Tell friend I don't like trap or hip hop

>tell friend I don't like trap or hip hop
>unironically asked if I was a racist

What the fuck?
Is this a thing now?

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pretty much

you probably are 2bh

it's just a meme dude
I just think a lot of modern rap has awful lyrics and most of the production sounds the same and the genre is saturated with no talent retards. There's a few good albums of course but I'm not a big fan of the genre as a whole. I'm mostly into /bleep/ shit.

>I just think a lot of modern rap has awful lyrics and most of the production sounds the same and the genre is saturated with no talent retards. There's a few good albums of course but I'm not a big fan of the genre as a whole. I'm mostly into /bleep/ shit.
What modern rap have you listened to?

Not to be stereotypical, but most of the people who something like this usually haven't listened to much.

Dunno if you're racist, but you probably have shit taste

you sound kind of racist t b h

Yeah this

I don't like rap as much as other people but most of the people that say that and are proud of it are always racists

bleep man not into hip hop?

cringe mate, just look up ur average nas wannabe on datpiff or something

if you like old hip hop you still like hip hop

if you dont like hip hop at all for the reason you said you're probably racist


I like old hip hop a lot more than the new shit
21 Savage, Chief Keef, Migos, Young Thug, Future, that shit is what I don't like. Can't stand stuff like Run the Jewels either.
I liked Atrocity Exhibition though.

Yeah those rappers are shit party rappers. Don't just dismiss the genre based on that

hate to say it to u but ur a massive hip hop pleb

Royce da 5'9" - Layers
Dillon & Paten Locke - Food Chain
A Tribe Called Quest - We Got It From Here...
Kendrick Lamar - Untitled Unmastered
Odissee - Alwasta
Joey Purp - iiiDrops
Noname - Telefone
J-Zone - Fish-n-Grits
YG - Still Brazy
Ka - Honor Killed the Samurai
Westside Gunn - Flyguy
Elzhi - Lead Poison
Aesop Rock - The Impossible Kid
Common - Black America Again
Swet Shop Boys - Cashmere
Kemba - Negus
Mac Miller - The Divine Feminine
NxWorries - Yes Lawd!

I haven't even begun to mention the """good""" projects


all shit except for young thug
future has some good songs
rest are just meme rappers
listen to yg joey badass and curren$y

migos is good
savage is good

by the way joey badass fucking sucks

Thanks m8
Will listen
I know I'm a pleb. Never investigated the genre much because I hear it while hanging out with friends and it's the same popular stuff that I'm not into.
OK yeah I heard of YG but I couldn't tell you any songs

trap is the PINNACLE OF TRASH. it's always accompanied by unlegible lyrics and all the retarded ass bitches say "yo that shit was fire!". FUCK THEM.

I doubt he thinks you're racist just because you don't like hip hop, he's probably basing this assumption on this and other comments you've made.

This guy is a massive pleb. do not listen.

Trap is nothing but pure bix nood. If not liking trap makes one racist, then I'm a proud racist.

nobody over the age of eighteen should ever listen to joey badass

>Not liking trap and hip hop
>Shit Taste

Pick one

Pick both you mean

its a gamer isle

this list is trash

But hip hop sucks

Just wanted to check...

Is that Herbie Hancock?

You sound like a racist to me OP

Yeah, being a millenial must not be fun with the brainless social justice warriors. Just remember aposematism. If you don't know what it is, look it up.

Imagine getting so ass-hurt over a question that you have to make a thread on the internet about why someone would offend you with such a question?

It's a pretty stupid question to ask over that though desu

i like trap and hip hop.

i'd laugh at the idiot who called you racist for not liking it.

identity politics is an absolute joke. these people will character assassinate you over nothing these days.

>Not wanting to fund artists that contribute to the idea that one of the only ways for blacks to escape poverty is through committing criminal acts that destroy their communities is racist

The liberal holocaust cannot fucking come soon enough

>tell friend I like trap or hip hop
>unironically asked if I was a racist

this is a poor point of critique.

by this logic we should refuse to make available all of the early blues + delta blues genre and wipe it from the national records because they talk about the same things (getting money, getting loaded, getting bitches, getting even et al)

not an identity politics addled liberal myself but this was a dumb post.

>X is a bad argument because I'm willing to accept the consequences

Sick of this fucking shit counterargument desu

your position leads to paternalism as well. just like the liberals.

are you trying to disallow the gore motifs prevalent in primarily white music like grindcore for example? why not speak out against white music that has very clear and anti-social connotations to it?

you are conflating social and economic aspects here and disallowing the sovereignty of expression in the process.

i believe in a free and open marketplace of ideas. i'm not white, but i wouldn't be against people who support ethno-nationalism to be able to speak on these matters publicly for example, even to make music about it either, because i don't want to delimit creative and ideological expression.

Vomiting up the product of your assumptions isn't the same as arguing.
I'm fucking done with you kid

>I'm fucking done with you kid

aka i'm nervously tapping out now.

okay, just know that you're only a half-hearted defender of free speech.

bye :^)

Your post started with the unjustified assumption that parternalism is bad. I can't argue with a person who doesn't acknowledge his opinions as opinions.

>>I'm fucking done with you kid

>rustled right back into posting

you triggered dullard lmao.

you want free speech on your own terms. get over your little egotistical vagaries and accept this already.

>Implying I want free speech
I'm the one arguing for restrictions on speech by criticizing rap and blues music. Seditious music like leftist grindcore fits the bill too

I did.

Here's A song from his worst album because this thread doesn't deserve his good shit.

>>Implying I want free speech

ah, so you're just a coward then. that's nice.

you're literally talking to a non-white guy who'd support ethno-nationalists getting the chance to speak publicly. apparently i have a stronger ideological backbone than your ressentiment peddling ass will ever possess.

that god the country isn't consigned to your anemic brad of thought. what a sad place that would be.

you're the bizarro sjw and you're too embittered to see it.

Listen to A Tribe Called Quests latest album its my runnerup ao2016

>Not wanting free speech is cowardice
No, assuming that the average person deserves freedom is retardation. States don't need to be brave, they need to be effective.

Herbie Handcock looks amgery in this picture

Man Herbie looked amazing back then.

>my friend is retarded
>better go ask Sup Forums if everyone is retarded

Fuck off, this race baiting shit is so tiring.

Man the 80S were weird for Herbie Hancock.

don't get too dizzy on that carousel, o bizarro sjw.

remember that you can jump off any time you want. though i don't expect you to.

I was wrong about Herbie he became a businessman really cleaned himself up.

>le anyone who supports paternalism is an sjw
Wow I'm fucking shocked that a liberal is a reductionist.

I really hope Herbie's new album is gonna be good. I have really high hopes for it.

fuck off dude

>mac miller
>implying anything besides faces is good

>I haven't even begun to mention the """good""" projects

if it's anything like your list then don't bother


Racist isn't an insult anymore OP, it's the current year

Fuck Drumpf and fuck white "people".

Man look at all these keyboard. He sure is dedicated to his craft.

Kill all whites. Stamp out intolerance. Bash the Fash 2k17

No he literally meant the opposite

If you kill all whites you can eliminate the need for intolerance against whites and ostensibly intolerance in general. Doing so also doesn't require fascism. Learn to shitpost, looser.

Now personally I think this is the best record of Herbie's early career, the samba/Latin percussion really add a nice touch to the texture of the music.