Everyone post breasts

Everyone post breasts.

Other urls found in this thread:




i don't have breasts



plebeian scum

ok, how about a biscuit instead?



timby would you like me to make you your own thread


Nah I like wrecking yours.



Nah I have eaten way too much stuff today
No bikkies

welp filtering it is then

But i'm good for now. See ya :3

Man, I'm hungry, but not. What to do?



Probably don't eat yet
Wait a bit




lets make a different thread

Nef, yahtzee is no longer doing his drown out series

Can't wait to get spit roasted tonight @.@

Yeah, he's moving to the US in September or something

I think they were doing another 1 or 2, then done.

Wouldn't help
Do I have you on steam?

don't think so



You're terrible

he has one more video than capuut.

Im kind of upset hes not able to do anymore really.

Ill have to find another podcast to listen to while working now

do you want me to add you? i hardly use steam


I was just gonna send you my filter list is all

Well, Gabe isn't moving so they can't sit in the same room.

I wish they had done more co-op things, because they seemed so much more happy and interested when they were playing Aliens: Colonial Marines

oh not it's this guy


i got a filter list from katia before


What is on the filter list?

is it the loli/shota and image filter list?

the more farcical the game, the more they seemed happy.

I hope they do recording sessions via the interweb, but that is unlikely as well.

just gore and poop

Yeah but Katia is terrible.

Nah it's just filters for things like the shit guy, timby, most spider-man etc.

Yeah, especially with the delay. AUS to USA isn't gonna get any better than 180 ping, and thats assuming West Coast US and good connection

sf deleted my image.jpg filter
it has never done me wrong.

him and i have more in common than i once thought it seems

'image' filter is the best filter.

I need more

i have most of the fat retard filtered, i just wish the bumbling bastard would make a trip so I could out right filter the thing completely

spoder man is nice sometimes when the thread is awful though too

and I wish the aussies would invest in something that yould actually promote a healthy economy from a technological stand point.

are you following the the Rugby Championship?


We are, slowly. The major issue is that it's just far away from the US and Europe.

My internet is one of the worst in the country, and I get at most 80 latency to decent servers on the east coast of Aus.

Even with fibre, I wouldn't get less than 150 latency to US. Probably 250 to Europe

>are you following the the Rugby Championship?
No, I do not typically follow sports.

>sf deleted my image.jpg filter
because on boards other than Sup Forums it was filtering out actual content, that is a common filename and you nuked it to avoid one poster

they were all dum without fail

Wait, he didn't limit it to Sup Forums?
Why did you delete it instead of just limiting it to Sup Forums?

decidedly false, anyway it was inconveniencing me

I don't actually use filters so I didn't even think of that


I didn't use to, but with 4chanX and auto-dumping now making spamming a click-and-leave thing I find it necessary sometimes

Well, Aus could always do what the USA did, and just lay a shit ton of cable from one beach to another.

and that blows, is it a server maintenance problem in Aus?

when do you typically follow then?

even people I hate on occasion post things I want to read

dumping sucks but it makes the thread shit regardless of whether I hide it or not

>Well, Aus could always do what the USA did, and just lay a shit ton of cable from one beach to another.
It has already done that

And no, the problem is just that my connection is old ass copper cable, and I am in the most isolated city in the world.

>when do you typically follow then?

I do not think a Spider-Man dumper, or someone posting commentless pictures of shit, has ever posted anything I have wanted to read.

you wouldn't know

> "i hardly use steam"

Yeah unless you want to spam requests to view broadcasts, you shit.

No, but I can make a reasonable assumption based on previous evidence.

I'm rather enjoying how this thread turned out.

That's different.

spiderman posters have actually posted interesting things before

I'm going to tell Gabe that you are cyber-bullying me.

That is incredible

Just sayin


this is the best video on the internet

julian why does pikachu do super effective to flying normals

Type advantage.

electric > flying

Can I have more of this please?

Forgot my name.


Lettuce is healthy

copper is great, unless it is old, you should steal all of the copper and sell it.

do you watch any sports?

that is not intuitive.

it's too green fuck lettuce tbh

how on earth did you play pokemon as a kid and not know these things

what's wrong with green you racist

"Tree hugger" isn't a race.

Iceberg lettuce is GOAT, all other lettuce is inferior

Copper isn't great when it has to go several kilometres before it reaches the exchange.


Buy me N64 games.

what game are you playing katia


I am not longer Richy McRich and cannot afford to buy people anything

That long term illness I had last year, along with the spinal injury this year have wiped my savings out.


Please don't die. I would miss you.

>why didnt I memorize all of these

copper is great mkay

how old is the line?

a few of them didn't exist in red blue and yellow but electric/flying totally did

fairy doesn't exist and prior to gen 6 ghost and dark are both resisted by steel


I am endeavouring to avoid the sweet embrace of death.

are you seriously losing to an ice type lol


No moron I was looking at the ice type matchups on the chart he posted.
its fucking retarded.

ice is a pretty good offensive typing on account of fuck dragons

Probably a decade or two
and no, copper is shit. Copper is fine with you are balls-deep in the servers, but if you're several thousand km away it sucks more than a hooker with a vacuum cleaner