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I used to listen to this guy when I was a teenager. But then I realized he was just a cuck for Islam.

I guess you'll post every album everyday for 2017. Probably the only decent Sup Forums achievement ever made.

I don't know if it's Muslim but it probably doesn't matter

If it shouts 'Alahu' Akbar whilst blowing up and gang rapes white women & children it is Muslim, if it is a a thin transparent fabric of silk, linen, or cotton it is not.

I just started getting into him and I'm very anti immigration and critical of religion and shit. Do I need to be worried?

interesting shit senpai. Will check out

My impression of him was that he was sympathetic to Muslims from a distance, now that Muslims are right in our face starting shit on a huge scale I am pretty hostile to his whole thing he had going on. Who knows, if Bryn was alive today he might agree. In general, we were all pretty naive about these things decades ago.


Also, funny story. When I was all blue pilled on this stuff, during my first encounter with the Muslim neighbors that red pilled me first hand I was wearing an actual Muslimgauze t-shirt from the 90's LOL. (They turned out to be rapists etc, one even went to attack my mother).


Haha fucking epic bro xd

>now that Muslims are right in our face

yeah because pakis magically appeared after his death

Haha yeah man, I feel like I could write a short book or article on the whole experience. Having them as neighbors truly was a steep learning curve.

No not that, but the true extent of their scourge on our countries has only recently come to light for the vast majority of the general public. Most people didn't know anything about them, if anything people curious/fascinated about their culture, I mean look at Bryn Jones LOL. Him and the whole Muslimgauze project truly was indicative of our societies nativity as as a whole.

Just think, when Bryn was making this Muslim praising music, Muslims were in full gear targeting white British children for gang rape and racially abusing them.

And you can't say it hasn't ramped up, we are being flooded with them. Sweden will prob be the first European country to turn Muslim.

what happened? ? ?

btw what are his best alubms? I've only listened to Mulah Said so far. and it's dank. I love the hypnotic groove.

Well, one of them got caught for rape, and during the court case break he ran away, and then his friends helped him load all his stuff in a van from his flat really quickly and they drove off. And from that day, the flat was empty and now I have new neighbors that are nice. His friends were all local taxi drivers, shop keepers etc. People have actually told me they have seen the guy who ran away from court working in local Muslim shops still.

I think they might have been doing grooming tier stuff in the flat also whilst they were staying there, I wasn't aware at the time because I was just an average ignorant leftist. There were taxis parked outside at all times of night, different guys going in and out.. One night I heard a white woman crying etc in their flat because one of them hit her.

This is in Brighton btw. Shits getting real.

The local Muslim community hide him and are complicit in similar acts.

I have other stories as well, general violence etc. The whole community aspect of it.

Azzazin is the best.

shit sucks man :( I hope that the police and stuff will toughen up against rape and whatever. scary.

gotta be careful not to judge the few good guys just because there is this widespread problem though.

copping this thx
Muslimgauze - Azzazin (picture disc, 1996)
>ambient, sound collage

This is easily confused with with the CD Azzazin release (which is mostly shitty synth droning, totally boring). This release seems to take some of the original Azzazin recordings and add a bunch of densely layered overdubs. There's lots of drumming (and other typical Muslimgauze things), but it's not particularly rhythmic. It mostly takes the form of abstract collage.

>I just started listening to Wagner but I'm not an antisemitic German nationalist
>I just started reading Dostoevsky but I'm not an Orthodox Christian
>I just started watching anime but I'm not a weeb virgin

good to see people in here havent been fooled into falling for the "religion of peace" bullshit. islam is a filthy ideology. i mean all religion sucks, but islam is the worst, by far.

He used to do it quite a lot. He has plenty of remixes or cross-references to other tracks and releases in his music. Not only album titles but also much more obscure stuff like samples, edits, song titles and so on.

It's a bit like Easter eggs for dedicated fans.

The term is Islamaboo

Yeah you are right man, there are some brilliant people of Middle Eastern descent, but now knowing what I know I think we really need to lessen immigration from places such as Afghanistan, Pakistan and North African, we just can't cant cope with it at this scale. Maybe if we had kept a smaller level of immigration it could have been manageable, but with what is happening now I think a lot of Europe will drastically change within the next 50 years. For example Sweden will never be the same.

i came back from europe holiday just over 2 months ago. its not the same as times id been there before. fucking sad. especially paris.

