

fantano meme/10

budie of mine was featured on this release

I wish I had a Nintendo

wicked release, plebs needn't bother

Was worth one listen. Wouldn't listen to it again though.

The gun shadow bothers me

Feigning Familiarity was great, rest of the album was less memorable.

aggressive music for people who are too afraid to listen to extreme metal

literally unlistenable

I liked it.

fantano enjoyed it, so it's probably trash

>2017 day 1
>letting other people determine what you do or don't like

Most "extreme" metal is tame af what are you talking about

you obviously don't know shit

Okay big boi whats some brutally heavy extreme metal?

my AOTY last year

no memes


>hear that this is so dark and twisted and fucked up
>it's just Marilyn Manson yelling over industrial
Y'all a buncha soft pink pussies.

same, this was brilliant, my AOTY also.
brutal industrial-punk take on black metal, amazing sampling

at least give it a chance you fuckers, even a stopped clock is accidentally right twice a day

>take on black metal

listen to it again, it's definitely not proper black metal but it's a pretty clear influence on the beats and the overall atmosphere

I've listened to it plenty of times and I have no idea what you're talking about. I'd need specific song comparisons.

That fucking sicko school shooter liked it so I can't listen to this.

I dont recall any school shootings in the time this has been out.

couldn't really pick out specific songs, but overall, look at, say, Darkthrone's Under a Funeral Moon - in the tempos and drum patterns, there're a lot of similarities between the two. plus the BM tendency to drone fast riffs with just 1 to 3 or 4 notes in them is pretty similar to the general use of sampled riffs in this album

like, "take on black metal" wasn't a good choice of words on my part, I'm talking more along the lines of BM-influenced industrial punk

Metal is not scary, grow up

>sampled riffs in this album
I don't recall this either. I always thought there was absolutely zero guitar on this album.

Download an emulator, senpai

i'm not using the word "riff" to just talk about guitar, it can be applied a lot more generally than that, just to mean any vaguely hooky repeated lead melody in non-classical music. I haven't listened to any of the other bands on the label yet, but I've heard people say that a lot of Flenser bands do "black metal without guitars." can't say firsthand whether that's true but there it is