What album of this generation will be regarded as 'high art' in the future?

what album of this generation will be regarded as 'high art' in the future?




I hate to be that guy, but actual contemporary classical releases



contemporary classical is full of hacks. You're talking like Frahm, Rihm, Glass, etc? All those "composers" fucking suck.

also these

only Rihm of those three. There are plenty of good composers still

I don't know what will be remembered as high art, but Jeff Rosenstock will be remembered as the most important songwriter of his generation.

all of these


really tho, as much as I hate to say it, anything spawned by the internet. can just see the whole music history major with a ~focus~ in "internet culture" (aka vapor wave, mallgoth, etc.) Anything with an aesthetic and a fan base/message. It'll basically become the new post-modernism so colleges will hop all over this shit 20-40 years down the road. Going to be ~experts~ on it and such...so ridiculous.

on what basis do you say this? i'm asking as someone ignorant of classical music/composition/etc

The Seer.

>ever being considered high art
God I can't stand you fuckers. I love Swans.
Pre breakup swans that is
They should have stopped after Dead


The only good art from this decade is The Art Work.

Absolutely this


definitely not these


the idea of high and low art will probably die out, all for the better

I don't necessarily see Blonde as being remembered as high art, but I'll be damned if Frank doesn't go down as one of the best song as well as album writers of the digital age.


This one, for certain.
>tfw you'll be asked by some kid what it was like to live during Kanye's time

Fuck off

he doesn't have a basis for saying it, he's either baiting or a retard

>tfw all this shit was seven years ago