Post your favorite emo albums here. no plebian my chemical romance or jimmy world garbage. im thinking twinkly emo

post your favorite emo albums here. no plebian my chemical romance or jimmy world garbage. im thinking twinkly emo.

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More post-hardcore, but still emo

What do you mean by twinkly?

but jimmy eat world is pretty good desu, bleed american is a modern classic imo. Sweetness is my favorite song.

Clarity is a classic, OP is def a faggot.

tiny moving parts, marietta, cap n' jazz, american football, etc

this is p good.

i liked whenever, if ever better but they're a pretty solid emo band

just got into The Antlers - Hospice, not twinkly, but good

I enjoy them maybe, mobo if you want twinkly or whatever lol, holy ghost is easily in my top 10 of 2016

they're in my favorite bands list. holy ghost was alright, i like you're gonna miss it all and sports a lot more. their split with marietta was good too.

modern "twinkly" midwest emo is just as bad as MCR

worse though, they don't have the pomp or hooks mcr had



the best

MCR is better than 99% of whiny "real emo"

is twinkly emo, emo for twinks

Sup Forums whats the best emo of 2016


My Chemical Romance is good



/r/Emo are saying Mom Jeans but they're wrong.

First thing I thought of was falling in reverse

underrated but thats not saying much when its a cringe thread meme

I disagree, but you are entitled to you opinion.

Even though it's WRONG

Pretty obvious one.

you say nothing pleb then post american football??????

what the fuck are you talking about? this is widely hailed as a genre classic you steaming plebnugget

Holy Ghost has too much filler. Just Another Face is one of their best songs to date, but there are so many songs that feel like they were thrown together in a single day.

>jimmy world garbage

You from vegas?

wow really? thats kinda disappointing


The best one obviously

The Wonder years, No closer to God.



This got me into Catena Collapse. They're pretty good.

not emo

the rest of you all discovered emo yesterday

I wouldn't even touch the last three rows unless you know you like screamo. I've listened to a majority of them and the only tolerable one was the old problems demo desu


A lot more poppy, but I remember liking this

Probably my top play for a month, until Jeff Rosenstock's Worry!

Great choice. This and Totorro - Home Alone always get a play at the coffee shop where I work.

I'm not sure why I'm so fond of this album, but i am.



>No plebian
>Posts American Football
fucking lol

Not these

This... kind of
Clarity fucking blows american football out of the water. OP must be 18 or younger.

I love the whole last half of that record. So fucking punchy


All emo (and math rock) are in some sense post-hardcore, but "twinkly" basically refers to the musical elements of those genres that really don't sound like hardcore.


Now this is more like it.

Not emo but not bad

If a band contains Jack Senff, it is undisputably one of my favourites. Although I'll admit I gave Bola Afonja and Midwest Pen Pals less attention than deserved.

To The Rythm is undeniably one of the top emo releases this year.


An emo thread with nothing but shitty pop punk, power pop, indie, and some mid-west shit.

Trash tastes all around.

Wow, someone contributing nothing to the conversation but arrogance. Never thought I'd see such a self important jackass on Sup Forums of all places.

I'm surprised you dididn't find William Bonney enjoyable, but found Old Problems ok. The former is easily the most accesible "screamo" I can think of


the best


Idk, I listen to this album all the way through at least once a week, and im starting to love the second half of it when it gets more punch to it, apple cider i dont mind is probably my song of 2016.

Is this emo? I like this album

Again, it's just personal preference. I didn't mention it, but if I had to put them in a list, it would probably be William next, then merchant ships. But past that I didn't enjoy the others at all

what are the good emo bands

Hell yeah, man. His newest project Boy Rex is pretty good too. Also, Nick from Merchant Ships and MWPP has a new band called Chef Goldblum that's pretty good

Jawbreaker XD


he doesn't know early jimmy eat world is legit

To The Rhythm by Knola is the best this year. Underrated.

hell yea

they played some of those tunes in my basement last summer, it was amazing

I forgot it's 2017 and mean this year 2016. Oops.

Also, that's damn cool. I wish they'd tour the west but I have a feeling that's never going to happen, hahaha.



>post your favourite emo album
>but only albums i like :))))))))))))))

literally mobo's worst album

Yeah but they're back as Narra

not twinkly but one of my favorites nonetheless


Seriously so boring.

Been in Memphis for the past week, went to a few parties and ended up meeting a lot of people that were in Julien's old band, Star Killers (They ended up changing their name to Forrister), turns out I had seen them play in some basement years back. Also have friends that have been in classes with her at MTSU.

Anyways, I guess this album is pretty emo and its good as shit.


This album is in no way emo.

pic related is the perfect emo album
this one is underrated here
garbage if u ask me. these two are right
these albums are phenominal emo
end ur life
not emo just plain depressing
no closer to heaven**

>Anyways, I guess this album is pretty emo

are you retarded?

I wouldn't say it's emo but it is pretty well received and welcomed in the emo scene. I'll let is slide and in no way because I totally love this album and Julien.

It is not straight emo, but the influence is so apparent its ridiculous.

Rateyourmusic has it as emo, can't believe all of you guys for not seeing the emo in that album.

It also says folk, and you'd be a retard to call this a folk album. Some tertiary tag on rym is a horrible argument.

I don't think you really understand what emo is. This comment from r/emo should explain the four waves of emo.

1st wave: hardcore offshoot from DC bands (Rites of Spring, Dag Nasty)
2nd wave: Midwestern emo, starting with Cap'n Jazz and SDRE (I know they're not from the Midwest, but their sound gets rolled into that scene more), carrying on down to Mineral, Christie Front Drive, Promise Ring, etc
3rd wave: "Pop punk" emo of the late 90s and early to mid 00s. Brand New, Saves the Day, Drive-thru records stuff
4th wave: from 08 or so to now. "revival" stuff that was influenced more heavily by indie rock and / or American Football.
They're rough distinctions and obviously there's a bunch of offshoot scenes for screamo, etc that this doesn't account for, but I think this is generally what they're getting at when they say "fourth wave".

Listen, like I stated, I absolutely fucking love this album to death and Julien, but there is no way it is midwest emo.
There are influences, obviously, Julien loves emo music, but I wouldn't really call it straight emo.

>meet qt
>start talking
>get into the topic of music
>she says she listens to emo and screamo
>get cautiously optimistic
>ask her what bands
>"black veil brides and bring me the horizon are my favorites"
Every fucking time. Where can I find a bitch that listens to actual emo/screamo? I tried showing her proper 90's style skramz like Orchid, Pg. 99, City of Caterpillar, etc and she says they're all boring because "there aren't any breakdowns" and that they sound "too sloppy".

Is it that big of deal to you that a girl doesn't like Pg. 99?

Best advise would go to actual emo/ scremo shows.

>albums can't be a blend of different genres.

Why does this have to be a single genre? Why can't music be considered to a be a blend? Things do not have to be so black and white my friend.

There are literally no Midwest emo characteristics in the album besides "sad lyrics"

>no empire empire all thread
What's wrong with you guys?

honestly youre probably looking in the wrong place. just go to midwest emo shows I met my girlfriend at a tiny moving parts show and she likes a lot of the same stuff i do

maybe you should take the hint and get into BMTH. they're not a bad band at all.

Gonna go see this band Old Notes this weekend. Semi-Local, but they pretty good

Fuck off Julia.

What does emo think of just friends?

This is some real good shit. It's like Midwest Penpals but with Dikembe's vocalist.