Sup Forums, how the fuck do you kiss a girl?

Sup Forums, how the fuck do you kiss a girl?

With your mouth OP

On the dick silly

Be witty. Wait.

How do i initiate hooking up at like a music festival. Its obvious she wants to too. But im a pussy and have no experience

Easy. Practice on ugly fat needy chicks. Then, after you have finished your practice; tell them you will be back in a minute, and never come back. Then, bang! You have experience

OP bro, OP, bro i got you, I didn't like full on make out with a girl until i was 8 motherfucking teen, (also banged same girl like a week later)

Probs so long because I was terrified to kiss, because I had zero practice other than pecks.

I would have banged bitches sooner if I had confidence in ma kisses abilities.

Here is the way of the world ma man, Girls will never ever initiate an initial kiss. EVER, srs.

It's always you ALWAYS.

Kissing is skill that takes like 5 minutes tops to learn. Bitches WILL KNOW that it is your first time kissing a human being. No way around this, you will be shit as fuck.

My advice, get real drunk, find a drunk girl, kiss her for however long she'll put up with you, and then you good.

straight up just say "can I kiss you? Then put your lips on hers. It'll be awkward, but first times are always so. If she really likes you it'll be fine.

Thanks, yea i guess i have to get that first awkwardness out of my system but im still terrified every time i think of doing it


Dubs confirm

Dubs of truth


Jesus... Just get her alone and go in for the kill. If she recoils and turns her head and pushes you away--- sorry bro. Next bitch in line.

If she gives you a little peck on the lips she probably just likes you as a friend: I.e. Someone who buys her shit that she doesn't have to let fuck her.

Idunno. I can't tell you everything about dating. But when you're ready to kiss, this is how to do:
0) Forget everything you've ever seen in a movie. Please, don't be that autistic in IRL.
1) Look in eye
2) Lean in close, slowly
3) YOLO, no going back now! TIME TO ALL IN
4) Connect lips to lips, slowly, calmly, the time to have second thoughts is over. You've made your decision.
5) Nothin' fancy at first, just make lip contact
6) Back up, look in eye again
7) If she wants more, she'll kiss you again
8) Begin to part your lips slightly. She'll part them as well. You sort of open and close your lips together, in rhythm. It's like... dancing I guess. With your lips.
9) If this continues you can see what her tongue tastes like. You don't have to stick it in her mouth, just y'know. See what it tastes like.
10) Trace the letters of the alphabet with the tip of your tongue. See if she gets it.

Idunno, other cute shit. Be creative. The most important thing is to be calm, and certain. As long as you're certain and stick to what you do, it'll be fine. None of this awkward "Oh, I wasn't really gonna' I just, something in your, herpdy derpdy NVM DESU~!" No. Just go in, own your decisions. If it later turns out that she wasn't interested, well shoot. Deal with it.

11) Dump her, and get a dolphin GF, because who the fuck needs all the angst and emotional bullshit female humans bring with a relationship?

Depends on the girl really.

This thread is now about kissable dicks.

OP can have his gey "how do i do a gurl?" thread back if he can roll dubs.


mah nigga

For a first kiss this is okay
Or just be drunk and sharing a bed with a girl and then you'll both be looking to makeout

make sure u dont have a tongue tie

(im serious look it up)


Same way you kiss a guy.


nah, it's a loli bread nao
op can fuck off with that facebook cringe

























Gotta love impromptu loli threads








>I went thru this issue once.
>first stage kissing
A simple lip to lip kiss, make eye contact to initiate attention. If this made correctly you both will lean in until lips are met.
>stage two "open mouth"
This will happen while the lips are met, but do not do this on first kiss. Open mouth and press tough to the other persons tongue and go with the flow . Avoid getting your saliva in the other persons mouth (that's fucking gross). This intimacy will usually lead to intercourse if the mood and venue are right





no u


Don't crack up laughing because you can't comprehend why that drunk chick is kissing you.









jesus christ






practice on dog corpses found in the middle of the road in winter, first... since both is dangerous and cold bitches



Skip straight to 11



filthy pedos








I don't know or remember. I haven't had a girlfriend since 2010 and they always came to me first and we just ended up kissing at some point.



who needs a gf when you have lolis?


