I fucked up, Sup Forums

I fucked up, Sup Forums.
I don't know how to mitigate the embarressment, so I'll give you the whole story straight up:

>be me
>be waiting at bus stop on way home
>qt3.14 girl I know from school walks up
>stumble over my tongue: "h-hi!"
>she does not even notice me, because earphones
>she wears a nice skirt, showing off her sexy legs
>awkwardly stand next to her for couple of minutes
>bus arrives
>she steps up to buy ticket from driver
>I stand directly behind her
>notice her skirt is wedged into her butt crack
>pull it out
>she turns around giving me the what the fuck look
>spaghetti start dripping
>she turns back to the driver
>I think: "okay, she obviously did not appreciate that"
>push her skirt back into her butt crack
>she turns around, yelling, swearing, kicking at me
>don't know what do
>try to play it cool: "n-nice s-skirt!", make that stupid pistol hand gesture at her
>I turn awkwardly, leave, walk 4 miles home
>fake beeing sick the next four days to avoid seeing her at school

What do now?
Should I try to friend and message her on FB to smooth things over?

>pic related

>push her skirt back into her butt crack

An hero before you're put on a sex offenders list

Yes. Absolutely yes. Screencap everything

Yes message her. Tell her you have ocd and couldn't stand seeing her skirt like that when you were watching her ass

That is the most idiotic thing I ever read on this board.
At any point in this progression of events you had a chance to correct your course of action, but you choose not to.
Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having witnessed you.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

My sides my sides

Are you for real or baiting



most probably went like this

Cute girl at bus stop
Notice skirt wedgy on girl
Think about pulling it out
Think about reactions
Think about being beta
Think about Sup Forums
Think about making a thread about your false story

And now he's here posting a fake story to try and make strangers laugh.

I know this sounds kind of strange, I simply do not know why I did this.
I was 100% on autopilot.

This sounds like a plan.


Still tho, even if nigger is lying, it's a funny lie

First and last are me
I dunno who the middlefag is

don't ruin the fun, faggot! who actually believes, the green texts are meant to be serious for the most part is a fucking autist, you cunt.

Do the ocd thing, screen it and post with timestamp
Then we make sure to make this a proper thread

Your English is awful.

>That is the most idiotic thing I ever read on this board.

Careful, your newfag is showing.


more like this. this shit is so fucking funny, dude!

so? English is not my mother tongue.

>my mother tounge
Fucking kek

if you really did that then follow this course of action :
>let this thread get 404'd
>start new thread to go an hero
>open stream
>make us happy
>Be sure you will be the hero of Sup Forums for the next years

But this is most likely a shit post so whatever,eat something,fap and sleep OP.Stop being a faggot.

facebook apology is mandatory

let the beheading begin

4chin! get ready. This is a historical Thread!!!

this fuckin reaction kills me every time

where is he wrong with this sentence?

Don't you think that there's not a single faggot out there who would be such an autist to do this?

As long as the Pokemon Go-Kid continues singing, we can say that autism hadn't reached it's final form yet.

kekked hard. this is some god tier cringe.

In common English what he is reffering to is called "Native language"

U know what op just yolo if she ask why u did that just say u have a crush on her maybe she will accept n take her to a date if not u dont lose anything and end up like a weirdo

Not gonna happen user
She was clearly upset he pushed her skirt into her butt crack
She won't fucking date him
Also Op seems beta as fuck (no offense OP, but it's clear you are beta af)
Tl;dr: not gonna happen since op beta and she pissed

well, you can be a nitpicker about fucking everything, huh? jesus, dude

Demonic trips of harsh truth

whoa satan go away

Is this a copy-pasta or did I travel back in time, swear I've seen this b4.

Yes user, I have a sickness and nothing can help me
I must be stopped


beta af

Op u cant be a pussy ur hole life u gotta go and be a man what she can do? Nothing big deal a whore is mad at u fuck that bitch man up op fgt


Just thinking the same thing, low quality bait

make a skirt for your penis, push it into her butt crack


>I think: "okay, she obviously did not appreciate that"
>push her skirt back into her butt crack

You should definitely message her. Keep it original!

>Should I try to friend and message her on FB to smooth things over?

Yes OP, that will absolutely make this situation better and not worse.

Old pasta is old