Hey Sup Forums

Hey Sup Forums
So we all know that illegal media exist out in the vast, dark ocean of the Internet.

We also know that this illegal media is aggressively and diligently pursued by law enforcement.

Some people never get caught and can evade the ever-seeing eye of the government online forever, despite it being "easy" to track what data are shared from which computers.

My question is:

>How the fuck do people share illegal media on the Internet without getting caught?

I can't ask this anywhere else without it looking "suspicious"

Other urls found in this thread:


not being a dumb fuck.


But why hasn't law enforcement adapted to these yet? What makes them untraceable to use?


uhh is that madeline mccain?

Roses are red
Violets are blue
What the fuck is wrong with you?

Yep you found her we can call off the search

like most criminal type activities
> the more activity/money surrounding a certian item attracts more attn.
the cops will always catch up... when theres a demand.
just keep it legal.
> 18+ / clothed / lolis

look up secure linux systems and how tor works.
nothing is 100% idiot proof.
it is how you use it.

the fundamental mathematical nature of onion routing means that it cant be traced. The servers are arranged in layers each with a password that is randomly generated to be up to 1000 digits long on numbers and letters. It would take longer than the heat death of the universe to solve a random password by trial and error like that. Therefore its uncrackable.

OP here.

I don't want to see anything. I want to know the very basics of the technology behind law enforcement online.
>how does LE (law enforcement) track you?
>how does tor/others stop LE from being able to track?
My background is in biochem and I am interested in the topic of how data is shared and how others can see

tor is broken now. most of the exit nodes are run by FBI/NSA if they watch enough traffic they can backtrace
linux is a step up from windows/mac reporting

Wow, this definitely isn't an FBI post.

>cant be traced
they will always find a way to backtrace it

Haha does the fbi have high school level computer science knowledge and needs Sup Forums to learn more? Give me a break

TAILS is good, with the right tor settings on top and a dash of common sense it would be fine.
TOR on windows is pointless tbh.
And many linux distros still could be backdoored, however compared to windows 10 which is pretty much just frontdoored it is a step up.

>inb4 v&
just some Sup Forums fag who picked this up, nothing to hide so doesn't matter to me ;^)

Law enforcement issues warrants to Web server admins and service providers asking for information on users they know are viewing illegal content, and put legal pressure on the hosts of that information to censor it.

TOR is short for The Onion Router. All users have a unique encryption key, all traffic travels thru several users' machines, being encrypted and decrypted by each with their own key, only the sender and receiver see the content, all others just see encryption.

dammit this glitch again
does anyone know why Sup Forums x keeps marking random posts with a blue line as if they were mine?

It's not just traceability to look out for, when using TOR it's best to assume that all sites you visits are kept in a list, this list is owned by the government and other LE.
With the web you visiting site A is known but with a correct tor setup all they know is the sites visited not the who.
If you log into facebook, use the same passwords and users or otherwise give yourself up in the same session as what you would like to hide then you are good as fkd.
I'm this fag

So LE has to go to private internet providers first? If so, how can people attract interest unless internet providers actively share data with LE if/when there is suspicious activity?

I feel like government agencies are working closely with data providers. I feel like I'm always being watched and if I type the wrong things I'll get flagged, but people can hire hit men online if they do it right.

Really I want to know how to be left alone and not worry about what big brother knows about me.

Everyone say hi to the feds

>>Really I want to know how to be left alone and not worry about what big brother knows about me.
You can't they know everything man, more than you can imagine. Just research, without the web or in public or near a phone or any other technology


You're either a sick fuck or a cop. If you're a sick fuck I hope you get popped and if you're a cop you're going about this wrong

OP here.

Neither a sick fuck nor a cop. Just a simple transblack lesbian trapped in a grown mans body wanting to know how this type of technology works.

I can't ask uncle joe how some people can be invisible online or else he would think I'm a sick duck. I feel safer asking here at least because I can stay anonymous!
>but am I REALLY anonymous here??

>but am I REALLY anonymous here??

No one is anonymous here and if you're a tranny then you're still a sick fuck but at least you're not the kind that needs to be shot on sight as you can be cured with psychological help

Speaking of treatment for trannies, I wonder why you often don't hear about people trying to treat gender dysphoria for what it is, even though there is some evidence that transgenderism can be treated pharmacologically


>you can be cured with psychological help

When will this meme end?

When will your aversion to truth end, enabler?

Dubs of truth

What's fascinating is that if you're looking for real information about reality and the nature of it you are deprived of finding this in the modern day, yet you'll easily find child pornography, ick. You can't know about how old big ben is but if you want to look at some kid vagina type shit all good man!

It's bizarre that law enforcement officers are more interested in baiting damaged human beings into developing sexual fetisisation that can enamour itself into a larger dark transition and change peoples behaviors.

Not like therapy going to simply do anything.

officer M J Sanborn reporting for duty

>All users have a unique encryption key, all traffic travels thru several users' machines, being encrypted and decrypted by each with their own key, only the sender and receiver see the content, all others just see encryption.
I don't get it. Can someone give me an idiots version of this? I know how encryption works in theory, but how does tor use it for anonymity?

why would anyone monitor your traffic if they have no reason to do so?

Internet traffic, even for a single country is way too massive to analyze- even if you reduce it to file transfers and disregard streaming data (and the fuckload of other protocols) - there's little point gathering this data because the big time issue is visualizing and identifying this data (which has to be done by humans).
unless you can at least filter it down to a small amount of persons that you want to monitor, its absolutely pointless to look what the fuck is going on on the internet.
you need to drill down at some point. either monitor specific files - but thats fucking pointless because you can alter files so easily, or monitor specific people - but you dont know which ones

looking at what people google however is very trivial because the request is often in SHORT clear text and a single request / package. You can easily search such a database, but going deeper and into more detail is really not as simple as it sounds, often not even possible

Sup Forums is the absolute best place to learn things about technology.

>officer M J Sanborn reporting for duty

What I meant is, wouldn't the intermediate machines see the decrypted stuff?

because you encrypt your data with the recipient's public key - the intermediate machines cant decrypt it because you need the private key to do so, and the private key is never transmitted

It's disturbing, really.

Ah, I get it. That's pretty nifty.

It's too bad many exit nodes were compromised (by assholes posting CP and shit, when owned by citizens), shutdown (by many ISP's, whether terms and rules were followed or not), surveiled and/or seized (by LE)...

OP gtfo you cancerous fuck. You can either learn from lurking or doing research on your own. Sage goes in all fields.

>whoever controls the exit nodes controls what goes in and out
>which basically makes me the one in control

>they can backtrace

Please kill yourself.

The exit node is the last stop before the recipient?
Then they would be able to see the address of the recipient. Plus the content but only if they somehow know where it comes from, right?
