Clinton swag thread

rate, rec, guess personalities, etc

like you desu

lives in a forest

STEM major, somewhat introverted

Likes Flannels

I like Nujabes too

just gonna guess their plans for tonight

watching a film or 2

a bit of tv but will probably just go to bed early

playing video games

catching up on schoolwork or just watching tv

is probably going out with friends


Incredible String Band - The 5000 Spirits or the Layers of the Onion

Damu The Fudgemunk - Spare Time

Kim Fowley - Outrageous
James Pants - Welcome
Gary Wilson - You Think You Really Know Me

Olhon - Sinkhole

Ruins - Stonehenge

Archie Shepp - The Way Ahead

Dam-Funk - Toeachizown

I usually rate people but I don't know most of these albums. I'm sorry.

Thanks for the rec for Ruins, definitely what I'm looking for more of

hell yeah
fursaxa- lepidoptera
bugskull- phantasies and senseitions
oval- dok
vermomster- spirit of YMA
shipping news- three-four

hell yeah
fursaxa- lepidoptera
bugskull- phantasies and senseitions
oval- dok
vermomster- spirit of YMA
shipping news- three-four

nice bugskull
blues control- puff


Just heard of them/listened to snakland today, pretty cool album

Just what I've been listening to lately

You listened to El-P's other solo stuff? I need to give Fantastic Damage another listen myself, only heard it once or twice, but ISWYD is one of my favourite albums.

Taste is a bit mainstream, but these are consistently my top 4. If you have recommendations I'd love to hear them.

I'm again.

Glad I could help, f4m.

Swans - The Glowing Man

Antipop Consortium - Arrhythmia

Devo - Q: Are We Not Men?

The United States of America - s/t
V/A - Girls in the Garage
Ariel Pink - The Doldrums






trying to move on from something
listen to white light/white heat if you haven't yet

u feelin' alright senpai?
