
Metal General: G R A N D M A edition
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first for DsO has a real drummer and VBE had the best drummer (and neither are memes)

Top title

have some obscure french death metal


wait, do you mean Youkai's retarded synth punk EP?

Back is shit

Czech metal best metal

that drummer is a very cool guitar-er now


Bringing the conversation here:
Is chiptune Black Metal becoming an actual genre?
>Master Boot Record
>Caput Mortum

>neither are memes
stop fooling thyself

you know it, amigo

technically it has been a genre for quite a while considering the number of legitemately well made chiptune black metal cover albums

I don't think covers really count, but sure I suppose.

Don't try to teach me about my husbandu Carl-Michael Eide.

first grind song ever

Not even close.




Master Boot record definitely goes into the right direction but that wasn't it
The sound was sort of simpler and it was way darker, like black metal
Not forgetting that blonde animu girl in that video

Oh for fuck's sake guy.

That's my chart

are we gonna do this

make love? Sure, we're gonna

>even ending with the same digit

Wait they brought (You)'s back?

The better Agent Orange

I wouldn't know; since I'm not a faggot who doesn't use 4chanX they never went away for me.

It's a nice chart

the dot economy crashed
plus Sup Forumsirgins are all about the (You)s

that pic always gets me

It's shit if it doesn't feature Knarrenheinz



what the--



post-bop trips


What the fuck's that thumbnail

What does this mean?


George... Pottery Lucas? Potluck? Georgeramic? Bush did 9/11?


does anyone else have problems separating artists from their music? I cant not think about how much of a psycho Jon Nodtveidt was when listening to Dissection. It sucks because Storm of Light's Bane is such a good record

>Wasted quads
No, you're just a faggot.

It makes sense, considering how early chiptune had to use tremolo to sustain a note

it's certainly harder to appreciate Megadeth knowing what a dumb turd Mustaine is

I like Arghoslent and i'm okay with them being rac*st bigot pieces of poo

Not really. I'm not listening to a particular album because I think the band are such cool people, only because they produce good music. So their personalities or beliefs don't really play any effect on the enjoyment.

They are?? LOOOL

>tfw amassed over a thousand LPs/CDs but have lost interest in collecting

who regrets being collector-scum here

Fair enough. You have a point, I wouldn't listen to a band if I didnt like the music but their personalities. Weird how I feel about it the other way around

I do, but only because I move a lot and carrying with me about 1000 cds is more difficult and expensive than moving all of my furniture (granted, it consists of a bed, a drawer, a book case, a desk and a tiny table, but still)

>mfw when listening to djent

Every time I see this thread in the catalog I think of the Nightman

It's not really weird. Imagine instead of metal, this was a folk general where you can clearly hear the lyrics and message and they were singing about gory murder, serial killers, communism, natsoc, etc.

It would be a little harder to digest but metal's aggressiveness kinda masks that since metal is more about the music than the lyrics or anything else

>mfw when listening to black metal

>mfw when listening to Sodom

>mfw when
checks out

>mfw listening to glam

>mfw when listening to atmosludge

>when someone posts an OSDM album I've actually listened to
makes me feel a little less false for a moment desu lads

intentional misspelling of 'poetry'

truly the thinking man's metal

i honest to god can't even fanthom how people do that
i mean for starters you probably wouldn't be able to listen to classical just because of how much values changed

>tfw listening to thrash

>calling your band's music "thinking man's metal"
>thinking you're big business when you make insipid bland Explosions In The Sky metal covers
>"""""""""""experimentations"""""""""""""" """"""""""avant-garde""""""""""""
how can 2 sentences contain so much bullshit

>TFW listening to Dream Theater – Black Clouds & Silver Linings

how can someone take such a well known meem seriously and get triggered by it to such levels


unironically their best song

>Mfw listening to brutal meloslam

>tfw listening to glam with a good sound system

>implying Panopticon isn't one of the greatest metal albums of all time

pleb out

Listening to glam in bed right now
Greatest thing ever

no, the greatest metal album of all time is
dream theater - black clouds & silver linings

>mfw listening to trve black metal

Spotted the thrash kid

I'm really enjoying getting into very early metal. Anyone have a chart of recommendations for someone listening to Black Sabbath and Deep Purple?

name a better album

>TFW listening to zierler


Post metal

Isis is literally the greatest band of all time


Isis transcends sound waves.

Isis is an ideology—a movement. Not just a band.

literally no

>tfw Panopticon is unironically my only 10/10 metal album

have they finally created, dare i say... post-music?

where do these pics come from
they're some of the worst new age shit i've seen


Isis is an underwater fart
Post-music is noise

t. cretin

I might be a cretin, but at least I'm not a deluded ignorant fuck like you and yours.

>not giving The Inalienable Dreamless 10/10
>not giving Elvenefris 10/10
>not giving your !T.O.O.H.! album of choice a 10/10

you speak of blasphemies i cannot fathom

>he cannot comprehend the true majesty of post-metal
it's not called post-metal for nothing
it's better than literally anything else that came out of the genre

5/10 at least you're trying to avoid the obvious "lol im retardeded" format.

Who's stoked for the new Converge


What was your #1 /metal/ album of 2016? Mine was a toss up between this and hannesgrossmann.bandcamp.com/album/the-crypts-of-sleep

Hard-mode: no shitposting

Assalam alaykum, my fellow German


I now understand the moor's obssession with this thing

It's not just him, it's everyone with any hint of good taste. Now go listen to Appalling Spawn.

>20 (95%)


I hope this is true. Hopefully they do an album tour as well since their live shows are incredible

goat metal album