Secret Thread

Secret Thread

i fucked a woman

I use binoculars to watch my neighbors at night.


who does not ?

i think vietnam shouldn't be a country and instead should just be a forest. i started an online petition about it.

ex got posted on motherless ... By my friend that stole the pics from my computer ... I've been trying to get them taken off but they don't get removed ... I feel guilty and might end up going to jail ... But deep down I enjoy guys fapping to her

I like to eat poo sometimes :3

It is an exiting hobby. I particularity like when the neighbors are drunk and in the living room.

post the link

I'm an undercovered white knight who reports CP and disgusting stuff

I've purchased weed before but didn't smoke it because they were for someone else who never came to pick them up.

Cousin and I made out in a tent once

I went to jail and got raped on my first day there

I bought beer for a girl who was in high school in exchange for a blow job.

dont bother she is ugly

if it has a warm meat hole then game on.

my sister jacked me off when i was around 12 yo

I intend to cut ties with my biological dad's side of the family soon after I finish college. I won't go to any of their 'functions,' and I won't visit them/allow them to visit me. I want nothing to do with them.

Am a pedophile

I'm not a Virgin like everyone on Sup Forums

That's a great deal. I'd do the same.

this is how so many 40 somethings want their lives to be

Oh you've seen u

I like to mail toenail clippings to youtubers.

why not? i did the same thing

I used to pretend I was asleep on the bus so guys would come and touch me

its ok when you are a girl

tell us your story please, and how are you dealing to not hurt any child.

Me to but with moms side

Post pics since OP won't

when stressed out, i like to listen to peaceful music and look at my old high school and places my family has lived to see how far ive come in life.

At no choice of my own, much of my adolescence was wasted on dealing with them, usually in the form of spending summers with them instead of getting the help I needed in math and science subjects. Of course, as an adult, I failed to 'launch' in many ways, and couldn't start college right out of high school like everyone else. And when I did, I was too stupid to major in STEM. It was my mom who felt I 'needed' to get to know them, yet today, those fuckers barely even say "happy birthday" to me once a year. They only talk to my parents now when they need something.

That, and my bio-dad himself is dead to me.

I stole the wages from the school cooks when I was 10.

Here are my secrets - OP
>I became 18 two moths ago and i have been browsing Sup Forums for 4 years
>I am a virgin not because i am bad looking its just the opposite its because i am ashamed of my 13 cm dick
>I have sniffed and played with my mothers and my brothers wife panties
>Incest is my dirty pleasure
>I have a dream of fucking a younger than 16 year old girl but older than 11

i once watch mibecraft pron whens mum wasnt home

i had never hurt a child and i would never do it. all i did was touching boys and girls slightly, i masturbated in front of a boy once and he like it. i fapped to cp

9/11 get

My mom barely made any effort to get me to know her side of the family; she only focused on her first ex-husband's (who happens to be my 'dad'). Now, both sides are like strangers to me.

Guy forced himself on me then got me pregnant

Did you really? If true, how was it?

are you a guy?

what the FUCK is wrong with you user

It must be super hard being you, dude. I respect you tho. Please, go to the police, hospital or even suicide yourself before doing something really bad, will you?

Promess me.

yes, fuck off

hey me too user. I got an abortion thank god

i blew my load in the back of my 6th grade class. had just moved schools. never caught.


no its a secret i cant tell u

my dad use to beat me, he dragged me by my hair and throw me outside in the garden on day. I manage to make my mom divorce him while he broke down the door like in the shining but without the axe.
I still talk to him once or twice a month to get money out of him :D

Are you a girl?

>high school
>have a tall, old math teacher that rarely changed clothes
>bored one day, decide to write down what he's wearing
>it becomes a habit, continue doing this on a daily basis until senior year
>hundreds of notebook pages with dates and outfits
>I recorded every single clothing piece he had, with photo references too
>I also made sure to talk to students that have met him outside of school so I knew his casual attire too
>chat with other teachers, bring him up to find personal details
I can name every single shirt and pair of jeans he owns, his home address, hobbies, family, and the woman he's dating.
It's not weird though, is it?

From the age of 7-10 my brother and I regularly undressed and inappropiately touched my passed out, drug addicted mother.

i am god and im sorry for everything

haha rekt

>Are you a girl?
yes but no tits so dont even go there

tits or gtfo

Creep faggot

>Be me in 3rd grade
>Kid named Tony brings handheld video game to school. He's quiet and keeps to himself
>Me and friend yank it out of his hand during recess.
>Run my ass off to the "under construction/keep out" jungle gym.
>Throw his vidya game up onto the top level of the structure
>Tony goes after it, climbs over the yellow tape barriers, makes it to the top level
>Platform falls out from underneath him, he falls headfirst into concrete
>Me and friend run away laughing nervously
>Yard supervisor is crouched down over him, screaming
>Ambulance shows up, he gets taken away
>Luckily for us, we never said anything and nobody saw us
>Never see Tony back at school, all the kids assume he's dead
(Fast forward to senior year of HS)

