Le anonymoose ylyl thread GO!

Le anonymoose ylyl thread GO!

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Well in fairness the dude on the right is 100% less likely to be a bomb.


I dunno, wouldn't the extra cloth actually hinder you?
Seems more like a "that's retarded, we're not going to let you actively handicap yourself".















This outfit and the fact that some women even fight for the right to wear it is an insult to the progress that has been made for their freedom over the past 50 years in Eastern Europe in terms of a) men-women equality and b) separation of civil and religious lives.

That's why it is banned. Because Western civilization aim at progress, and not regression.

Honestly they should just let those people solve their own problems Palestinians, Israel,
Syria can`t Mossad the Assad with Russia helping him just leave those continents alone.
fix stuff here in the United States
Trump was on the right track of trying to ask for protection from other countries then he fucked up by saying combating ISIS who the hell cares what happens in europe.
That is why we are Building the ANTI DEFIMINATION FREE SPEECH LEAGUE
where you can call someone a faggot, a nigger a kike, a spic, a honkey, or sand nigger.
aboloshing the hate crime law that is just senseless.
You can Join Now

fuck I don't have a replacement MOBO and I'm fairly sure it's out of warranty





Reverse. On you. Can't be undone. Gg bye


The guy wears a sport suit. The woman a religious robe thing. That's the difference.

You'd think feminists would be opposed to such oppressive clothing but it seems that SJWs see sexism as alright if it's done by an abusive Muslim husband.

too soon

pls no





I also borned too late



worstest ylyl

Pretty much garbage as we're living in the best time to be alive. Acts of lust and violence have always existed - and always will. This image ignores the bigger picture, it's something a fucking middle schooler would post on Facebook thinking he's deep while he draw a anarchy symbols in his diary.

I thought it said bombed

needs the last panel


I was borned too late
i no experience good Sup Forums

What if i dont want to reply

Where SJW's feminist and Niggers act like complete fucking retards

too worse, you would have laughed

I cant larf im too ceenikle.