Kpop general

twice thread

Other urls found in this thread:

Absolutely Based.

Three terrible threads, but this one was made first.

Neck yourself, all 3 of you.


super early

real thread here


Taeriff spotted

umji is a cute little princess

all good threads, honestly we should just keep on making kpop threads until Sup Forums is nothing but kpop

I guess this is the thread

Last Jihyo for the night x

Twice is okay in the studio but they aren't the next SNSD
Because there is never going to be another SNSD


thread was made at 309 you retards

I will tonight if you know what I mean ;)

that's the truth

This is just your friendly reminder that if you support Twice, you're supporting the death of kpop.

Wow you got him


twice arent even okay in the studio

>ringo pcy

My mom is babysoul tho

idk man I really really like TT
shame they can't perform it live to save their fucking lives though


Just like I got your mom if you know what I mean

i need more nara pics


No I don't please explain

useless in the pretend group just like in the real one.

Support talent. Support Pledis Girlz.

that's a cheerful Taengoorine

What does pledis stand for

zn is such a slut

I don't know, user!
It's just the company's name.

Our best group of 2016 everyone!!

I didn't realize how many primo tae webms I was missing 'til now

exo bf 2k17

She is pure. Never talk about her like that again.

[+15, -0] Kids going on about Bobby and Zico ㅋㅋㅋㅋ you think they can stand a chance on the same stage as Drunken Tiger? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Compare them maybe after 10 years have passed ㅋㅋㅋ It's sad that kids these days think Zico and Bobby are the hottest things ever and anyone who likes Drunken Tiger is treated like an old fart ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ



>MR removed in 2017



its some star cluster or something

we need to protect idols from bug attacks


>[UPDATE] Twice in Australia

So it begins...

there is LITERALLY nothing wrong with going up on stage, slightly wiggling in place, and letting lipsync cover your ass

Twiceshitters mad lmao

keep the dream alive

>until Sup Forums is nothing but kpop

hiroshimoot would probably cave and make /kr/ by then. He seems pliable


what have you done

>protect yulhee
m8 she's a fucking brute. she'll be fine.


there is if you then turn around and say your a great live performer.


i would normally word but he's a quality stock hypeman, a variety ace is hard to come by these days. it makes you grateful for a kid like pcy

All right, I'm not a Twiceshitter, but I'm gonna go see them.

i just like posting taes


keep it up taebro

wtf. did you got me?
user that's gay

looking at webms of tae is my hobby. keep it up

>new groups

Best of luck! Theyre somewhere in Sydney

are they gonna film something or have a jacket shooting or what?


Oh they're just shooting a CF.
I thought they might be doing something. Maybe a show or something.


>PLEASE like my old dead groups I am begging to be relevant
Old group shitters at it again


the problem is that twice just sounds like children when they sing

and i don't mean it like lovelyz or omg, who also sound young, because they sing like kids in a choir with nice melodies and harmonies

twice just sounds like children talk-singing for lack of a better word, and i blame jyp's techniques

this is your new lawyer

say hello


slutty whore

who is that in the pink?

Why is she a slutty whore

Sm is finally losing it

Lay's voice is perfect for this

KDF 2017?

To save our idol waifus from any alien attack

Cosmic hul...

who the fuck is making these bizarre meme tier teasers

she has casual sex with multiple men at the same time and JYP pimps her out

pretty sure that's pany

I just can't support this, you're messing with something that is sacred

loved this moment at the gayos, it's so cute

Too late for that, they're already among us


Why do you project this much to fit your little fantasy

WJSN threw away History and Up10tion's albums

You can even see their names on the album, these were found in a second hand bookstore, they were selling them

Whether they threw them away themselves, or the company threw them away, with their names written of it like that is really wrong...

post response: +37

original post: here

1. Aigo...

2. They even wrote the names on them... I don't think WJSN were the ones who threw them...

3. But on WJSN's reality show, you could see that they display all the albums that other artists give them

4. Their supervisor must be at fault... We still need an apology

5 Hul their sunbaes signed them on top of it..

6. I don't think they even handed to WJSN in the first place..

7. There were a lot of instances in the past where people cleaning the idols' rooms just threw other people's CDs away

Hay nomu nomu nomu..

is 2017 really the year of sulli nips on the silver screen?

twice tv, elegant life and their vlives are very re-watchable


ASC New Year Special
1:00 PM KST

Just the three hosts.

surely they aren't talking about the money, because this could be fan made

look mate I was just embellishing the truth slightly because I thought you were the type to appreciate it but the fact is that sana is a bona fide slut

idols should not being having casual sex and the only reason she gets away with it is because she's a slutty waegukin whore

nnngghhhh.. Seola..

>twice just sounds like children talk-singing for lack of a better word
This is very accurate
>and i blame jyp's techniques
This is dumb though when you have WG, Miss A, 2PM/2AM
I don't understand how Twice can be so bad vocally when their sunbae are all so talented

warms my heart