Well.. Never thought I'd find myself posting something like this on here

Well.. Never thought I'd find myself posting something like this on here.

I've married, got a three year old daughter. Back in 2013 I had an affair - seven months. The marriage was at a difficult point. Learned a lot from it in terms of how I feel about my wife, and came out of it feeling like I had resolved some issues with myself. Marriage is much better now, but she's never known about this affair.

Skip to today and the girl I had an affair with has obviously discussed this with her current BF, who has emailed me and has said he's going to tell my wife about this affair as he's not happy about it.

My stomach is in my throat and I feel horrible. My entire world is collapsing around me.

Do I deserve this? Well, yes, I guess. But how do I make this guy realise that by doing this, he's not hurting just me, he's going to destroy an entire family? We're all in our thirties.


Kill him.

kidnap him

>how do I make this guy realise that by doing this, he's not hurting just me, he's going to destroy an entire family?

But that is what he wants?

You made your bed man.

I don't think it is. I think it's just to get back at me for this. I don't know what the fuck is going on or what I'm going to do.

There are consequences for your actions. Accept them like a man. You did wrong, you should have told your wife earlier. if family breaks, it's your fault. I would leave you if I was your wife. Cheaters going to always cheat again

All you can do is beg....and if he relents or gives you time, you should consider breaking it to your wife first.

This. Men need to assert control on their libidoes. They get stupid quickly when a remotely useable slag appears.

Tell him you are gonna shoot him.
Follow threw. Don't be a bitch.

Deny, deny, deny.... this was three years ago. There's no proof anywhere, if there is, destroy it. He said/she said if your wife believes his word over yours then she's an untrusting cunt and you shouldn't be married to her anyway.

Tell her that yeah, you know this girl, but you never ever did anything that could be considered cheating with her and you always thought she was a little bit crazy. Turns out she was full blown crazy and she's convinced some poor fucker to try and bring you and your family down with her.

Don't put yourself in this situation again OP. Denial will work for one, but if more than one starts showing up with claims, you're pretty much fucked.

If I were you, OP, I'd come clean to my wife immediately before he BF spills the beans, and hope she forgives you. If the marriage really was in very bad shape at the time, she might understand.

>i fucked up
>multiple times
>i dont feel i should have to own up to my actions
I hope she takes everything.

Just tell your wife hes full of shit? Brush it off as some guy from work who you fucked over for being useless who is super bitter, and don't act TOO not guilty or she will realize you are defending yourself to much. Just play it cool.

You cheated and you got caught. Now pay the price. Funny how a 10 minute fuck can completely decimate your life.

Regardless, you can tell him that if he destroys your family you'll have nothing to live for, so he better watch his back.

Tell him you at least want to tell it your wife yourself. And then, actually do it, since it's the only fair thing to do anyway.

Really, it's not that hard. Affairs can happen, especially when the marriage is rough, so if you got over that rough spot from before, you'll get over this one, too.

However, if someone else tells her, it'll be much harder to do.

"I don't know what the fuck that fool is talking about. He's jealous because I banged her before I even met you"

>if your wife believes his word over yours then she's an untrusting cunt
Nigger are you retarded or does reality come through an autistic filter for you?

Don't reply if you haven't already. That'll give him proof that you've inferred his assertion is accurate. If anything, act concerned and confused if you really do need to talk to him. Then, wait for him to leave work, grab a tire iron, and break his jaw and arms so badly he can't communicate for a while. Have an alibi. Repeat as necessary until he realises it might not be worth the trouble. Please note that this will only work if your wife would never believe you'd so something like that, because the chances are good that the police will follow it up with you.

>things that will land you in prison
Lol, do you think if he cant communicate for awhile, the investigation goes away?

If my husband confessed he had an affair and was genuinely sorry, I'd find it much easier to forgive him then if he kept it a secret and I found out from someone else.
If I found out from someone else, I'd be wondering what else he hasn't told me about. I'd be unable to build that trust back up.
If he came clean and told me himself, I'd find it easier in future to trust him to tell me if something happens.

Cheating on someone is a horrible thing to do, but we're only human and sometimes we fuck up. If your wife is a decent person who cares about you, you may be able to save the marriage by being honest.

Or you could deny, but if she thought something was fishy at the time or suspected something might have happened, this incident will only confirm to her that it probably did happen. And then she won't ever be able to trust you for trying to lie.

Tits or gtfo, faggot

This gives me an idea.
If someone tell your wife that you cheated on her, you can just deny it, but from then on your wife isn't going to trust you. Then she'd act on emotion, and then prolly cheat on you. Or at least she'd do something with all the negative energy.
Just make up from crazy detailed story, and even if it has little to no evidence, it can still make a lasting effect on her relationship anxiety.
Has anyone else thought of this, or have heard of something like this happening? It sounds like a good idea right?

Listen, I know your story is fake. Also, cheating is fine. Most people do it.

>cheating is fine. Most people do it
Cuck detected

Is BF trying to blackmail you? How is this any of his business? Call him a faggot, and let the chips fall where they may.

Two way street, buddy. She cheats on you, and you cheat on her.
It's much worse for the couple if one of both of them is sexually frustrated.
I love how strangers on the internet will call someone who has more sex than them out for being cuckolded.

obviously this is being precipitated by the chick right? so just start sleepig with her again. lol her new bf sounds like the biggest pussy ever, im sure shell calm him down, once she stops missing your cock. even if the dude does rat after that... your wife will be so suspicious of his weirdo little cuc attitude, shell probably dismiss it, and just want you more anyway.