3x3, 4x4, 5x5

3x3, 4x4, 5x5

r8, h8, guess personalities, whatever, let's just see those charts Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:


are you me? Jesus Christ

You ever listen to Dangerdoom? That's my favorite Doom project.


+brand new, cobalt, coil, clipping
toner low - III
kid 606 vs dalek - ruin it

hows everyone doin

cool album covers

how does one make these

+Beasties, GZA, QOTSA, Danny

+Elliott, Japanese Breakfast, Black Flag

+DJ Screw, Lou

tapmusic.net [if you've got a last.fm account]

collage.topsters.net if you don't

you have no personality, you're a drone who only listens to what others tell you is good and you cannot make up your mind on whether or not you like something until someone else tells you.
tryhard, you suck at everything except getting likes on your tumblr

that's not how you make friends

Does this make me gay?

I don't want to be friends with tasteless drones. The only acceptable album on your chart is Julia Holter, everything else goes right in the bin
no, you being a huge faggot does though

do me

probably a teenager who smokes too much weed, loves
doesn't have a girlfriend because you spaghetti when talking to women but you really desperately want your dick wet.
wouldn't be your friend/10


not at all

do me too

yO check these:

wrong :-)

I refuse to believe that you listen to this music seriously.
Do you really come home, sit down, put your headphones on, and listen to any of those albums?
You're hopeless, not only would I not be your friend, I wouldn't even entertain the idea of trying to hold a conversation with you.

You are savage but you are right.

he did however say i wasn't gay for only ever listening to Parenthetical girls. Does this all in turn make me gay again?

recs please i'm bored

yes I do
why is it so hard to believe that someone would listen to well known, popular artists

check out this cool track man it reminds me of you:

never listened to Moonshake before, that's a nice track. ty
never heard Thug Enhancer, thanks for the rec. enjoyed it

it sure does user, it sure does
I recommend you delete your entire music library and start from scratch
there's nothing wrong with listening to popular artists, you just happen to listen to utter trash that is popular.

lol dude because I'm so edgy right?
too bad your taste in music is shit and any opinion you hold is worthless to me.

>you just happen to listen to utter trash that is popular.
oh ok
out of curiosity, what are the best/worst artists on my collage according to you

stop feeding this low quality poster please

I agree with this guy, delete your library and start anew

if I really had to choose, as in someone was holding a gun to my head and telling me to pick my favorite out of these
Justin Timberlake, for a few reasons
pop culture appeal, decent enough voice, handsome, nsync is great
or stop listening to low quality music? its just that easy


not me btw
stop trying to false flag and attack me because I think you have awful taste in music, after you stop doing that promptly end your life

+Slint, Big Black
- (You)

datpiff.com/The-Alchemist-B-Eazy-onion-mixtape.821217.html UNDERGROUND HIP-HOP

those are the weakest entries on my list, the highlight is (me)

First time posting in one of these threads.

Tomppa Beats-Harbor
Hannah Diamond's singles

sup pink chart guy, not sure what to rec you.

Emma Ruth Rundle-Marked For Death

which ones on your list are your favorites?

angherr shisspa
the rest are obviously great but those two have been consistently in my top 3 for about 7 years now.

it should also be your last time posting in one of these threads

+coil, C93
+carla dal forno, set fore to flames
thanks man, i don't listen to black metal very often but this is cool.
I can't really think of anything like what's on your chart so I'll rec you old witch - come mourning come for shits n giggles
+the body & thou
darkside - psychic
+ka, joy division, HANL
kiss the anus of a black cat - weltuntergangsstimmung



you can remove every single album that is not the following
>meet the residents
everything else needs to go

Okay thank you for telling me what albums I can enjoy. I appreciate it a lot and will listen only to what you reccomend me in the future.

give me recs or something

you're very welcome, accepting that I have better taste is a part of maturing.
I recommend you listen to something you never have before and branch out from shit Sup Forums tells you to like

k cool but what would be that something i've have never listened to before

try this
its nothing like any of the albums on your chart, I did that on purpose because they're all bad.

