gave them the time of day.

i banged a chick about a month ago who was a vegan feminist and now she's a pescatarian who won't stop texting me.

LOL... so you didn't make her eat real meat


Buzzfeed has probably made millions cashing out on insecure white guys

>Guess she got a taste for meat one could say

I have heard this thing speak and I agree that it needs to be put down, however if you bully it, then you're giving it a story to run to the media about, which then gives it more power.

im sick of seeing this creepy fuckers face on the catalogue, can people stop feeding it attention please
