Mfw vaping is considered "healthy"

>mfw vaping is considered "healthy"
>mfw nicotine increases your chance of getting cancer by 80%

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Nobody thinks vaping is healthy just a better alternative to cigarettes you dumb fuck

There is vaping without nicotine?!

then why do people start vaping in the first place, unhealthy with nicotine and pointless without

>worried about nicotine
>not diacetyl

Do some research you fucking sperg

It's a steadier drop from cigarettes to vaping than to gum or patches. Your brain still gets the positive response from smoke/inhale.

One more reason to not fucking vape

Yep, don't care about people who do it to stop smoking, it's just people who go from not smoking to vaping

1. Same reason people pick up cigarettes, they just decide to go for the "better" option
2. They like blowing clouds of smoke

Well if people want to start smoking they should just smoke cigarettes and not be cringey faggots

Nicotine doesn't cause cancer, retard.

The liquid can be bought without nicotine in it as well inbred fucktard.


>Nicotine causes cancer
> Doesn't mention tar

This nigger never smoked a bowl, cigarette, spliff, or kebabtower in his life

>implying that's a bad thing

> Implying people who don't know what they're talking about shouldn't be told to stfu

>implying we need to smoke to get cancer

bishplz, we have enough cancer on this board as it is

Big tobacco companies are behind the push to regulate vaping technology. They don't even hide it. They even have their own products out the door already.

Then only they will have the industrial might to keep up with the regulations.

You are being played like a song.

You do some fucking research. There is 100x more diacetyl in cigarettes and there has never been a reported case of popcorn lung from either

They think its cool

That's how business works. The times change and you evolve in order to stay in business. Dont be such a faggot user it's probably affecting your social life

>never got a nicotine addiction, therefore I'm a faggot
so now it's all a conspiracy theory?

svaping is good

I started to quit cigs, it's the only 'quitting' method that actually worked for me. I tried cold turkey, patches, gum, but this is the only thing that actually got me off of them.

I see vaping only as a smoking alternative, why these kids start vaping with no nicotine... I have no fucking idea.

>why these kids start vaping with no nicotine... I have no fucking idea.

4 fun !

mfw I don't fucking care because I'm already dead inside and waiting on my body to catch up.


more power to you you fat cunt

I smoked for over ten years. Quit cold turkey then started up with a vape a year later only to quit that. My life got filled with stress and I started smoking cigars on and off for the last two years. I started vaping again about two weeks ago and I tried a cigar last night for the first time since then. Took like five puffs and threw it into the street. Shit tastes like ass and hardly compared to the pinch of my shitty vaporizer

Good for you, you're using vapes for what they're actually for


Nicotine does no such thing you monkey

Vape Nation

Deal with it faggot

I'm someone who vaped for 2-3 years on and off, never smoked cigs, so it wasn't to try and quit cigs. I simply found that nicotine was a very powerful stim, and it really helped my reaction time with gaming, better than adderall, so I vaped for that reason. I found nicotine easy to quit, easier than caffeine, so I just use it on an off just like some people are caffeine addicts.

Cancer is no longer a problem in modern society.
Cancer is only a problem for statist retards who don't know how to internet.

It does faggot



Nice trips. I'd also like to see the information

Here, let me share something with you user. I suffer from severe muscular tourettes and have been prone to very bad muscle spasm and cramps because of it. A friend of mine did some research into treatments and such for me and found that nicotine actually helps treat the symptoms of tourettes. So i picked up vaping and now instead of full body twitches, i just have a neck spasm. feels good man.

Never encountered a vapefag. Hopefully that won't change, but I know deep down inside that my college will be assblasting with them this year.

Dude, have you ever smoked? You blow smoke out of your mouth like some kind of Dragon-God. It's a feeling of Power you can't even begin to imagine until you actually have the guts to do it.

Technically it's officially classified as a Trilby...

it doesnt, im a grad student in biochem and one of the scientific studies we covered actually proved nicotine actually helped embryonic development in mice, when introduced in normal dosages. nicotine itself isn't a carcinogen, it's the delivery system that does.

there is minor evidence that it can increase mutations rate in cells, but all of that has been done in vitro, and in vivo studies (statistical analysis of those using cessation systems) hasnt shown use of nicotine replacements increases cancer risk.

