What headphones does Sup Forums have?

I am liking the look of the Focal Utopia and Elear, am unsure which to get.

My one concern is that they will leak too much sound and other people in my flat will hear what I am listening to. Does anyone here have any experience with Focal?

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just bought these, what am i in for?

beats because I'm not a rockist

Great speakers, wires snap in 7 to 9 months then you'll need to mail off for a replacement , unless you don't use them much

Well, they seem pretty inexpensive, which makes me skeptical.

If you are looking for cheap headphones, if you can get them for the $200 price I would definitely get the 'Sennheiser x Massdrop HD6XX'. youtube.com/watch?v=pUKbI8p2bRk

Are beyerdynamics actually made in Germany?

I own 6 pairs, no wires snapped yet.

We can only take their word for it.

I doubt they would print "Made in Germany" on the box if they were not

Yeah, I'm pretty sure those sort of claims are regulated by law too.

Ordered them yesterday, what does Sup Forums think?

They were discounted, think is a pretty good buy for 50 eur

>50 eur

Prob still a lot better than beats lol.

They can be made in China, transported to Germany and then get "made in Germany" put on it. Same happens with jeans (made in Italy).

I don't know those but Panasonic has some great cheap stuff

M50x cause it's not a meme.

Fostex TRP50 MK3. Great headphones just need new pads and a good amp.


I'm pretty sure you also have to say where they're assembled if that is the case.

The DT-line are assembled in Germany though.

Does anyone on Sup Forums spend more than $200 on headphones? This is the board of music connoisseurs, I would have thought you would be perusing the audiophile tier headphones.

>I own 6 pairs, no wires snapped yet
If you were using 1 pair going to college every day with a rucksack for a few terms I would bet €50 they aren't robust enough to cope

Regularly 500, got them for 300. They're amazing.

>more than $200 on headphones
$140 was the most mine cost. I'd buy the more expensive ones but I live in a socialist country with a constitutional monarchy :(

I'm a broke as fuck uni student, hence M50x's. I have a pretty good set up at my home studio, though, pretty good quality monitors and stuff.

>Not m40x

I currently use the Audeze LCD2 with phazers
I used to use the sennheiser hd650s
For portable use I use denon ah mm400s
Retired portable use - sennheiser momentum
for my guitar amp - akg k240 with velour pads
for my electronic drum kit - sony mdr v5
for my dac and amp I use a magni 2 and modi

I have a sennheiser hd558 laying around for no reason too.

What country desu?

Ah, fair enough if you guys are young. Gotta start rolling in the dough for them $4000 Focal Utopias right ;3

>I used to use the sennheiser hd650s
but I still own them


Its hilarious that this thread is still up. Dont mods care at all about this board?



How is this not relevant?

>wait until January for sales
>Headphones only got more expensive
Should've bought hd558s when they were €90

earpods user detected

>a broke as fuck uni student, hence M50x's. I have a pretty good set

Portman would lend you $10k to $500k 100% tax deductible no deposit needed

Read the rules of the music board. Now read the rules of the technology board.

Then make an educated guess as to why this thread might fit better into the latter board. Its really not this fucking difficult.

ive been here for 8 years and I have very little tolerance to offtopic bullshit, because this board used to actually be about music

Ausfag though... Is that a factor?

I think a board directed completely at listening to music can handle one thread about the actual device you use to listen to music.

Let's have another kpop thread :)

Maybe, they're used in my home studio.

set up a company go looking for stupid finance - it's out there


it's fun to tap on the side of them


same here famalam

You're right. Could we get a reaction face thread going?

ATH-IM02. Some of the best bang for buck if you're into BA sound.

Just bought some MDR-V55 headphones. Hopefully these last ten years.

I know Sennheiser HD600 is genuinely made in Ireland because since their factory there burned down they use slightly different parts

fashion wise might not

I bought Fidelio X2s when they first came out for £250, that's like $300 or something.