Why isn't will toledo used more often as an example of transgender artists being on the rise...

why isn't will toledo used more often as an example of transgender artists being on the rise? i think there's a lost opportunity to show how open music is to lgbtq scenes with such a well received and successful indie artist.

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I thought will was a cis guy

I didn't think he was transgender, he just looks like a lesbian

I kind of feel bad for dismissing bands out of hand but ever since I saw that what's in my bag video posted I really can't bring myself to into this guy's stuff. what an awful cunt

what was wrong with that video? I'm not big into the band but I remember seeing that video and there not being anything particularly bad about it

he's a fag, not trans

he looks EXACTLY like a certain music critic.

which is funny that he makes such bad, mocked fake-indie.

First breakthrough F2M musician ever?

You take that back or I'll chop ya!

Don't play into the prejudice 'son'

FTM trans is literally the most patrician and avant-garde thing you could be

Then why are they always so ugly?

Nobody cares in the music industry what you identify as, as long as you make good music.

it only adds to the mystery

nobody in the music industry gives a shit if you make good music

if everything he said and the way he said it didn't make you cringe to your very core then i think we're fundamentally too different for this discussion to be worth having

but have a nice day user

>music industry
>caring about good music

Without doubt. But not always

watching this now, holy shit.

it's so bad that it almost comes across like he's pretending to be a clueless newb on purpose...?

how is it even possible for a guy attempting to posture as quasi-"indie" to be this entry level still?

Yeah it was bad


He comes across very well actually

how does anyone like this shit?

>be born into lesbian white female body
>say you want to be straight white male
>lefties don't know how to react
FTM is pretty based desu

Sup Forums only hates him now because he's popular
I remember when twin fantasy came out it was jerked off so much here

cant believe people here actually liked this garbage. fucking teenagers.

He seems like a sullen kid still in that trying to act cool phase, although I don't judge him for that and wouldn't be mean to him.

I am just kind of boggling over how entry level his taste is. Which I guess shouldn't surprise me given his music but I just thought a combination of the internet + a kind of mutual schooling between indie types and wannabe hipsters would have pushed him to step up his knowledge at least a little. he has the musical knowledge of an 11 year old. Hell, I was already pretty advanced at 11.