

A few notes before we begin:

There is no measurement or math involved. Don't go around trying to calculate the area of the circle.
There is no wordplay with the question itself.
The sequence of the shapes is random and the numeric labels only exist to aid in discussion.
There is a single correct answer.

3 because it's green obviously

4, becuase it has more than two dividers

4 because it doesn't have a black outline.

What do you mean by dividers?

>3 because it doesn't have the same color

Integer dividers

It's 2, it has no similarity with the other objects.

All of them in their own way.


Yes, but one of them is still different than the rest

4 becuase no outline/border

The answer is 2.

The reason being, it is the only one that fits every other pattern.
All reds, 2 is acceptable while 3 isn't/
All the same radius? 2 is allowed and 1 isn't.
All have a black border 2 fits but 4 doesn't.
all the same shape? 2 works but 5 doesn't.

The only thing wrong with 2 is that there isn't anything wrong.
And that's why it is the odd one out.

All of them have one unique feature, except #2. So #2 is the odd one.

What makes outline more special than shape or size?


This thread has been posted many times.

Yes, all of them, in their own way.

I agree

Each one is unique, but one of them is still different than the rest. Other people have got it.

there is only one number one, thus it has to be the odd "one"

There is no wordplay.

4 makes me feel uncomfortable

>There is no measurement or math involved
read rules faggot


Whoa, that's clever

All of them, none of them are the same.

2, because it's the only one which is not special. Every other figure is unique. 1 is smaller than everything, 3 is green, 4 has no outline and 5 is a circle. 2 has black outline, is the same size as 3 and 4 and is red.

All of them are different than the rest in some way.

You aren't very smart, are you?

Please list each one's unique trait.

I don't feel like it. I'm busy doing a cold water extraction on some pills. You'll just have to use your own brain this time, but trust me, an argument can be made for each one of them being different than the rest.

2 is unique because it doesn't have any special trait that no other has?

As in every shape has one single trait that distinguishes and identifies them from every other shape, except 2.

>It's 2, it has no similarity with the other objects.

1 because it's bigger than other

i can see the logic of answering 2... except that the thing that the proof for 2 not being unique IS a uniqueness. "2 is the only one..." is the definition of a unique quality.

i strongly disagree on the basis that it forms a paradox. you cannot answer 2 as the only one without a unique trait, because that is attributing it its own unique trait.