When did you grow out of altrock after realizing the superiority of Metal?

When did you grow out of altrock after realizing the superiority of Metal?

You got that backwards.

Metal is one of the most shallow genres of music.

i don't like metal at all but altrock is fucking shallow and boring. the birth of alt rock made rock more shit than it already was with buttrock and hair bands.

shallow in terms of what?

I used to think that about electronic music too. Then I found Aphex Twin.
I used to think that about rap too. Then I found MF Doom.
I used to think that about metal too. Then I found Devin Townsend.

there's a lot of shitty music in metal it's true. But you'll find that there are really only three genres of music user. Music you love. Music you don't. And music that confuses the shit out of you.

Metal listeners are "misunderstood"

LMAO you mean antisocial?

All of Slayer's hits are very full of depth thanks to Hanneman's talent for songwriting

Certainly less shallow than the almost all rock music that exists. More hooks/riffs, more intensity, more varying rhythms, metal does everything better than rock music. Sure maybe you can say "b-but muh timbres!" well shit why are you listening to rock music for that? Go listen to electronic stuff.

>hur dur kill everyone cause they muh manlyness
top depth right there


Do you even understand what timbre is?

>says the retard misunderstanding the term "antisocial"

>Metalhead has 2000s solo goatee
this is bait right

Duh, he ranks himself higher than a classical listener

reminder that these are the people you share a board with

>devin townsend

>implying neither jazz or classical is aggressive
this nigger has never seen a saxophone player tuned to 440 Hz


You are the reason why metal is considered pretentious.

What did I misunderstand?

Antisocial as in antisocial virgin faggot loser

Problem with metal is the metalheads, mostly. They have these delusions of grandeur about the genre and how great they think it is. Some of it is OK, but you can only expect so much out of a genre in which the only truly defining feature is timbre. And the technical skill of metal musicians is mediocre at best compared to jazz and classical artists.

This. I used to exclusively listen to metal, anything else just wasn't good enough, but eventually you look around and realise that everyone around you is the exact same person. Hip-hop, EDM, shit virtually every genre has just as much good music in it and just as much shit as in metal.

You mean asocial, not antisocial.


I like metal. Im just pretty choosey about it. I just hate the edginess of a lot of it. and the pig squeal vocals.

Im pretty picky on the harsh vocals in metal. It can really kill and album for me even if i like the riffs and drumming.

>accuses pop and altrock listeners of only being concerned about the approval of others
>half of the description for metal listeners concerns what others think of metal listeners

>they're all wearing sony headphones

>Top 40 listener is a womeme
>Metal fan is a stinky fuck quoting the Schop
Like poterry

umm where does chief sosa fit in that little meme chart sweety?

>implying metal is the best genre and that hard core isn't the best genre of music
Heh, you've got a long way to go until you find that music redpill.