>Meet super qt 3.14
>We end up dating
>go over to have dinner with her parents
>Says she has disabled older brother they take care of
>We get to her parents house, they are out at a doctors appointment
>See picture in a frame
>it's Tony
>Scared as fuck, but qt gf wants to fuck before everyone gets back home
>Mfw I'm nailing her over the couch, accidently make eye contact with Tony picture while I nut
>Put on spongebob and sit on opposite couches just in time for parents car to roll into driveway.
>Door opens, parents walk in, pushing dude my age who looks like Stephen hawking in a wheelchair
>Drool coming out of his mouth
>I say hi, quickly head to bathroom
>at dinner table now
>Tonys just sitting there drooling, staring at his plate
>Parents ask me how old I was, where I grew up, etc.
>Nervously tell the truth
>"Oh wow, you and Tony probably went to school together!" The mom says
>Tony slowly looks up at me with his disabled eyes
>Goes full retard, howling and convulsing
>Parents and GF thought it was a seizure, I knew by his eyes he remembered me

(2 weeks later)

>Be me sitting next to Tony in hospital room
>He on a ventilator
>He dies hours after I go home

My mom is a drugiy and slaps me and my siblings around a lot I am 2 months away (if nothing goes wrong ) from exscaping this hell hopefully after the 2 months I am moving in with dad who has been out of a job for the last year because fuck Alberta and now he has found one he is renting a place out and said I could come with him

you make me lol, if i was a child rapist i would already raped a kid. i love childs, and by the same love is that i respect them and make sure they enjoy.
Relations between an adult and a minor are totally possible, as long as is consent and both are happy

I'm sorry that just got me wet. Sorry for your mom


>Be me
>9 years old
>ps2 comes out
>brother gets it for his birthday
>I am a huge nintendo fanboy
>mad as fuck
>wait for a time when no one is home
>take a piss on the ps2
>brother has to wait a month to get it repaired
>apparently it started malfunctioning because of some liquid inside it
>never got caught

If I was given the chance to murder anyone of my choice, and get away Scott Free, I'd do it.

guy until proven otherwise, tits or gtfo


Hm...couldn't get a cent out of mine. Well, looking forward to his death one day; maybe he has a will, or he'll be as worthless in death as he is in life.

At that point, it would also be easier to remove his family from my life.

Good luck! I'm trying to leave everyone...except my mom and step-father. I'll come back and help them when they need it, but only when they need it.

See but NO you can't fucking pontificate so STFU

In 18 years of my life, I have never once masturbated or had any sort of sexual (or non sexual) relashionship with anyone.

tits or gtfo

>guy until proven otherwise, tits or gtfo
I was replying, I didn't offer it up for attention condomfuck

She died in 2007, drug overdose, go figure, so she good now.

Is "Motherless" a porn site?

Are you like, ugly or something? Why did you feel the need to pretend to sleep so that guys would touch you? Are you a whore


Yeah - except consent can't exist between an adult and a child, even if they're literally begging for it. They're too young to know what's good for them, which is besides the blatant imbalance of power.

tits or gtfo


What are they up to when drunk?

sorry for your loss user

I impregnated my wife's best friend.

it's ok


I started fucking my wife when she was in the 8th grade. I'm 5 years older than her.

I enjoy the smell of my own farts. I think they smell so heavenly. When I fart, I put my head between my legs to smell them.

Lucky nigger

Was it worth the read? Can you tl;dr it for me?

I make up 99% of the shit i post

>They're too young to know what's good for them
I really hope you arent THAT stupid

Tomorrow I am going to pick up about $300 in high end womens shoes, dresses and a bit of lingerie, go home, put some of them on and fap myself into a coma because my tomboy borderline "probably a lesbian in denial" girlfriend refuses to be feminine, and can't actually be nice to me and I'm too shit to dump her.

>Are you like, ugly or something
No I actually had plenty of sex and got paid lots for it back then. I just liked the idea of being .. taken advantage of but actually in control if that makes sense.

I don't really have friends, and I get excited whenever someone answer my post in Sup Forums. I'm not socially awkward or anything, it's just I am the one behind when 3 friends walk on the street side (if you know what i mean I feel sorry for you).

I shit post the girl I am interested in all over Sup Forums, but then for some reason I stop suddenly, and delete everything. Only to start again in a few weeks or months

>he on a ventilator
>unplug so i can keep fucking his sister
>he dies hours after i go home

This exactly this fuck

>and got paid lots for it back then

You could have just said yes to the "are you a whore" question

I really hope you're trolling and not as deluded and uneducated as you appear to be. And I certainly hope you aren't serious about fucking children.

you think young people cant be mature?
you think been old make you instantly mature and wise?

Everyone likes there oun farts
.....wait right