Anons, which are his 4-5 best albums?
Damn, I fucking hate overly prolific artists.

i still cant believe how many libtards cuck for islam when it goes against everything they supposedly stand for.

No one is cucking for islam anymore now stfu and let's talk about music

Yeah I bet, Paris seems pretty out of control with this stuff. Just speaking as a person from the UK, I have never lived in places like London or Rotheram so I was completely insulated from this stuff. I have lived in Brighton my whole life, growing up it was nice, there was some diversity but it seemed to work pretty well, we were all friends, racism was barely heard of around my generation. But these past years, stuff has really ramped up. I can see the beginnings here of what happened in places like Luton, where you have the last white person (or even non Muslim) on a street.. The whole place changes around you, and you find yourself surrounded.. A lot of the people are nice, but a lot of the people (Muslims in particular) are completely hostile to you.. And the idea of raising a daughter in this neighbor, forget about it.



There are several lists out there, here is one of them which I managed to find:

For the more rhythmic techno:
>Alms for Iraq
>Red Madrassa
>Iranair Inflight Magazine

For the more percussion-centered and ethnic stuff:
>Zourif Moussa
>Fakir Sind

>Mullah Said


80s Industrial:
>Ayatollah Dollar

yeah, i was quite shocked by it. and the hostility is real. theres a bad vibe brewing in europe, somethings gonna break.

Another one:
Early industrial:
Buddhist on Fire

Mullah Said
Occupied Territories
Gun Aramaic

Ayatollah Dollar
Babylon iz Iraq

United States of Islam
Iranair Inflight Magazine
No Human Rights for Arabs in Israel

Percussion-based groove:
Vote Hezbollah
Your Mines in Kabul

Iranian Female Olympic Table Tennis Team Theme

It's funny, I wasn't aware of the hostility to begin with. I used to go to a local Muslim shop (they literally cut up Halal meat illegally in the back) to get ginger root, and the guy at the counter was always slightly aggressive and aloof, I just presumed it was like their average temperament to everyone lol. But the shop seems to have a kind of unwritten rule it is just for the local Muslim community (and they certainly only employ other Muslims as with almost all Muslim owned shops). These types of Muslims will almost never be kind to a western guy, but you might see them putting on a friendly front to western women (because they just want to fuck them), that is about all you can expect.

You are right, something will break, probably on the continent in France, Germany or perhaps even Sweden (but with Sweden I see it more as a gradual surrender than the place where a civil war will happen.. They are already giving up policing certain zones there such as Rosengarrd).

It seems Sweden is gone, and they did it to themselves.

Yep. Very avoidable from their standpoint.

sweden is cuck central man. they did it for liberal brownie points and ended up bent over a barrel. germany's not far behind.

Shitty ripoff music by someone who knows shit about the culture behind the music he's making, thereby making every single release automatically unauthentic. Waste of time you could be using to listen to actual Muslim music if you wanted.

thanks user.
What about Intifaxa and Return of Black September?
I remember to have listened to them a few years ago but I have almost no memory of them.

>anti immigration
hopefully you mean "anti-refugee", otherwise you're just a cunt.

>Waste of time you could be using to listen to actual Muslim music

You gotta be at least anti mass-migration, otherwise you're just a cunt. The refugee crisis is just a straight up invasion.

ohhh all these women and children flooding into other countries. those refugees. where are the pictures of them again? all i see is young men.

>all i see is young men.

Yeah, young men with their hands open and a raging hard on.


If you are going to quote me, do it properly, fucking idiot.


Sorry i had to desu.

women and children first doesn't apply to muslims.

>They are already giving up policing certain zones there such as Rosengarrd

"In 2008, 86% of the population was of foreign background" (wikipedia)

holy shit

Yeah it's pretty mental, lots of other places like this in Sweden (not to mention the issues everywhere else).

I first heard about Rosengarrd in this documentary

It's quite long but I recommend having a quick skim through it. Is an Arab guy going to some of the various 'no-go zones' across Europe including Rosengarrd.

You know what really sucks about this? Is that there's a small minority of non-muslim arabs (see: me) who are trying hard to get out this shithole and actually want to fit into the developed world but are getting their chances ruined by these barbarian cunts just because we belong to the same race and have similar sounding names.

>Return of Black September
Not him but it's great. Pretty low-key and chill iirc.
By the way I think Hamas Cinema Gaza Strip is one of the best introductory albums. Izlamaphobia too.

Also the fact that every Muslimgauze thread here devolves into a Sup Forums shitfest is a testament to why artists, even (especially) good ones should stfu about politics.

