How does it feel to know this will be the next president

How does it feel to know this will be the next president

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Feels bad man

feels bad, man
she's going to make it illegal to be a misogynist

Good. I actually agree with Trump on everything but I'm voting for Hillary just to troll reddit and Sup Forums, The butthurt is going to be fantastic.


>believing she'll be the one making all the decisions

Why would you butthurt just reddit and Sup Forums, if you can butthurt the whole world and media by voting for Trump?

So you think that one vote will trigger Sup Forums and Leddit? How pathetic can you be one vote doesn't do shit and nobody cares

I voted Sanders so liberal cucks would ......

Sanity might still win

Good Question. Will trump really build a wall?
>not possible to me
"Every day, we invite one-seventh of the members of the UAS election panel to answer three predictive questions"

>Seems like a legit survey


I'm elated! Thanks for reminding me user!

At the end who gives a shit voting is an illusion

really shitty
>8 more years of bush style chronie-ism
>8 years of status quo while hillary gets richer
>8 years of influence peddling
>8 years of USA decline in global politics

Implying that your 1 vote actually matters


crony-ism, you stupid nigger.

otherwise, you're totally right.

Feels normal.

>implying Trump isn't going to win


hey, atleast you tried

I'm Australian.

I'm already exempt from the draft so I'm cool with another Neocon president.

>How does it feel
It brings to mind how it feels when your physician orders a colonoscopy immediately following a digital rectal exam.

But the other option makes me feel like I'm dying of unusually aggressive cancer.

>not paying attention to the polls


It doesn't matter which one wins. These two turds are really the choices to lead the nation? Are you all that fucking stupid?

According to realclearpolitics it is. On the other hand though in general they put too much weight on mere registered voters polls.

41% to 37% last time I checked. Trump is also winning a shitload of supporters with the whole flooding thing. He's going and donating his own money and giving supplies while Clinton is nowhere to be found and Obama is on vacation. There's still plenty of time to gain a lead.

Unrelated but what the fuck is wrong with Hillary? bitch can't even walk up stairs

Did someone say $hillary thread?

rofl. Everyone sees through Trumps photo op ploys.

photo op ploy or not, at least he's doing something. What have you done? what has Hillary done? What has Obama done?


Clinton: "Saudi Arabia has paid me several more millions of dollars to reassure you that muslims are not your enemy"
Clinton: "I am forsaking all legitimate and secular allies we have because I have been paid several million more dollars by the Saudis."

I don't know how Hillary is even an ironic choice on Sup Forums. How bad of a woman do you have to be to get cucked by your husband?

>I'm voting for Hillary because she's a woman!


>Shillary thread

>TFW You actually wanna vote hillary

I'm voting for Hillary because men allow me to!

Fuck it, i don't even care anymore.
We are fucked Either way.
Hillary will enslave us even further and Of trump wins there will Probably be a civial war and outside countries may get involved trying to wipe us out while We are fighting each other