>Nicotine plays a direct role in carcinogenesis through a variety of mechanisms, including increasing the activity of tumor growth-promoting transcription factors, decreasing apoptosis, and increasing angiogenesis in tumors. Additionally, specific types of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors— eg, alpha 7 receptors, which are stimulated by nicotine—are found in many malignant tumors and are thought to play a role in tumor progression.12 Blockade of alpha 7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors has been shown to decrease the growth of certain cancers. However, these findings were from in vitro studies, and the concerns they raised have not been reflected in in vivo studies. Despite having been on the market for 30 years, nicotine replacement therapy has as yet not been associated with any “real world” increase in cancer risk.

just saying

have you tried weed

to expand on this, and why the in vitro studies can be dismissed

"Even glucose, a harmless substance can cause oxidative stress at high concentration levels. It is not astounding that nicotine can have the same effect at high levels not occurring in practice.The authors of the study used 0.5 - 5 mM nicotine. Plasma nicotine concentration of smokers (approx. 30 ng/ml) is approx. 0.2 microM, i.e. factor 2,000-20,000 lower. This study has nothing to do with real life. And I wonder why the authors didn´t report results for 0.2 microM, I suspect this is because they found no proof for oxidative stress under regular conditions."

yeah but i cant smoke that in public where i live


You are doing it wrong

Ecigs help me stay off the one thing that will end up killing me. I can smoke a pack and not take accountability for my addiction by switching instantly back to vaping.

This is the same for me.

actually its igniting the polonium that causes the chance of getting cancer because it makes it radio active.

>mfw I make fun of people who vape around my friends
>mfw I vape when I'm alone
I dunno man, it just feels good. Yeah I'm a faggot for doing it but it tastes nice and it deters me from smoking actual cigs.
I would never carry that shit around in public tho.

If you've never smoked or vaporized in your entire life, there's absolutely no reason to pick up vaping. However, I personally believe that vaping is hands down the most effective smoking cessation device. Two years ago, I was smoking TWO packs a day. Then I vaped pretty heavily. Now I don't vape at all. Try smoking cigarettes that heavily and quitting cold turkey or using any other method. It's just not as easy or effective.

>>mfw nicotine increases your chance of getting cancer by 80%

actually it increases your base rate of cancer by 8 to 12 %

that means if you have 1/100 chance to get cancer, you will now have 1.08 to 1.12 /100 chance of getting cancer

Currently in American medical school right now. Nicotine IS a carcinogen, but it is actually much more likely to kill individuals by hardening the greater vessels of the heart.

offtopic but it grinds my gears when people put trilbies in with the fedora fags. I don't have one, but fuck, a trilby is alright man.

the scientific study to classify it as a carcinogen involved concentrations of nicotine which were unreasonable in living cells. 200-2000 times the concentration as found in everyday smokers. and even then the mutation rate from the Ames test was on the lower side.

Nicotine alone, in typical dosages, is a relatively food safe drug that is chemically similar in effect and properties to caffeine. It has addictive properties, like caffeine, sure... Otherwise it's a safe and well understood stimulant.

Tobacco products are inherently dangerous because your burn and inhale them (carcinogens) or stuff them under your lip habitually enough to cause repeated tissue damage.

Nicotine has never been a direct or second hand concern to health

Tl;dr, smoking's bad but learn why it's bad. Vaping is bad because it's a fedora tier activity

This probably increases the chances even further.

Australia banned selling any liquid with nicotine in it. They used a law that was made to stop people selling things that encourage kids to smoke. There was these sweets that looked like a cigarette that's why that law was made.

Is fucking stupid banning juice though because the flavors are encouraging kids to vape.

Your allowed to import one months worth at a time. I usually order a year's worth of juice and they don't do anything. Customs probably doesn't even know what a months worth is.

>then why do people start vaping in the first place

They give you a free vaping kit when you buy your first fedora,

Have you considered killing yourself?

Do some research you fucking sperg

at one point yeah, but things are going good for me right now.

if you want 'healthy' vaping, forget about that e-cig bullshit and try vaping dry herbs
im not even talking about weed, theres lotsa stuff you can vape, like mint, sage, chamomile. most of them dont get you high, just taste nice and mellow. like a cup of tea without the water

why do you care what anyone else does?

you're acting a faggot on the internet and nobody says anything about that

I vaped and never smoked before
Im so cool


and what? shits delicious

use coupon code "Peydunn" at monq

It's a great product.

good for you man

look after yourself

I don't get the bid deal about vaping E-juice the nicotine free one. I tried it all I get is dry mouth and a headache literally pointless if you ask me.

you dumb fuck, nicotine is basically harmless. just very fucking addictive. its all the other shit in cigs that is unhealthy

>nicotine is basically harmless

literally poison

>basically harmless

> implying its the nicotine that causes cancer

What are all the chemicals in cigarettes m8

Well it's the most powerful natural insecticide we know. One drop of nicotine, if 100% pure could kill a horse in hours.


do go on

i think he's talking about a hookah. i've got one, shit's pretty dank


How did such low quality bait get so many (you)'s?

>i think he's talking about a hookah.

I don't know, it would be pretty retarded to call it kebabtower.

Majority of people who vape are faggots

I worked for the vape expo and I wanted to slap every one of them autistic faggots

actually it's pretty accurate. some of them can get pretty fucking tall

maybe some of just wanna talk about vaping

smoking in general is like visaly saying your a massive faggot and love to pay the merchant friend for a shitty stimuli

healthier than smoking you faggot,no one said it was healthy.