>Muslim music

Music isn't allowed in Islam you dumb fuck. It's Arabic music.

>Also the fact that every Muslimgauze thread here devolves into a Sup Forums shitfest is a testament to why artists, even (especially) good ones should stfu about politics.
or maybe Sup Forums should learn how to keep their goddamn mouths shut.

Yeah the western governments could have set things up so that at least the only people coming were people who were not hostile to us etc, but now the flood gates are wide open and it is pretty much every person coming from these countries regardless of temperament. A lot of the western countries will increasingly start looking like the countries the people come from.

>or maybe Sup Forums should learn how to keep their goddamn mouths shut.

We will shut our mouths when the Bolsheviks do ;3.

it's because the loudest voices at the time were idiotic bleeding hearts crying "LET THEM ALL IN!", with no proper screening process in place. recipe for disaster.


Yep. It has all been very avoidable. It makes you think whether the people in charge are either stupid, or have a bigger plan.

>mfw Palestinians are never EVER getting a state

bigger plan indeed.

not exactly, most of Muslim schools are OK with it, thus there has been a certain genre of music that had a religious theme, like this beautiful song for example

Interesting to hear muslimgauze in today's completely mediatized and politicized world. Bryn Jones never visited the occupied lands and his music can be interpreted as his way of recreating the experience of an over romanticized ME. It's gonna be easy for contemporary anons to dismiss it as pro-something propaganda or muslim pandering, which in a way Musligauze is, but it really comes from one individual's autism. I haven't heard all his music, as some user say over prolific artists can be a pain in the ass, specially when their output is so uneven. Of what I heard this is what I like the most:
Abu Nidal
Coup D'Etat
Bandit Queen
Tandoori Dog

can someone explain to me why globalism is bad

You have to be an idiot to allow Muslims to migrate to your country. You have to be mentally ill to allow Muslims to migrate to your country en masse.

They're literally destroying Germany, France, and Sweden

globalism isn't bad in itself.
it's what's being globalized what is anti-human. If we were globalizing free access to information, resources and development, nobody would be complaining. But the globalization of the ravenous post-capitalist system that's being pushed only benefits a very little part of the population.

Naw man only retarded saudi salafi does that

pic related
not only that
but you weaponize the muslims for 20 years, bombing them in their countries every day, killing their parents and allowing (even financing in a way) the export of the jihadist ideology from saudi arabia. I'm tempted to attribute to malice what could be explained as recklessness and stupidity, because it's too much and because the way we're being propagandized by the media to believe fake narratives that support the importing of weaponized muslims to the west.

What is referred to as globalism is a mono-cultural global totalitarian order ruled by Bolshevik ideologues.

>Bolshevik ideologues.
how is it bloshevik to reduce the state to a welfare state for corporations?

Vatican Shadow is a good update on Muslimgauze sound and ideas.

That is how the ideology tends to play out. The revolutionaries become the bourgeois that they ranted about so fiercely.

The real debate is whether the revolution is ever really grass roots to begin with.

>tfw when we were being manipulated the whole time

I actually disagree with your point about the romanticism of Bryn Jones.

Muslimgauze uses a huge variety of sources, from traditional music to political propaganda to everyday life to depict a very complex social and cultural reality. It is incredibly different from the "Arabian Nights" type clichés, as well as from the NGO-tourism type of esthetic that is recurrent in world music.
He paints a picture of the Muslim world and art that is gritty, bleak and harsh but also colorful and extremely profound. Just think about his utilization of Arab AM radio samples along with traditional instrumentation, or merging harsh industrial beats with Bhangra rhythms (in track named after a street vendor dish), or recording delicate harmonies juxtaposed with Yassir Arafat interview bits; all of those showcase an interest and familiarity that far transcend facile and superficial imagination.

Great recommendations btw.

The Bolshevik ideology is based upon the oppression principle, that anyone that succeeds did so via impression. They seek to crush any tall poppies. The only way to make everyone equal is to crush everyone to the same level.. And the people behind it all ironically become a super class of their own.. Anyone who fiercely pushes Communism just wants to be a bourgeois that is higher than everyone else, as they can't succeed in any other system they have to play dirty tricks and crush their competition.

I don't know if any intelligent people actually believe the Communists ideology.. If you see an intelligent Communist they are most likely a Sociopath who sees Communism as a way to manipulate the 'plebs' whilst using it to propel themselves higher up in society.

