Ok Sup Forums i found the bastards that were shitting in

Ok Sup Forums i found the bastards that were shitting in
my attic.
what should i do?

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there is a whole fucking family living up here

Get a pellet gun, go to work.

it will help you prep for a mass shooting in the future.

call the police and have them get animal control

you're not being honest
why would you lie to Sup Forums

Release them to their natural habitat

Try to pet one, or call animal control !!
call 911 start screaming histerical vocaroo it then say the racoons are everywhere I need help something like oh my God it is going to .
then disconnect the phone so the cops go and fix the mess

they seem to like it up here.


you could kill one and use its I think tail or head as a hat.

They seem kinda cute also

Gas those attic niggers

Ask them to roll dubs to decide their fate

well that was quick.

Fist fight them

>pic related

Make them form part of your personal harem
Post picks with your dick inside them


Love them

Piss on them

Poke them with a stick. Oh, and rape the alpha male to show them whose boss. Cause rape is great!

that's actually the FRONT lol npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/08/18/490486309/flying-bum-airship-takes-flight-in-england

punch that fucker in the face