My parents won't let me wear my headphones at home and threaten to turn off the internet. What should I do Sup Forums?

My parents won't let me wear my headphones at home and threaten to turn off the internet. What should I do Sup Forums?

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Eat your greens like your parents asked you to. Be a good boy and tidy your room. Stop being a little shit.

Put a big speaker against their door and play this VERY LOUD:


this or literally anything by passenger of shit, specifically

Kill them!! they need to die in order to you be happy.
That, or talk to them and make them know how stupid they are for reacting like that. But if that doesn't work..

parents who do mental shit like this are basically just as bad as child molesters

literally ruining your child's development at their most impressionable and vulnerable stage. you should actually murder them

Do this.

(Macaulay Culkin alert)

Is that Norm?


You have two choices OP.

(a) Do what they say, because it's their goddamn house.

(b) Get a job and move out.

Play your music a little bit too loud consistently when they complain mumble about "well if I had headphones on" until they cave

Well actually it may be all they know. They could be unaware of how to actually deal with, and communicate with children. As a result, they are only using their own experiences from their childhood and how other people they know parent children to apply to what they think is the right thing to do. They think they are helping you by telling you your hobbies and interests are deplorable, and should do more recreational activities like they did when they were young.

I'm afraid all you can do is knuckle under. Shy of signing them up to child development courses and lectures lead by experts for the benefit of younger siblings, comply, do what you can and try and get in time to do what you love without causing too much suspicion.

I'm assuming you're like 15-17 (so b&), but why are you telling us?

>hurr durr you can treat people like slaves because they don't have a job

fuck off retard

M8 you live in their house, you do whatever they tell you to. It works this way no matter who it is.

your parents are narcissists

Play music loudly on speakers until they tell you to use headphones

Start visiting the library all day every day to use internet

either kill yourself or move out

>Play music loudly on speakers until they tell you to use headphones
Or you could be mature about it and play your music at a moderate volume.

Nice trips btw.

Yeah nah. When you take care of them when they become too fat to work all they do is bitch about how they're older than you.

tbf i was going to say that but OP's parents sound like assholes

kill them

>My parents won't let me wear my headphones at home

Your parent's don't want you listening to porn and becoming a pedophile, just listen to their commands

If you can't move out yet, then you could go to a coffee shop for Internet access. If you don't have a laptop, then like someone else suggested, the library is an option.

It seems like your priority is getting a job so you can get the fuck out of there, though. If you're not 18 yet, take the opportunity to save up some money now.

And I forgot to mention, if you live far from a town and can't get to a library/coffee shop easily, but if you have a 3G/4G device that can browse the web, just go out for a walk and do it there.