Strangest porn you have thread!!

Strangest porn you have thread!!
Need to fill my folder.

The filthiest, nastiest, skanky fuckery you have.

Gif not related






For the Glory of VLC !


VLC really is compatible with everything





oh my gosh



I'm officially impressed



Was his Dick in her urethra? Wtf

That's hot






>strangest porn you have
Fuck I need to get more normal





fucking lold

What do you have user?

fuck yes

I just can't do the prolapses. I can do gore and death and shit and piss but something about prolapse I can't do.




anyone seen the porn where they must have a propane tank up the girls ass, release the gas, and then light the gas on fire so she has a 3 foot flame jetting from the chicks asshole?

saw it a fews years ago and havent been able to find it since.

good luck shitting normally in a year

dont want to make a webm but here is the source for a woman fingering her nipples/having her nipples sucked
just google
Nipple Fuck Kinky Woman

amazing, what a drop of saliva can do

im with you bro

il tell u a really funny joke if someone finds sauce

lol u mad?

I need to know what the inside of a nipple feels like

Show us what you got then

It's fake though...

why should i
thank YOU for uploading a webm


Hows that

I just hoped it wasnt

Later in the video I'm pretty sure they fuck her nipples, seems legit


>Came in here to be disgusted or laugh
>Ended up fapping


This one is pretty funny with sound.

You win.

What is that? Someone please explain

they effort of doing all that operations to do normal sex

>Alien: The true story

This shit really disgusts me. Fuck this tranny faggot shit.

You keep posting this everywhere...nobody cares...

No she is in possession of 2 vaginas :)

Name of vid?


That's no granny smith you fool!!!


thats a clit...i think...

I like how she puts on a glove.

we have a winner






I fucking need that thing

You're either underage b& or you're a retard.



OMG this is gold


LOL, 555


Gonna need this with sound and preferably some sauce too.

I 'm gonna need souce for that

This wins