Why do black lives matter?

Why do black lives matter?

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They don't.

No that's Sup Forumstard's lives that don't matter.

you can't /thread your own shit you autist

Now kys.

Because white lives don't.


I am not a faggot, so my life matters.

Awwww shiiiiet... Sup Forumstards lives dont matter.. we have a 9th grader here on the loose..


You know the air raid sirens they used around the UK during WW2.

That is the sound from your crying little hipster mouth when you get salty.


dubs dont lie


Kek nigga, i aint salty at all, you sound salty as fuck tho.

Stop being a nigger already and kill yourself.



they do not
never did
never will

we done here?

Obey nigga!!!

"cuck negi, ee an sultry ut il, yew sund selty is fock doh"

Fucking Americans can't fucking spell shit again.

You are so dumb that your forefathers decided to change words like Through and Though to Thru and Tho, because your fat obese asses can't spell worth a shit.

And for the really dumb fucks, they gave sport scholarships so they didn't have to try and employ your lazy fat asses.

That was single handedly the gayest attempt at an insult I've ever seen.

cause kanye

go back to watching your mother get fucked by Shakka and Mohammed, you britfag


Ask youself that the netx time you go to store and buy jar a penut butter? faggit


Log of shit you fucking asshole


Yes, I'm out.



Log of Shit

There you go you massive faggot


No lives matter. Or it's subjective. Either way, fuck off.

Are there still white ppl in Mississippi or Alabama ?





fukken kek'd
