What would this poll look like for Sup Forums?

What would this poll look like for Sup Forums?

Pic related is /biz/'s.

You know what would give a good indication?
If you had actually made a poll for it, smartguy

it's just going to be 95% neets

Make one?

>/biz/ is mostly students, people probably stuck in dead end jobs and NEETs

really makes you think

Make a poll then, spastic


This is the whole of Sup Forums too I think

If you're so sure, then why even make the thread

Fuck's sake! do you even think about what you're saying?


Fuck you and your stupid meme

why are leafs allowed on this site again?


Those who attack Canada for no reason like him are all Sup Forumstards

no he's right

we're awful posters

College, no job, Part time, and NEET would suck up the others mostly. Probably a good deal of Full timers too maybe.

I doubt we have college over 12k though.

I make around 12k a year and I'm in college.

It's a part time but with lots of overtime.

>In College
so basically either I've been posting with literal teenagers all these years or most people on Sup Forums are newcancer. good to know.

>he actually took an anonymous anime site seriously

dude u know this site is for fun right?


People of all ages go to college.

I'm in college because I didn't go straight out of high school. I'll be 24 when I graduate this year

im sure that communications degree will work out for you lol

This thread was poorly set up

70% are college students with no job, the rest are americans.

I make over 5x more than 20k/year, how hard is it to make money for some people nowadays?

a lot of people are retarded lmao