Dubs names my new PoE character

Dubs names my new PoE character.

Wtf is poe


You're dumb

Path of Exile do you even gaymen?

why Scion? what build you aiming for?

Wtf IS poe?


Not sure yet. This is my second character and it looks interesting.

Path of Exile is what Diablo 3 should have been.

Pillars of Eternity deserves PoE more.


>Paying $45 for a diablo clone

I use flicker strike on my scion with an Oro's, I dumped her first round into life and 2h dmg toward marauder and templar, 1st ascendency Trickster shadow for free flicker strike casts and now working on all the shadow crit passives. Working nicely :)

Call her..... PietysFormerBitch

some shitty repetetive A-RPG.

nigger nogger anus clogger

Belgarion the Gay

I thought I was the only fag that played this game on this board

And that's bad thing?



but diablo is shit and pillars of eternity is god like rpg

Amazing Anus


Rolling for this faggot ass name


I'm going to get it reroll

Rollin for XxquizinoxX

"Poe"s are ghosts in the Legend of Zelda franchise


how about shurikenbandit you filthy fucking degenerate?

Dickface Mcfaggot


Arch Rectum Piercer

Why is it so hard to get fucking dubs tonight?



Erma Gerd



Argrabandar: the dark cringe prince

Ermagerd, dubz


Dr. Mantis Toboggan