and I thought you were nice

That's because you haven't fully matured yet

? I just showed you an album you've never heard, that seems pretty nice if you ask me
is an imposter but his message is true

I'm not an imposter! I'm just here to spread the word.

yh but you were a dick about it, anyway this shit's pretty wacky thanks


hurray for tomppabeats

I appreciate it but I don't need anyone else to spread my teachings for though I am enlightened I am not vain
how was I a "dick" about it? I simply told you that those albums were trash.
don't "nice" me
especially with a chart like that


who r u

yh dude you're really self-entitled

Have you never responded to anyone before or are you just really new?



whats so funny

I am a sage, the harbinger of a better world, a world where people do not have shit taste in music
even if I am, which I'm not btw, I absolutely deserve it

lol that's pretty gay dude


I'm not sure which poster you are but I can guarantee that you have shit taste in music, just by the way you type
I could almost get behind this, but it's just so mediocre.

could you use a trip? i'd like to learn more of your teachings, o wise one


no I cannot, that would lead to lesser beings trying to filter my writings which is something I cannot have happen if I plan to make the world a better place

What's your chart, tough guy?

recs pls

but then how can i know if it is truly your wisdom, and not some false prophet?

I'm pretty obviously but I guess you're so illiterate you can't read the thread.

trust, you will know in your heart
I recommend taking a nice long walk, to a place you hold dear, coming home and deleting your library, it's awful.

I think we'd be good friends
+++Type O Negative, Tool
+Carly Rae, Madvillain, DG, Coil, Clipping, NIN, Vektor, Brand New
-Tame Impala, Opeth, RATM, Grimes,

now that's a shitty recommendation

recs please

equally as shit as your chart
please leave this site
never post here again
you're helpless and frankly, I think you should stop pretending to like music at all.

Wow great argument fagtron you sure convinced me with those hot opinions


okay time to stop posting now it ended being funny six posts ago take a lil nap-nap and start the day fresh tomorrow xoxo

toner low - III
stonehenge - bunch of bisons
mystic siva - s/t
i heard shxcxchcxsh - SsSsSsSsSs recently and that was neat, is linear s decoded similar?

Here's my new and improved chart guys, what do ya think?

here you can see an angered child, lashing out at an enlightened adult. I should stress the fact that you act like a 12 year old, I wouldn't be surprised if you actually were that young.
I wont stop posting because of you, I will continue to post. Every thread, you'll see me, you'll respond to me, you'll eventually come around and recognize my superior taste and all will be good.

do I qualify as normie?

also please rec

Oh no...

much better
though it is a bit lacking, perhaps you could do something about that?
yes you qualify as "normie"
you could also qualify as mentally handicapped if you show the state this chart.
I recommend you start fresh, maybe this time you don't listen to such garbage?

stop feeding the low effort troll

tumblr-core normie tier but ok


Yo dude id really like to see your chart

I'm not trolling, you're all being coddled in these threads and no one here will tell you that, no, you do not listen to good music, you listen to bad music. These threads are where /soc/ tier attentionfagging nobodies come to hear from other /soc/ tier attentionfagging nobodies that they have "good taste"
These threads also promote laziness in music, instead of actually looking for music yourself you all expect others to do it for you.
I'm and please refrain from calling me "dude"

that one poster is played out by this point ignore em.
+ for Sharrock and KLF

+ for Clark, Panda, Sweet Trip

O.K dude, can I call you bub?

how could I be "played out"
you seem jealous of the fact that I am miles ahead of you musically.
no you cannot, in fact I'd also appreciate if you hit that little red X in the corner of your screen

ok bub

who cares dude

yikes dude

good try user maybe next time

you're just trying to antagonize me and I will not succumb to it
literally everybody, you should too
what did you hope to accomplish with this post?

theres a difference between being coddled and just getting along in a thread for once. there's like 100 other threads to yell angry bullshit in, dude. you're as bad as that Unty guy was if you're not actually just him with a mask on.

my rec to you is this:

what did they mean by this?

what is the last rec? I mean, the one on the bottom right.