>via impression

via oppression* God Dammit.

Even though two other posters have already proved you wrong, I know plenty of Muslims who listen to music, fucking idiot.

>The real debate is whether the revolution is ever really grass roots to begin with.
There's no revolution, just a slow unsustainable blind movement towards the consumption of everything and everyone. A globalist world means the first world and the third world exist in the same place at the same time. One is the slave labor and the other is addicted to products and services.
By romantic I didn't mean superficial or bland. By romantic I meant evocative to the point of the hallucinatory. Everything he uses in his music, from the choice of beats, to the samples, to the lo-fi texture serves his main purpose of transporting the listener to the ME. It's extremely political too, but his politics are told from the perspective of the local characters, the street vendor, the hash smoker, the snake charmer, the jihadi, the mullah. It's not political in the geo-political strategy historical complex understanding of the situation.
The communist capitalist dichotomy is a false one, specially today, with most economies being mixed economies. All power if unchecked moves towards consolidation. Look at the international media, how many record companies, movie studios did we have 20 years ago? How many do we have now? What about print publications? Internet browsers? Capitalist or communist, what is wrong is not the ideology itself but how the people at the top manipulate the population to work against their own self-interest.

Just because there's plenty of Muslims who listen to music or Islamic themed music existing doesn't mean it's not against islamic scripture.
There's still a large number of Muslims who sincerely believe music is a sin (specifically wind, string, and percussion instruments).

I know because:
a) I speak arabic b) was raised a Muslim and left the religion

you left islam and youre still alive? lucky mofo.

how the fuck can you believe music is a sin?! that is just.... what the fuck. that would drive any one crazy, no wonder theyre fucking nuts.

there's lots like me but in the closet

>islam is monolithic religion with a central authority

> there's lots like me but in the closet

and thats the fucking problem. speak up you cunts.

It's a salafist fundamentalist thought, it's not even music but instruments? have you heard the isis nasheeds? They're very musical, they just don't use instruments. It's all acappela anthems, some really beautiful.
This user isn't a muslim or maybe he's using the old taqiyya tradition, for what purpose? You'd be surprised of the many reasons people have to lie on an anonymous haitian fantasy soccer board.

He is saying a vast majority of Muslim Refugees are young adult males, perfect conscripts for Jihad.

we don't wanna die
>the old taqiyya tradition
why in the world would I be a Muslim and blast Islam?

Before anyone starts throwing sources at me that legitimize musical instruments in Islam, I know that these exist too. The whole religion is just a clusterfuck of contradictions like all other abrahamic religions. I'm just sharing the most commonly shared belief by most Muslims.

> we don't wanna die

scared of the "religion of peace". nothings going to change until you lot start speaking out against these scum.

I have to disagree here. The only comparison is in the audio, and still that only applies to specific records (Veiled Sisters, Betrayal, etc).

Jones is extremely clear-cut with his political stance (anti-Israel, pro-Arab) and deals with that through the imagery and audio. Fernow deliberately explores the ambiguity, confusion, anxiety and the us-vs-them feelings surrounding war and politics. Vatican Shadow is much more about media's role in muddling things, rather than offering an explicit one-sided stance, such as THIS is bad because of THIS.

Dom has been vocal about Bryn's influence, but they're dealing with themes of war and politics in very, very different ways.

Some of us are, and they get all kinds of death threats. I respect their courage desu, but at the same time I value my own life (both in the literal and social meaning) too much to take this risk.

The times have changed
It's almost impossible in today's world to have a clear-cut political stance without being fooled. You could say Bryn was more innocent because he created his music in more innocent times. Of course Vatican Shadow would have to update the themes and the interpretation of reality. I don't really disagree with you, it's not a linear update but one that takes into account the different dimensions and possibilities of political discourse in our world.

Think about the war in Syria. Who would Bryn support through his music? The Lion of Damascus? The black standard of the abassid revolution? Al-Nusra or other CIA/Mossad backed moderate rebels that most liberals back out of guilt? What would his stance on the refugee crisis be?

No because Mslimgauze is good and VS reeks of tryhardness.

>doesn't mean it's not against islamic scripture.
dude it's not even the Quran
also al-Munajjid is a pure Salafist so...

Praying five times a day isn't in the Quran too. Point is if you're going to argue that the Quran is the only source of information on Islam, then you've just invalidated 50% of the religion.

whatever, this thread has been de-railed enough. back to music discussion