Only $5 for four months of getting track ratings on RYM. It's a pretty nice feature. Anyways...

Only $5 for four months of getting track ratings on RYM. It's a pretty nice feature. Anyways, give me an album and I'll give you track ratings of it.

tago mago

Orthrelm - Asristir Vieldriox

Bitte Orca

R Plus Seven

College Dropout

Beach Boys - Sunflower

Under the sun - Mark pritchard

Quite frontloaded
Lol. No one gave it track ratings thankfully, so no aggregate score.

Halleluwah not having a very clear lead is kinda surprising.

Never listened to this one

I didn't think Inside World was that bad

All Falls Down > Jesus Walks. Never understood what was so great about that song.

Why didn't Forever sell like Kokomo did :(

Does Thom kill his track?

That was quick. Night yall.

I don't even like Radiohead that much but Beautiful People is so fuckin solid

I'd add 0.5 more for each track but this is a solid judgement. Glad you had an overall ok time with the album

Weird, those 5s all look like 3s, and 4s on my screen. My screen must be smudgy.

inside world is a pleb filter, and chrome country should be even higher

thanks by the way

Haven't checked it out at all, these are just the aggregate ratings on RYM. I'm definitely gonna give it a listen though.

Elvis Costello - This Years Model

>Workout Plan and New Workout Plan above 1.0

Jane Doe
Si Monument Requires Circumspice

Here ya go

The Beach Boys - Surf's Up

I got nothing out of this album :/


I'm a dumbass and thanks

One of these things is not Mike the others

Haha requested it just to see that one track, fuck it should be way lower though

New Workout Plan is good though


Remain in Light

Autobahn and uh, here's some filler.

Leaves Turn Inside You

Another Green World

Aw man, The Overload was my favorite track...

slow jamz is a 5 by default

Hounds of Love

Wow, pretty consistent.

Laughing Stock

Torture Garden

As someone who gave the first six tracks 5 stars, a bit disappointed at these scores.

the band - the band


Ooh neat, a 4.7

the village green preservation society

Ugh, it sucks messing up when it means doing these shit captchas again.

Alright, no new requests after this post. I have to sleep at some point.

God dammit, some cunt broke 4.0+ streak twice

Wow I expected the 4.7 to be the title track
>Mother Stands for Comfort not a 4.2 or above

john zorn is

>Runeii not bold

too quirky for me

Ain't no Big Pink

Sometimes I think with some of these album ratings that all the songs are really similar (not a bad thing), and so the early tracks get high rankings because the sound is still fresh at that point.

and night yall

To Pimp a Butterfly