Give ONE (1) reason why Bonito Generation by Kero Kero Bonito isn't the 2016 AOTY

Give ONE (1) reason why Bonito Generation by Kero Kero Bonito isn't the 2016 AOTY.

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meme trash for autistic weebs who missed out on vaporwave's peak

bad post.

Because it wasn't good

it makes me cringe and it makes me angry that beta orbiters enable the success of gimmick trash

She a cute! Cute!

I'd rather listen to actual J-pop

It's bad.

>meme trash for autistic weebs
Wew, that non-argument can be applied to Vaporwave as well. What exactly is Vaporwave's peak then?

>gimmick trash
I agree that KKB is gimmicky to an extent, but that definitely doesn't make it trash.

Sarah is truly ultimate qt. :3

Fair enough.

Refer to this: :^)

Because Suiyoubi No Campanella does better music

>it's a "eternally sexless Sup Forums drone manbabies are literally incapable of discussing music made by a female without revealing their deserved and everlasting virginity" thread

Because there were other albums that were better than it

Music for le nerdy redditors who love Japan xd and normie-approved anime like One Punch Man

Belongs in a cringe comp, literally the soundtrack for weebs to use to pretend their japanese. The only thing worse than the group themselves are their obnoxious fans who spam threads about them on 4ch- oh wait.

Grade A bait.

Cultural appropriation: the band

im not a weeb and i love kkb

I like KKB but I have zero interest in Japanese culture

She's half-japanese so it doesn't matter!

i'm not a weeb or a pedo

one guy is spamming it

they got more annoying shtick than daniel johnston and thats saying something